Source code for paraview.web.protocols

r"""paraviewweb_protocols is a module that contains a set of ParaViewWeb related
protocols that can be combined together to provide a flexible way to define
very specific web application.

import base64
import fnmatch
import json
import os
import re
import sys
import time

# import paraview modules.
import paraview
from paraview import servermanager, simple
from paraview.servermanager import (
from paraview.web import helper
from paraview.web.decorators import (

from vtkmodules.vtkCommonCore import vtkCollection, vtkUnsignedCharArray
from vtkmodules.vtkCommonDataModel import vtkDataObject, vtkImageData
from vtkmodules.vtkWebCore import vtkDataEncoder, vtkWebInteractionEvent
from vtkmodules.web import iteritems
from vtkmodules.web import protocols as vtk_protocols
from vtkmodules.web.render_window_serializer import (

from wslink import schedule_callback

# import RPC annotation
from wslink import register as exportRpc

# =============================================================================
# Helper methods
# =============================================================================

[docs]def tryint(s): try: return int(s) except: return s
[docs]def alphanum_key(s): """Turn a string into a list of string and number chunks. "z23a" -> ["z", 23, "a"] """ return [tryint(c) for c in re.split("([0-9]+)", s)]
[docs]def sanitizeKeys(mapObj): output = {} for key in mapObj: sanitizeKey = servermanager._make_name_valid(key) output[sanitizeKey] = mapObj[key] return output
# ============================================================================= # # Base class for any ParaView based protocol # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebProtocol(vtk_protocols.vtkWebProtocol): def __init__(self): # self.Application = None self.coreServer = None self.multiRoot = False self.baseDirectory = "" self.baseDirectoryMap = {}
[docs] def mapIdToProxy(self, id): """ Maps global-id for a proxy to the proxy instance. May return None if the id is not valid. """ try: id = int(id) except: return None if id <= 0: return None return simple.servermanager._getPyProxy( simple.servermanager.ActiveConnection.Session.GetRemoteObject(id) )
[docs] def getView(self, vid): """ Returns the view for a given view ID, if vid is None then return the current active view. :param vid: The view ID :type vid: str """ view = self.mapIdToProxy(vid) if not view: # Use active view is none provided. view = simple.GetActiveView() if not view: raise Exception("no view provided: " + str(vid)) return view
[docs] def debug(self, msg): if self.debugMode == True: print(msg)
[docs] def setBaseDirectory(self, basePath): self.overrideDataDirKey = None self.baseDirectory = "" self.baseDirectoryMap = {} self.multiRoot = False if basePath.find("|") < 0: if basePath.find("=") >= 0: basePair = basePath.split("=") if os.path.exists(basePair[1]): self.baseDirectory = basePair[1] self.overrideDataDirKey = basePair[0] else: self.baseDirectory = basePath self.baseDirectory = os.path.normpath(self.baseDirectory) else: baseDirs = basePath.split("|") for baseDir in baseDirs: basePair = baseDir.split("=") if os.path.exists(basePair[1]): self.baseDirectoryMap[basePair[0]] = os.path.normpath(basePair[1]) # Check if we ended up with just a single directory bdKeys = list(self.baseDirectoryMap) if len(bdKeys) == 1: self.baseDirectory = os.path.normpath(self.baseDirectoryMap[bdKeys[0]]) self.overrideDataDirKey = bdKeys[0] self.baseDirectoryMap = {} elif len(bdKeys) > 1: self.multiRoot = True
[docs] def getAbsolutePath(self, relativePath): absolutePath = None if self.multiRoot == True: relPathParts = relativePath.replace("\\", "/").split("/") realBasePath = self.baseDirectoryMap[relPathParts[0]] absolutePath = os.path.join(realBasePath, *relPathParts[1:]) else: absolutePath = os.path.join(self.baseDirectory, relativePath) cleanedPath = os.path.normpath(absolutePath) # Make sure the cleanedPath is part of the allowed ones if self.multiRoot: for key, value in iteritems(self.baseDirectoryMap): if cleanedPath.startswith(value): return cleanedPath elif cleanedPath.startswith(self.baseDirectory): return cleanedPath return None
[docs] def updateScalarBars(self, view=None, mode=1): """ Manage scalarbar state view: A view proxy or the current active view will be used. mode: HIDE_UNUSED_SCALAR_BARS = 0x01, SHOW_USED_SCALAR_BARS = 0x02 """ v = view or self.getView(-1) lutMgr = vtkSMTransferFunctionManager() lutMgr.UpdateScalarBars(v.SMProxy, mode)
[docs] def publish(self, topic, event): if self.coreServer: self.coreServer.publish(topic, event)
