Source code for paraview.simple.texture

from paraview import servermanager

# ==============================================================================
# Materials.
# ==============================================================================

[docs]def GetMaterialLibrary(): """Returns the material library for the active session. :return: The material library :rtype: :class:`paraview.servermanager.MaterialLibrary`""" if not servermanager.ActiveConnection: raise RuntimeError("Missing active session") session = servermanager.ActiveConnection.Session controller = servermanager.ParaViewPipelineController() return controller.FindMaterialLibrary(session)
# ============================================================================== # Textures. # ==============================================================================
[docs]def CreateTexture(filename=None, trivial_producer_key=None, proxyname=None): """Creates and returns a new ImageTexture proxy. The texture is not attached to anything by default but it can be applied to things, for example the view, like so:: GetActiveView().UseTexturedBackground = 1 GetActiveView().BackgroundTexture = CreateTexture("foo.png") :param filename: The name of the image file to load as a texture. If can be `None`, in which case the texture is read from a trivial producer indentified by the `trivial_producer_key` :type filename: str :param trivial_producer_key: Identifier of the texture image source on the server. This is mainly used by scene importers when `filename` is `None`. :type trivial_producer_key: str :param proxyname: The name for the texture when it is registered in ParaView. :type proxyname: str :return: The newly created texture. :rtype: Image texture proxy. """ pxm = servermanager.ProxyManager() textureproxy = pxm.NewProxy("textures", "ImageTexture") controller = servermanager.ParaViewPipelineController() py_textureproxy = servermanager._getPyProxy(textureproxy) if filename is not None: py_textureproxy.Mode = "ReadFromFile" controller.SMController.RegisterTextureProxy(textureproxy, filename) elif trivial_producer_key is not None: py_textureproxy.Mode = "ReadFromMemory" py_textureproxy.TrivialProducerKey = trivial_producer_key controller.SMController.RegisterTextureProxy( textureproxy, trivial_producer_key, proxyname ) return py_textureproxy
[docs]def FindTextureOrCreate(registrationName, filename=None, trivial_producer_key=None): """Finds or creates a new ImageTexture proxy. :param registrationName: The name for the texture when it is registered in ParaView. :type registrationName: str :param filename: Path to the texture image source file. Optional, if not provided, the `trivial_producer_key` should be provided to tell which image source to use for the texture. :type filename: str :param trivial_producer_key: Identifier of the texture image source on the server. This is mainly used by scene importers when `filename` is `None`. :type trivial_producer_key: str""" pxm = servermanager.ProxyManager() textureproxy = pxm.GetProxy("textures", registrationName) if textureproxy is None: return CreateTexture(filename, trivial_producer_key, registrationName) else: return textureproxy