simple.proxy Module


Deletes the given pipeline source or the active source if no argument is specified.


proxy (Source proxy. Optional, defaults to deleting the active source.) – the proxy to remove


Return a pipeline source based on the name that was used to register it with ParaView.

Example usage:

myCone = FindSource('MySuperCone')

name (str) – The name that the pipeline source was registered with during creation or after renaming.


The pipeline source if found.

Return type

Pipeline source proxy.


Return a view proxy based on the name that was used to register it with ParaView.

Example usage:

myView = FindSource('RenderView1')

name (str) – The name that the view was registered with during creation or after renaming.


The view if found.

Return type

View proxy.

paraview.simple.proxy.FindViewOrCreate(name, viewtype)[source]

Returns the view if a view with the given name exists and is of the the given viewtype, otherwise creates a new view of the requested type. Note, if a new view is created, it will be assigned to a layout by calling AssignViewToLayout.

  • name (str) – Name of the view to find.

  • viewtype (str) – Type of the view to create.


Returns the active view if the active view is of the given type, otherwise creates a new view of the requested type. Note, if a new view is created, it will be assigned to a layout by calling AssignViewToLayout().


viewtype (str) – The type of view to access if it is the active view or create if it doesn’t exist.


The active view if it is of type viewtype.

Return type

View proxy.


Returns all available representation proxies (display properties) in all views.


dictionary of representations. Keys are tuples consisting of the registration name and integer ID of the representation proxy, and values are the representation proxies themselves.

Return type



Get all available pipeline sources.


dictionary of pipeline sources. Keys are tuples consisting of the registration name and integer ID of the proxy, and values are the pipeline sources themselves.

Return type



Returns the view associated with the given displayProperties/representation object if it exists.


displayProperties (representation proxy) – a representation proxy returned by GetRepresentation(), GetDisplayProperties(), or Show() functions. Optional, defaults to the active representation.


The view associated with the representation if it exists, otherwise None

Return type

View proxy or None

paraview.simple.proxy.RenameProxy(proxy, group, newName)[source]

Renames the given proxy. This is the name used by FindSource() and is displayed in the Pipeline Browser.

  • proxy (Proxy object) – The proxy to be renamed

  • group (str) – The group in which the proxy lives. Can be retrieved with proxy.GetXMLGroup()

  • newName (str) – The new name of the proxy.

paraview.simple.proxy.RenameSource(newName, proxy=None)[source]

Renames the given source proxy. If the given proxy is not registered in the ‘sources’ group this function will have no effect.

  • newName (str) – The new name of the source proxy

  • proxy (Source proxy) – The source proxy to rename. It must be a member of the ‘sources’ group. Optional, defaults to renaming the active source.

paraview.simple.proxy.RenameView(newName, proxy=None)[source]

Renames the given view. If the given proxy is not registered in the ‘views’ group this method will have no effect.

  • newName (str) – The new name of the view proxy

  • proxy (View proxy) – The view proxy to rename. It must be a member of the ‘views’ group. Optional, defaults to renaming the active view.

paraview.simple.proxy.ResetProperty(propertyName, proxy=None, restoreFromSettings=True)[source]

Resets a proxy property to its default value.

  • propertyName (str) – Name of the property to reset.

  • proxy – The proxy whose property should be reset. Optional, defaults to the active source.

  • restoreFromSettings (bool) – If True, the property will be reset to the default value stored in the settings if available, otherwise it will be reset to ParaView’s application default value. Optional, defaults to True.

paraview.simple.proxy.UpdatePipeline(time=None, proxy=None)[source]

Updates (executes) the given pipeline object for the given time as necessary (i.e., if it did not already execute).

  • time (float) – The time at which to update the pipeline. Optional, defaults to updating the currently loaded timestep.

  • proxy (Source proxy.) – Source proxy to update. Optional, defaults to updating the active source.