# ============================================================================= # # Handle Mouse interaction on any type of view # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebMouseHandler(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebMouseHandler, self).__init__() self.lastAction = "up" # RpcName: mouseInteraction => viewport.mouse.interaction
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.mouse.interaction") def mouseInteraction(self, event): """ RPC Callback for mouse interactions. """ view = self.getView(event["view"]) realViewId = view.GetGlobalIDAsString() if hasattr(view, "UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots"): if event["action"] == "down": view.UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots = 1 elif event["action"] == "up": view.UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots = 0 buttons = 0 if event["buttonLeft"]: buttons |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.LEFT_BUTTON if event["buttonMiddle"]: buttons |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.MIDDLE_BUTTON if event["buttonRight"]: buttons |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.RIGHT_BUTTON modifiers = 0 if event["shiftKey"]: modifiers |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.SHIFT_KEY if event["ctrlKey"]: modifiers |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.CTRL_KEY if event["altKey"]: modifiers |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.ALT_KEY if event["metaKey"]: modifiers |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.META_KEY pvevent = vtkWebInteractionEvent() pvevent.SetButtons(buttons) pvevent.SetModifiers(modifiers) pvevent.SetX(event["x"]) pvevent.SetY(event["y"]) # pvevent.SetKeyCode(event["charCode"]) retVal = self.getApplication().HandleInteractionEvent(view.SMProxy, pvevent) del pvevent if event["action"] == "down" and self.lastAction != event["action"]: self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("StartInteractionEvent") if event["action"] == "up" and self.lastAction != event["action"]: self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("EndInteractionEvent") if retVal: self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") self.lastAction = event["action"] return retVal
# ============================================================================= # # Basic 3D Viewport API (Camera + Orientation + CenterOfRotation # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebViewPort(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, scale=1.0, maxWidth=2560, maxHeight=1440, **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebViewPort, self).__init__() self.scale = scale self.maxWidth = maxWidth self.maxHeight = maxHeight # RpcName: resetCamera =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def resetCamera(self, viewId): """ RPC callback to reset camera. """ view = self.getView(viewId) simple.Render(view) simple.ResetCamera(view) try: view.CenterOfRotation = view.CameraFocalPoint except: pass self.getApplication().InvalidateCache(view.SMProxy) self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return view.GetGlobalIDAsString()
# RpcName: updateOrientationAxesVisibility => viewport.axes.orientation.visibility.update
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.axes.orientation.visibility.update") def updateOrientationAxesVisibility(self, viewId, showAxis): """ RPC callback to show/hide OrientationAxis. """ view = self.getView(viewId) view.OrientationAxesVisibility = showAxis if 1 else 0 self.getApplication().InvalidateCache(view.SMProxy) self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return view.GetGlobalIDAsString()
# RpcName: updateCenterAxesVisibility =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def updateCenterAxesVisibility(self, viewId, showAxis): """ RPC callback to show/hide CenterAxesVisibility. """ view = self.getView(viewId) view.CenterAxesVisibility = showAxis if 1 else 0 self.getApplication().InvalidateCache(view.SMProxy) self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return view.GetGlobalIDAsString()
# RpcName: updateCamera =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def updateCamera(self, view_id, focal_point, view_up, position, forceUpdate=True): view = self.getView(view_id) view.CameraFocalPoint = focal_point view.CameraViewUp = view_up view.CameraPosition = position if forceUpdate: self.getApplication().InvalidateCache(view.SMProxy) self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent")
[docs] @exportRpc("") def getCamera(self, view_id): view = self.getView(view_id) bounds = [-1, 1, -1, 1, -1, 1] if view and view.GetClientSideView().GetClassName() == "vtkPVRenderView": rr = view.GetClientSideView().GetRenderer() bounds = rr.ComputeVisiblePropBounds() return { "bounds": bounds, "center": list(view.CenterOfRotation), "focal": list(view.CameraFocalPoint), "up": list(view.CameraViewUp), "position": list(view.CameraPosition), }
