simple.deprecated Module¶
- paraview.simple.deprecated.AssignLookupTable(arrayInfo, lutName, rangeOveride=[])[source]¶
Assign a lookup table to an array by lookup table name.
Example usage:
track = GetAnimationTrack("Center", 0, sphere) or arrayInfo = source.PointData["Temperature"] AssignLookupTable(arrayInfo, "Cool to Warm")
- Parameters
arrayInfo (paraview.modules.vtkRemotingCore.vtkPVArrayInformation) – The information object for the array. The array name and its range is determined using the info object provided.
lutName (str) – The name for the transfer function preset.
rangeOveride (2-element tuple or list of floats) – The range to use instead of the range of the array determined using the arrayInfo parameter. Defaults to [], meaning the array info range will be used.
- Returns
True on success, False otherwise.
- Return type
- exception paraview.simple.deprecated.DeprecationError(message='This feature has been deprecated')[source]¶
Used for deprecated methods and functions.
- paraview.simple.deprecated.GetDisplayProperty(*arguments, **keywords)[source]¶
DEPRECATED: Should use GetRepresentationProperty()
- paraview.simple.deprecated.GetLookupTableNames()[source]¶
Returns a list containing the currently available transfer function preset names.
- Returns
List of currently availabe transfer function preset names.
- Return type
List of str
- paraview.simple.deprecated.GetProperty(*arguments, **keywords)[source]¶
Get one property of the given pipeline object. If keywords are used, you can set the proxy and the name of the property that you want to get as shown in the following example:
GetProperty({proxy=sphere, name="Radius"})
If arguments are used, then you have two cases:
if only one argument is used that argument will be the property name.
if two arguments are used then the first one will be the proxy and the second one the property name.
Several example are given below:
GetProperty(name="Radius") GetProperty(proxy=sphereProxy, name="Radius") GetProperty( sphereProxy, "Radius" ) GetProperty( "Radius" )
- paraview.simple.deprecated.GetRepresentationProperty(*arguments, **keywords)[source]¶
Same as
, except that if no proxy parameter is passed, it will use the active representation, rather than the active source.
- paraview.simple.deprecated.GetViewProperties(view=None)[source]¶
Same as
. this API is provided just for consistency withGetDisplayProperties()
- paraview.simple.deprecated.GetViewProperty(*arguments, **keywords)[source]¶
Same as
, except that if no ‘proxy’ parameter is passed, it will use the active view properties, rather than the active source.
- paraview.simple.deprecated.LoadLookupTable(fileName)[source]¶
Load transfer function preset from a file. Both JSON (new) and XML (legacy) preset formats are supported.
- Parameters
fileName (str) – If the filename ends with a .xml, it’s assumed to be a legacy color map XML and will be converted to the new format before processing.
- Returns
True if successful, False otherwise.
- Return type
- paraview.simple.deprecated.MakeBlueToRedLT(min, max)[source]¶
Create a LookupTable that go from blue to red using the scalar range provided by the min and max arguments.
- Parameters
min (float) – Minimum range value.
max (float) – Maximum range value.
- Returns
the blue-to-red lookup table
- Return type
Lookup table proxy.
- paraview.simple.deprecated.SetProperties(proxy=None, **params)[source]¶
Sets one or more properties of the given pipeline source. If an argument is not provided, the active source is used. Pass in arguments of the form property_name=value to this function to set property values. For example:
SetProperties(Center=[1, 2, 3], Radius=3.5)
- Parameters
proxy (Source proxy) – The pipeline source whose properties should be set. Optional, defaultst to the active source.
params – A variadic list of key=value pairs giving values of specific named properties in the pipeline source. For a list of available properties, call help(proxy).