Source code for paraview.simple.proxy

from paraview import servermanager
from paraview.util import proxy as proxy_util

from paraview.simple.session import GetActiveView, GetActiveSource
from paraview.simple.rendering import GetDisplayProperties
from paraview.simple.view import CreateView, GetViews
from paraview.simple.layout import AssignViewToLayout

[docs]def RenameProxy(proxy, group, newName): """Renames the given proxy. This is the name used by :func:`FindSource` and is displayed in the Pipeline Browser. :param proxy: The proxy to be renamed :type proxy: Proxy object :param group: The group in which the proxy lives. Can be retrieved with `proxy.GetXMLGroup()` :type group: str :param newName: The new name of the proxy. :type newName: str""" proxy_util.rename(proxy, group, newName)
[docs]def RenameSource(newName, proxy=None): """Renames the given source proxy. If the given proxy is not registered in the 'sources' group this function will have no effect. :param newName: The new name of the source proxy :type newName: str :param proxy: The source proxy to rename. It must be a member of the 'sources' group. Optional, defaults to renaming the active source. :type proxy: Source proxy""" if not proxy: proxy = GetActiveSource() RenameProxy(proxy, "sources", newName)
[docs]def RenameView(newName, proxy=None): """Renames the given view. If the given proxy is not registered in the 'views' group this method will have no effect. :param newName: The new name of the view proxy :type newName: str :param proxy: The view proxy to rename. It must be a member of the 'views' group. Optional, defaults to renaming the active view. :type proxy: View proxy""" if not proxy: proxy = GetActiveView() RenameProxy(proxy, "views", newName)
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[docs]def FindSource(name): """Return a pipeline source based on the name that was used to register it with ParaView. Example usage:: Cone(guiName='MySuperCone') Show() Render() myCone = FindSource('MySuperCone') :param name: The name that the pipeline source was registered with during creation or after renaming. :type name: str :return: The pipeline source if found. :rtype: Pipeline source proxy.""" return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxy("sources", name)
[docs]def FindView(name): """Return a view proxy based on the name that was used to register it with ParaView. Example usage:: CreateRenderView(guiName='RenderView1') myView = FindSource('RenderView1') :param name: The name that the view was registered with during creation or after renaming. :type name: str :return: The view if found. :rtype: View proxy.""" return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxy("views", name)
[docs]def GetActiveViewOrCreate(viewtype): """ Returns the active view if the active view is of the given type, otherwise creates a new view of the requested type. Note, if a new view is created, it will be assigned to a layout by calling :func:`AssignViewToLayout`. :param viewtype: The type of view to access if it is the active view or create if it doesn't exist. :type viewtype: str :return: The active view if it is of type `viewtype`. :rtype: View proxy. """ view = GetActiveView() if view is None or view.GetXMLName() != viewtype: view = CreateView(viewtype) if view: # if a new view is created, we assign it to a layout. # Since this method gets used when tracing existing views, it makes # sense to assign it to a layout during playback. AssignViewToLayout(view) if not view: raise RuntimeError("Failed to create/locate the specified view") return view
[docs]def FindViewOrCreate(name, viewtype): """Returns the view if a view with the given name exists and is of the the given `viewtype`, otherwise creates a new view of the requested type. Note, if a new view is created, it will be assigned to a layout by calling `AssignViewToLayout`. :param name: Name of the view to find. :type name: str :param viewtype: Type of the view to create. :type viewtype: str""" view = FindView(name) if view is None or view.GetXMLName() != viewtype: view = CreateView(viewtype) if view: # if a new view is created, we assign it to a layout. # Since this method gets used when tracing existing views, it makes # sense to assign it to a layout during playback. AssignViewToLayout(view) if not view: raise RuntimeError("Failed to create/locate the specified view") return view
[docs]def LocateView(displayProperties=None): """Returns the view associated with the given `displayProperties`/representation object if it exists. :param displayProperties: a representation proxy returned by :func:`GetRepresentation()`, :func:`GetDisplayProperties()`, or :func:`Show()` functions. Optional, defaults to the active representation. :type displayProperties: representation proxy :return: The view associated with the representation if it exists, otherwise `None` :rtype: View proxy or `None`""" if displayProperties is None: displayProperties = GetDisplayProperties() if displayProperties is None: raise ValueError("'displayProperties' must be set") for view in GetViews(): try: if displayProperties in view.Representations: return view except AttributeError: pass return None
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[docs]def GetSources(): """Get all available pipeline sources. :return: dictionary of pipeline sources. Keys are tuples consisting of the registration name and integer ID of the proxy, and values are the pipeline sources themselves. :rtype: dictionary """ return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup("sources")
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[docs]def GetRepresentations(): """Returns all available representation proxies (display properties) in all views. :return: dictionary of representations. Keys are tuples consisting of the registration name and integer ID of the representation proxy, and values are the representation proxies themselves. :rtype: dict """ return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup("representations")
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[docs]def UpdatePipeline(time=None, proxy=None): """Updates (executes) the given pipeline object for the given time as necessary (i.e., if it did not already execute). :param time: The time at which to update the pipeline. Optional, defaults to updating the currently loaded timestep. :type time: float :param proxy: Source proxy to update. Optional, defaults to updating the active source. :type proxy: Source proxy.""" if not proxy: proxy = GetActiveSource() if time: proxy.UpdatePipeline(time) else: proxy.UpdatePipeline()
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[docs]def Delete(proxy=None): """Deletes the given pipeline source or the active source if no argument is specified. :param proxy: the proxy to remove :type proxy: Source proxy. Optional, defaults to deleting the active source.""" if not proxy: proxy = GetActiveSource() if not proxy: raise RuntimeError("Could not locate proxy to 'Delete'") proxy_util.unregister(proxy)
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[docs]def ResetProperty(propertyName, proxy=None, restoreFromSettings=True): """Resets a proxy property to its default value. :param propertyName: Name of the property to reset. :type propertyName: str :param proxy: The proxy whose property should be reset. Optional, defaults to the active source. :param restoreFromSettings: If `True`, the property will be reset to the default value stored in the settings if available, otherwise it will be reset to ParaView's application default value. Optional, defaults to `True`. :type restoreFromSettings: bool""" if proxy == None: proxy = GetActiveSource() propertyToReset = proxy.SMProxy.GetProperty(propertyName) if propertyToReset != None: propertyToReset.ResetToDefault() if restoreFromSettings: settings = servermanager.vtkSMSettings.GetInstance() settings.GetPropertySetting(propertyToReset) proxy.SMProxy.UpdateVTKObjects()