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.size.update") def updateSize(self, view_id, width, height): view = self.getView(view_id) w = width * self.scale h = height * self.scale if w > self.maxWidth: s = float(self.maxWidth) / float(w) w *= s h *= s elif h > self.maxHeight: s = float(self.maxHeight) / float(h) w *= s h *= s view.ViewSize = [int(w), int(h)] self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent")
# ============================================================================= # # Provide Image delivery mechanism # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebViewPortImageDelivery(ParaViewWebProtocol): # RpcName: stillRender => viewport.image.render
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.image.render") def stillRender(self, options): """ RPC Callback to render a view and obtain the rendered image. """ beginTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) view = self.getView(options["view"]) size = view.ViewSize[0:2] resize = size != options.get("size", size) if resize: size = options["size"] view.ViewSize = size t = 0 if options and "mtime" in options: t = options["mtime"] quality = 100 if options and "quality" in options: quality = options["quality"] localTime = 0 if options and "localTime" in options: localTime = options["localTime"] reply = {} app = self.getApplication() reply["image"] = app.StillRenderToString(view.SMProxy, t, quality) # Check that we are getting image size we have set if not wait until we # do. tries = 10 while ( resize and list(app.GetLastStillRenderImageSize()) != size and size != [0, 0] and tries > 0 ): app.InvalidateCache(view.SMProxy) reply["image"] = app.StillRenderToString(view.SMProxy, t, quality) tries -= 1 if ( not resize and options and ("clearCache" in options) and options["clearCache"] ): app.InvalidateCache(view.SMProxy) reply["image"] = app.StillRenderToString(view.SMProxy, t, quality) reply["stale"] = app.GetHasImagesBeingProcessed(view.SMProxy) reply["mtime"] = app.GetLastStillRenderToMTime() reply["size"] = view.ViewSize[0:2] reply["format"] = "jpeg;base64" reply["global_id"] = view.GetGlobalIDAsString() reply["localTime"] = localTime endTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) reply["workTime"] = endTime - beginTime return reply
# ============================================================================= # # Provide Image publish-based delivery mechanism # # ============================================================================= CAMERA_PROP_NAMES = [ "CameraFocalPoint", "CameraParallelProjection", "CameraParallelScale", "CameraPosition", "CameraViewAngle", "CameraViewUp", ] def _pushCameraLink(viewSrc, viewDstList): props = {} for name in CAMERA_PROP_NAMES: props[name] = getattr(viewSrc, name) for v in viewDstList: for name in CAMERA_PROP_NAMES: v.__setattr__(name, props[name]) return props
[docs]class ParaViewWebPublishImageDelivery(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, decode=True, **kwargs): ParaViewWebProtocol.__init__(self) self.trackingViews = {} self.lastStaleTime = {} self.staleHandlerCount = {} self.deltaStaleTimeBeforeRender = 0.1 # 0.1s self.staleCountLimit = 10 self.decode = decode self.viewsInAnimations = [] self.targetFrameRate = 30.0 self.minFrameRate = 12.0 self.maxFrameRate = 30.0 # Camera link handling self.linkedViews = [] self.linkNames = [] self.onLinkChange = None # Mouse handling self.lastAction = "up" self.activeViewId = None # In case some external protocol wants to monitor when link views change
[docs] def setLinkChangeCallback(self, fn): self.onLinkChange = fn
[docs] def pushRender(self, vId, ignoreAnimation=False, staleCount=0): if vId not in self.trackingViews: return if not self.trackingViews[vId]["enabled"]: return if not ignoreAnimation and len(self.viewsInAnimations) > 0: return if "originalSize" not in self.trackingViews[vId]: view = self.getView(vId) self.trackingViews[vId]["originalSize"] = ( int(view.ViewSize[0]), int(view.ViewSize[1]), ) if "ratio" not in self.trackingViews[vId]: self.trackingViews[vId]["ratio"] = 1 ratio = self.trackingViews[vId]["ratio"] mtime = self.trackingViews[vId]["mtime"] quality = self.trackingViews[vId]["quality"] size = [int(s * ratio) for s in self.trackingViews[vId]["originalSize"]] reply = self.stillRender( {"view": vId, "mtime": mtime, "quality": quality, "size": size} ) # View might have been deleted if not reply: return stale = reply["stale"] if reply["image"]: # depending on whether the app has encoding enabled: if self.decode: reply["image"] = base64.standard_b64decode(reply["image"]) reply["image"] = self.addAttachment(reply["image"]) reply["format"] = "jpeg" # save mtime for next call. self.trackingViews[vId]["mtime"] = reply["mtime"] # echo back real ID, instead of -1 for 'active' reply["id"] = vId self.publish("viewport.image.push.subscription", reply) if stale: self.lastStaleTime[vId] = time.time() if self.staleHandlerCount[vId] == 0: self.staleHandlerCount[vId] += 1 schedule_callback( self.deltaStaleTimeBeforeRender, lambda: self.renderStaleImage(vId, staleCount), ) else: self.lastStaleTime[vId] = 0
