paraview Package¶
The paraview package provides modules used to script ParaView. Generally, users should import the modules of interest directly e.g.:
from paraview.simple import *
However, one may want to import paraview package before importing any of the ParaView modules to force backwards compatibility to an older version:
# To run scripts written for ParaView 4.0 in newer versions, you can use the
# following.
import paraview
paraview.compatibility.major = 4
paraview.compatibility.minor = 0
# Now, import the modules of interest.
from paraview.simple import *
- exception paraview.__init__.NotSupportedException(msg)[source]¶
Exception that is fired when obsolete API is used in a script.
- class paraview.__init__.compatibility[source]¶
Class used to check version number and compatibility. Users should only set the compatibility explicitly to force backwards compatibility to and older versions.
- major = None¶
- minor = None¶
- class paraview.__init__.options[source]¶
Values set here have any effect, only when importing the paraview module in python interpretor directly i.e. not through pvpython or pvbatch. In that case, one should use command line arguments for the two executables
- batch = False¶
When True, acts like pvbatch –symmetric. Requires that batch is set to True to have any effect.
- print_debug_messages = False¶
When True, This mean the current process is a satellite and should not try to connect or do anything else.
- satelite = False¶
- symmetric = False¶
When True, paraview.print_debug_info() will result in printing the debug messages to stdout. Default is False, hence all debug messages will be suppressed.
- _backwardscompatibilityhelper Module
- collaboration Module
- coprocessing Module
- cpstate Module
- inspect Module
- live Module
- numeric Module
- numpy_support Module
- pv-vtk-all Module
- python_view Module
- selection Module
- servermanager Module
- smstate Module
- smtesting Module
- smtrace Module
- spatiotemporalparallelism Module
- variant Module
- vtk Module
- algorithms Package
- apps Package
- benchmark Package
- catalyst Package
- demos Package
- detail Package
- incubator Package
- simple Package
Package- Modules
- simple.animation Module
- Module
- simple.catalyst Module
- simple.color Module
- simple.compatibility Module
- simple.deprecated Module
- Module
- simple.layout Module
- simple.light Module
- Module
- simple.plugin Module
- simple.proxy Module
- simple.rendering Module
- simple.selection Module
- simple.session Module
- simple.setting Module
- simple.texture Module
- simple.version Module
- simple.view Module
- simple.widget Module
- Subpackages
- tests Package
- tpl Package
- util Package
- web Package