Source code for paraview.simple.light

from paraview import servermanager

from paraview.simple.session import GetActiveView

# ==============================================================================
# Dynamic lights.
# ==============================================================================

[docs]def CreateLight(): """Makes a new light and returns it, unattached to a view. :return: The new light :rtype: :class:`paraview.servermanager.Light`""" pxm = servermanager.ProxyManager() lightproxy = pxm.NewProxy("additional_lights", "Light") controller = servermanager.ParaViewPipelineController() controller.SMController.RegisterLightProxy(lightproxy, None) return servermanager._getPyProxy(lightproxy)
[docs]def AddLight(view=None): """Makes a new light and adds it to the designated or active view. :param view: The view to add the light to. Optional, defaults to the active view. :return: The new light :rtype: :class:`paraview.servermanager.Light`""" view = view if view else GetActiveView() if not view: raise ValueError("No 'view' was provided and no active view was found.") if view.IsA("vtkSMRenderViewProxy") is False: return lightproxy = CreateLight() nowlights = [l for l in view.AdditionalLights] nowlights.append(lightproxy) view.AdditionalLights = nowlights # This is not the same as returning lightProxy return GetLight(len(view.AdditionalLights) - 1, view)
[docs]def RemoveLight(light): """Removes an existing light from its view. :param light: The light to be removed. :type light: :class:`paraview.servermanager.Light`""" if not light: raise ValueError("No 'light' was provided.") view = GetViewForLight(light) if view: if (not view.IsA("vtkSMRenderViewProxy")) or (len(view.AdditionalLights) < 1): raise RuntimeError("View retrieved inconsistent with owning a 'light'.") nowlights = [l for l in view.AdditionalLights if l != light] view.AdditionalLights = nowlights controller = servermanager.ParaViewPipelineController() controller.SMController.UnRegisterProxy(light.SMProxy)
[docs]def GetLight(number, view=None): """Get a previously added light. :param number: The index of the light to obtain. :type number: int :param view: The view holding the light. :type view: View proxy. Option, if not provided the active view is used. :return: The requested light. :rtype: :class:`paraview.servermanager.Light` or `None` """ if not view: view = active_objects.view numlights = len(view.AdditionalLights) if numlights < 1 or number < 0 or number >= numlights: return return view.AdditionalLights[number]
[docs]def GetViewForLight(proxy): """Given a light proxy, find which view it belongs to :param proxy: The light proxy whose view you want to retrieve. :type proxy: Light proxy :return: The view associated with the light if found, otherwise `None` :rtype: View proxy or `None`""" # search current views for this light. for cc in range(proxy.GetNumberOfConsumers()): consumer = proxy.GetConsumerProxy(cc) consumer = consumer.GetTrueParentProxy() if consumer.IsA("vtkSMRenderViewProxy") and proxy in consumer.AdditionalLights: return consumer return None