[docs] def renderStaleImage(self, vId, staleCount=0): if vId in self.staleHandlerCount and self.staleHandlerCount[vId] > 0: self.staleHandlerCount[vId] -= 1 if self.lastStaleTime[vId] != 0: delta = time.time() - self.lastStaleTime[vId] # Break on staleCount otherwise linked view will always report to be stale # And loop forever if ( delta >= (self.deltaStaleTimeBeforeRender * (staleCount + 1)) and staleCount < self.staleCountLimit ): self.pushRender(vId, False, staleCount + 1) elif delta < self.deltaStaleTimeBeforeRender: self.staleHandlerCount[vId] += 1 schedule_callback( self.deltaStaleTimeBeforeRender - delta + 0.001, lambda: self.renderStaleImage(vId, staleCount), )
[docs] def animate(self, renderAllViews=True): if len(self.viewsInAnimations) == 0: return nextAnimateTime = time.time() + 1.0 / self.targetFrameRate # Handle the rendering of the views if self.activeViewId: self.pushRender(self.activeViewId, True) if renderAllViews: for vId in set(self.viewsInAnimations): if vId != self.activeViewId: self.pushRender(vId, True) nextAnimateTime -= time.time() if self.targetFrameRate > self.maxFrameRate: self.targetFrameRate = self.maxFrameRate if nextAnimateTime < 0: if nextAnimateTime < -1.0: self.targetFrameRate = 1 if self.targetFrameRate > self.minFrameRate: self.targetFrameRate -= 1.0 if self.activeViewId: # If active view, prioritize that one over the others # -> Divide by 2 the refresh rate of the other views schedule_callback(0.001, lambda: self.animate(not renderAllViews)) else: # Keep animating at the best rate we can schedule_callback(0.001, lambda: self.animate()) else: # We have time so let's render all if self.targetFrameRate < self.maxFrameRate and nextAnimateTime > 0.005: self.targetFrameRate += 1.0 schedule_callback(nextAnimateTime, lambda: self.animate())
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.image.animation.fps.max") def setMaxFrameRate(self, fps=30): self.maxFrameRate = fps
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.image.animation.fps.get") def getCurrentFrameRate(self): return self.targetFrameRate
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.image.animation.start") def startViewAnimation(self, viewId="-1"): sView = self.getView(viewId) realViewId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() self.viewsInAnimations.append(realViewId) if len(self.viewsInAnimations) == 1: self.animate()
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.image.animation.stop") def stopViewAnimation(self, viewId="-1"): sView = self.getView(viewId) realViewId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() if realViewId in self.viewsInAnimations and realViewId in self.trackingViews: progressRendering = self.trackingViews[realViewId]["streaming"] self.viewsInAnimations.remove(realViewId) if progressRendering: self.progressiveRender(realViewId)
[docs] def progressiveRender(self, viewId="-1"): sView = self.getView(viewId) realViewId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() if realViewId in self.viewsInAnimations: return if sView.GetSession().GetPendingProgress(): schedule_callback( self.deltaStaleTimeBeforeRender, lambda: self.progressiveRender(viewId) ) else: again = sView.StreamingUpdate(True) self.pushRender(realViewId, True) if again: schedule_callback(0.001, lambda: self.progressiveRender(viewId))
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.image.push") def imagePush(self, options): view = self.getView(options["view"]) viewId = view.GetGlobalIDAsString() # Make sure an image is pushed self.getApplication().InvalidateCache(view.SMProxy) self.pushRender(viewId)
# Internal function since the reply[image] is not # JSON(serializable) it can not be an RPC one
[docs] def stillRender(self, options): """ RPC Callback to render a view and obtain the rendered image. """ beginTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) viewId = str(options["view"]) view = self.getView(viewId) # If no view id provided, skip rendering if not viewId: print("No view") print(options) return None # Make sure request match our selected view if viewId != "-1" and view.GetGlobalIDAsString() != viewId: # We got active view rather than our request view = None # No view to render => need some cleanup if not view: # The view has been deleted, we can not render it... # Clean up old view state if viewId in self.viewsInAnimations: self.viewsInAnimations.remove(viewId) if viewId in self.trackingViews: