simple.view Module


Create the standard 3D render view with the 2D interaction mode turned on. See CreateView() for argument documentation


Create Bar Chart view. See CreateView() for argument documentation


Create comparative Bar Chart view. See CreateView() for argument documentation


Create Comparative view. See CreateView() for argument documentation


Create comparative XY plot Chart view. See CreateView() for argument documentation


Create Parallel Coordinates Chart view. See CreateView() for argument documentation


Create standard 3D render view. See CreateView() for argument documentation

paraview.simple.view.CreateView(view_xml_name, **params)[source]

Creates and returns the specified proxy view based on its name/label. Also set params keywords arguments as view properties.

  • view_xml_name – Name of the requested View as it appears in the proxy definition XML. Examples include RenderView, ImageChartView, SpreadSheetView, etc.

  • params – Dictionary created from named arguments. If one of these arguments is named ‘registrationName’, the string value associated with it will be used as the name of the proxy. That name will appear in the Pipeline Browser of the ParaView GUI, and it is the name to be passed to the FindView() function to find this view. Any additional named arguments will be passed as properties to initialize the view.


The created view Python object.

Return type


Create XY plot Chart view. See CreateView() for argument documentation


Create XY plot point Chart view. See CreateView() for argument documentation

paraview.simple.view.ExportView(filename, view=None, **params)[source]

Export a view to the specified output file. Based on the view and file extension, an exporter of the right type will be chosen to export the view.

  • filename (str) – Name of the exported file.

  • view (View proxy.) – The view proxy to export. Optional, defaults to the active view.

  • params – A variadic list of key=value pairs giving values of specific named properties of the exporter.


Returns the active view if there is one. Else creates and returns a new view. :return: the active view


Get all render views in a list. :return: all render views in a list.


Returns all views in a list.


viewtype (str) – If provided, only the views of the specified type are returned. Optional, defaults to None.


list of views of the given viewtype, or all views if viewtype is None.

Return type

list of view proxies

paraview.simple.view.ImportView(filename, view=None, **params)[source]

Import a view from a specified input scene file.

  • filename (str) – The name of the file to import.

  • view (View proxy.) – View proxy into which the scene should be imported. Optional, defaults to the active view.

  • params – A variadic list of key=value pairs giving values of specific named properties of the importer.

paraview.simple.view.SetViewProperties(view=None, **params)[source]

Sets one or more properties of the given view. If an argument is not provided, the active view is used. Pass in arguments of the form property_name=value to this function to set property values. For example:

SetProperties(Background=[1, 0, 0], UseImmediateMode=0)
  • view (View proxy.) – The view whose properties are to be set. If not provided, the active view is used.

  • params – A variadic list of key=value pairs giving values of specific named properties in the view. For a list of available properties, call help(view).