import paraview
from paraview import servermanager
from paraview.util import proxy as proxy_util
from paraview.simple.session import GetActiveView
from paraview.simple.view import GetViews, GetRenderViews
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def RenameLayout(newName, proxy=None):
"""Renames the given layout. If the given proxy is not registered
in the 'layouts' group this method will have no effect.
:param newName: The new name of the layout proxy
:type newName: str
:param layout: The layout proxy to rename. It must be a member
of the 'layouts' groupd. Optional, defaults to renaming the active layout."""
if not proxy:
proxy = GetLayout()
proxy_util.rename(proxy, "layouts", newName)
[docs]def CreateLayout(name=None):
"""Create a new layout with no active view.
:param name: The name of the layout. Optional, defaults to an automatically
created name."""
layout = servermanager.misc.ViewLayout(registrationGroup="layouts")
if name:
RenameLayout(name, layout)
return layout
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def RemoveLayout(proxy=None):
"""Remove the provided layout. If none is provided, remove the layout
containing the active view. If it is the only layout it will create a new
one with the same name as the removed one.
:param proxy: The layout proxy to remove. Optional, defaults to the
layout containing the active view.
:type proxy: Layout proxy or `None`."""
pxm = servermanager.ProxyManager()
if not proxy:
proxy = GetLayout()
name = pxm.GetProxyName("layouts", proxy)
pxm.UnRegisterProxy("layouts", name, proxy)
if len(GetLayouts()) == 0:
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def GetLayouts():
"""Returns all the layout proxies.
:return: A list of all the layouts.
:rtype: list of layout proxies"""
return servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup("layouts")
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def GetLayout(view=None):
"""Return the layout containing the given view, if any.
:param view: A view in the layout to be removed. Optional, defaults to the
active view.
:return: The layout containing the view
:rtype: :class:`paraview.servermanager.ViewLayout`"""
if not view:
view = GetActiveView()
if not view:
raise RuntimeError("No active view was found.")
lproxy = servermanager.vtkSMViewLayoutProxy.FindLayout(view.SMProxy)
return servermanager._getPyProxy(lproxy)
[docs]def GetLayoutByName(name):
"""Return the first layout with the given name, if any.
:param name: Name of the layout
:type name: str
:return: The named layout if it exists
:rtype: Layout proxy or `None`"""
layouts = GetLayouts()
for key in layouts.keys():
if key[0] == name:
return layouts.get(key)
return None
[docs]def GetViewsInLayout(layout=None):
"""Returns a list of views in the given layout.
:param layout: Layout whose views should be returned. Optional, defaults to the
layout for the active view, if possible.
:type layout: Layout proxy.
:return: List of views in the layout.
:rtype: list"""
layout = layout if layout else GetLayout()
if not layout:
raise RuntimeError(
"Layout couldn't be determined. Please specify a valid layout."
views = GetViews()
return [x for x in views if layout.GetViewLocation(x) != -1]
[docs]def AssignViewToLayout(view=None, layout=None, hint=0):
"""Assigns the view provided to the layout provided. If no layout exists,
then a new layout will be created.
It is an error to assign the same view to multiple layouts.
:param view: The view to assign to the layout. Optional, defaults to the active view.
:type view: View proxy.
:param layout: If layout is `None`, then either the active layout or an
existing layout on the same server will be used.
:type layout: Layout proxy.
:return: Returns `True` on success.
:rtype: bool
view = view if view else GetActiveView()
if not view:
raise RuntimeError("No active view was found.")
layout = layout if layout else GetLayout()
controller = servermanager.ParaViewPipelineController()
return controller.AssignViewToLayout(view, layout, hint)
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs]def RemoveViewsAndLayouts():
Removes all existing views and layouts.
pxm = servermanager.ProxyManager()
layouts = pxm.GetProxiesInGroup("layouts")
for view in GetRenderViews():
# Can not use regular delete for layouts
for name, id in layouts:
proxy = layouts[(name, id)]
pxm.UnRegisterProxy("layouts", name, proxy)
[docs]def EqualizeViewsHorizontally(layout=None):
"""Equalizes horizontal view sizes in the provided layout.
:param layout: Layout the layout contain the views to equalize. Optional, defaults
to the active layout.
:type layout: Layout proxy.
layout = layout if layout else GetLayout()
[docs]def EqualizeViewsVertically(layout=None):
"""Equalizes vertical view sizes in the provided layout.
:param layout: Layout the layout contain the views to equalize. Optional, defaults
to the active layout.
:type layout: Layout proxy.
layout = layout if layout else GetLayout()
[docs]def EqualizeViewsBoth(layout=None):
"""Equalizes the vertical and horizontal view sizes in the provided layout.
:param layout: Layout the layout contain the views to equalize. Optional, defaults
to the active layout.
:type layout: Layout proxy.
layout = layout if layout else GetLayout()