del self.trackingViews[viewId] if viewId in self.staleHandlerCount: del self.staleHandlerCount[viewId] # the view does not exist anymore, skip rendering return None # We are in business to render our view... # Make sure our view size match our request size = view.ViewSize[0:2] resize = size != options.get("size", size) if resize: size = options["size"] if size[0] > 10 and size[1] > 10: view.ViewSize = size # Rendering options t = 0 if options and "mtime" in options: t = options["mtime"] quality = 100 if options and "quality" in options: quality = options["quality"] localTime = 0 if options and "localTime" in options: localTime = options["localTime"] reply = {} app = self.getApplication() if t == 0: app.InvalidateCache(view.SMProxy) if self.decode: stillRender = app.StillRenderToString else: stillRender = app.StillRenderToBuffer reply_image = stillRender(view.SMProxy, t, quality) # Check that we are getting image size we have set if not wait until we # do. The render call will set the actual window size. tries = 10 while ( resize and list(app.GetLastStillRenderImageSize()) != size and size != [0, 0] and tries > 0 ): app.InvalidateCache(view.SMProxy) reply_image = stillRender(view.SMProxy, t, quality) tries -= 1 if ( not resize and options and ("clearCache" in options) and options["clearCache"] ): app.InvalidateCache(view.SMProxy) reply_image = stillRender(view.SMProxy, t, quality) # Pack the result reply["stale"] = app.GetHasImagesBeingProcessed(view.SMProxy) reply["mtime"] = app.GetLastStillRenderToMTime() reply["size"] = view.ViewSize[0:2] reply["memsize"] = reply_image.GetDataSize() if reply_image else 0 reply["format"] = "jpeg;base64" if self.decode else "jpeg" reply["global_id"] = view.GetGlobalIDAsString() reply["localTime"] = localTime if self.decode: reply["image"] = reply_image else: # Convert the vtkUnsignedCharArray into a bytes object, required by Autobahn websockets reply["image"] = memoryview(reply_image).tobytes() if reply_image else None endTime = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) reply["workTime"] = endTime - beginTime return reply
[docs] @exportRpc("") def addRenderObserver(self, viewId): sView = self.getView(viewId) if not sView: return {"error": "Unable to get view with id %s" % viewId} realViewId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() if not realViewId in self.trackingViews: observerCallback = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.pushRender(realViewId) startCallback = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.startViewAnimation(realViewId) stopCallback = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.stopViewAnimation(realViewId) tag = self.getApplication().AddObserver("UpdateEvent", observerCallback) tagStart = self.getApplication().AddObserver( "StartInteractionEvent", startCallback ) tagStop = self.getApplication().AddObserver( "EndInteractionEvent", stopCallback ) # TODO do we need self.getApplication().AddObserver('ResetActiveView', resetActiveView()) self.trackingViews[realViewId] = { "tags": [tag, tagStart, tagStop], "observerCount": 1, "mtime": 0, "enabled": True, "quality": 100, "streaming": sView.GetClientSideObject().GetEnableStreaming(), } self.staleHandlerCount[realViewId] = 0 else: # There is an observer on this view already self.trackingViews[realViewId]["observerCount"] += 1 self.pushRender(realViewId) return {"success": True, "viewId": realViewId}
[docs] @exportRpc("") def removeRenderObserver(self, viewId): sView = None try: sView = self.getView(viewId) except: print("no view with ID %s available in removeRenderObserver" % viewId) realViewId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() if sView else viewId observerInfo = None if realViewId in self.trackingViews: observerInfo = self.trackingViews[realViewId] if not observerInfo: return {"error": "Unable to find subscription for view %s" % realViewId} observerInfo["observerCount"] -= 1 if observerInfo["observerCount"] <= 0: for tag in observerInfo["tags"]: self.getApplication().RemoveObserver(tag) del self.trackingViews[realViewId] del self.staleHandlerCount[realViewId] return {"result": "success"}
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.image.push.quality") def setViewQuality(self, viewId, quality, ratio=1, updateLinkedView=True): sView = self.getView(viewId) if not sView: return {"error": "Unable to get view with id %s" % viewId} realViewId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() observerInfo = None if realViewId in self.trackingViews: observerInfo = self.trackingViews[realViewId] if not observerInfo: return {"error": "Unable to find subscription for view %s" % realViewId} observerInfo["quality"] = quality observerInfo["ratio"] = ratio # Handle linked view quality/ratio synch if updateLinkedView and realViewId in self.linkedViews: for vid in self.linkedViews: self.setViewQuality(vid, quality, ratio, False) # Update image size right now! if "originalSize" in self.trackingViews[realViewId]: size = [ int(s * ratio) for s in self.trackingViews[realViewId]["originalSize"] ] if "SetSize" in sView: sView.SetSize(size) else: sView.ViewSize = size return {"result": "success"}
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.image.push.original.size") def setViewSize(self, viewId, width, height): if width < 10 or height < 10: return {"result": "size skip"} sView = self.getView(viewId) if not sView: return {"error": "Unable to get view with id %s" % viewId} realViewId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() observerInfo = None if realViewId in self.trackingViews: observerInfo = self.trackingViews[realViewId] if not observerInfo: return {"error": "Unable to find subscription for view %s" % realViewId} observerInfo["originalSize"] = (int(width), int(height)) return {"result": "success"}
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.image.push.enabled") def enableView(self, viewId, enabled): sView = self.getView(viewId) if not sView: return {"error": "Unable to get view with id %s" % viewId} realViewId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() observerInfo = None if realViewId in self.trackingViews: observerInfo = self.trackingViews[realViewId] if not observerInfo: return {"error": "Unable to find subscription for view %s" % realViewId} observerInfo["enabled"] = enabled return {"result": "success"}
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.image.push.invalidate.cache") def invalidateCache(self, viewId): sView = self.getView(viewId) if not sView: return {"error": "Unable to get view with id %s" % viewId} self.getApplication().InvalidateCache(sView.SMProxy) self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return {"result": "success"}
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # View linked # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Mouse handling # -------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.mouse.interaction") def mouseInteraction(self, event): """ RPC Callback for mouse interactions. """ if "x" not in event or "y" not in event: return 0 view = self.getView(event["view"]) if hasattr(view, "UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots"): if event["action"] == "down": view.UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots = 1 elif event["action"] == "up": view.UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots = 0 buttons = 0 if event["buttonLeft"]: buttons |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.LEFT_BUTTON if event["buttonMiddle"]: buttons |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.MIDDLE_BUTTON if event["buttonRight"]: buttons |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.RIGHT_BUTTON modifiers = 0 if event["shiftKey"]: modifiers |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.SHIFT_KEY if event["ctrlKey"]: modifiers |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.CTRL_KEY if event["altKey"]: modifiers |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.ALT_KEY if event["metaKey"]: modifiers |= vtkWebInteractionEvent.META_KEY pvevent = vtkWebInteractionEvent() pvevent.SetButtons(buttons) pvevent.SetModifiers(modifiers) pvevent.SetX(event["x"]) pvevent.SetY(event["y"]) # pvevent.SetKeyCode(event["charCode"]) retVal = self.getApplication().HandleInteractionEvent(view.SMProxy, pvevent) del pvevent self.activeViewId = view.GetGlobalIDAsString() if event["action"] == "down" and self.lastAction != event["action"]: self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("StartInteractionEvent") if event["action"] == "up" and self.lastAction != event["action"]: self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("EndInteractionEvent") # if retVal : # self.getApplication().InvokeEvent('UpdateEvent') if self.activeViewId in self.linkedViews: dstViews = [self.getView(vid) for vid in self.linkedViews] _pushCameraLink(view, dstViews) self.lastAction = event["action"] return retVal
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.mouse.zoom.wheel") def updateZoomFromWheel(self, event): if "Start" in event["type"]: self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("StartInteractionEvent") viewProxy = self.getView(event["view"]) if viewProxy and "spinY" in event: rootId = viewProxy.GetGlobalIDAsString() zoomFactor = 1.0 - event["spinY"] / 10.0 if rootId in self.linkedViews: fp = viewProxy.CameraFocalPoint pos = viewProxy.CameraPosition delta = [fp[i] - pos[i] for i in range(3)] viewProxy.GetActiveCamera().Zoom(zoomFactor) viewProxy.UpdatePropertyInformation() pos2 = viewProxy.CameraPosition viewProxy.CameraFocalPoint = [pos2[i] + delta[i] for i in range(3)] dstViews = [self.getView(vid) for vid in self.linkedViews] _pushCameraLink(viewProxy, dstViews) else: fp = viewProxy.CameraFocalPoint pos = viewProxy.CameraPosition delta = [fp[i] - pos[i] for i in range(3)] viewProxy.GetActiveCamera().Zoom(zoomFactor) viewProxy.UpdatePropertyInformation() pos2 = viewProxy.CameraPosition viewProxy.CameraFocalPoint = [pos2[i] + delta[i] for i in range(3)] if "End" in event["type"]: self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("EndInteractionEvent")
# ============================================================================= # # Provide Progress support # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebProgressUpdate(ParaViewWebProtocol): progressObserverTag = None def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebProgressUpdate, self).__init__() self.listenToProgress()
[docs] def listenToProgress(self): progressHandler = ( simple.servermanager.ActiveConnection.Session.GetProgressHandler() ) if not ParaViewWebProgressUpdate.progressObserverTag: ParaViewWebProgressUpdate.progressObserverTag = progressHandler.AddObserver( "ProgressEvent", lambda handler, event: self.updateProgress(handler) )
[docs] def updateProgress(self, caller): txt = caller.GetLastProgressText() progress = caller.GetLastProgress() self.publish("paraview.progress", {"text": txt, "progress": progress})
# ============================================================================= # # Provide Geometry delivery mechanism (WebGL) # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebViewPortGeometryDelivery(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebViewPortGeometryDelivery, self).__init__() self.dataCache = {} # RpcName: getSceneMetaData => viewport.webgl.metadata
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.webgl.metadata") def getSceneMetaData(self, view_id): view = self.getView(view_id) data = self.getApplication().GetWebGLSceneMetaData(view.SMProxy) return data
# RpcName: getWebGLData =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def getWebGLData(self, view_id, object_id, part): view = self.getView(view_id) data = self.getApplication().GetWebGLBinaryData( view.SMProxy, str(object_id), part - 1 ) return data
# RpcName: getCachedWebGLData =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def getCachedWebGLData(self, sha): if sha not in self.dataCache: return {"success": False, "reason": "Key %s not in data cache" % sha} return {"success": True, "data": self.dataCache[sha]}
# RpcName: getSceneMetaDataAllTimesteps => viewport.webgl.metadata.alltimesteps
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.webgl.metadata.alltimesteps") def getSceneMetaDataAllTimesteps(self, view_id=-1): animationScene = simple.GetAnimationScene() timeKeeper = animationScene.TimeKeeper tsVals = timeKeeper.TimestepValues.GetData() currentTime = timeKeeper.Time oldCache = self.dataCache self.dataCache = {} returnToClient = {} view = self.getView(view_id) animationScene.GoToFirst() # Iterate over all the timesteps, building up a list of unique shas for i in range(len(tsVals)): simple.Render() mdString = self.getApplication().GetWebGLSceneMetaData(view.SMProxy) timestepMetaData = json.loads(mdString) objects = timestepMetaData["Objects"] # Iterate over the objects in the scene for obj in objects: sha = obj["md5"] objId = obj["id"] numParts = obj["parts"] if sha not in self.dataCache: if sha in oldCache: self.dataCache[sha] = oldCache[sha] else: transparency = obj["transparency"] layer = obj["layer"] partData = [] # Ask for the binary data for each part of this object for part in range(numParts): partNumber = part data = self.getApplication().GetWebGLBinaryData( view.SMProxy, str(objId), partNumber ) partData.append(data) # Now add object, with all its binary parts, to the cache self.dataCache[sha] = { "md5": sha, "id": objId, "numParts": numParts, "transparency": transparency, "layer": layer, "partsList": partData, } returnToClient[sha] = {"id": objId, "numParts": numParts} # Now move time forward animationScene.GoToNext() # Set the time back to where it was when all timesteps were requested timeKeeper.Time = currentTime animationScene.AnimationTime = currentTime simple.Render() return {"success": True, "metaDataList": returnToClient}
# ============================================================================= # # Provide an updated geometry delivery mechanism which better matches the # client-side rendering capability we have in vtk.js # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebLocalRendering(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebLocalRendering, self).__init__() initializeSerializers() self.context = SynchronizationContext() self.trackingViews = {} self.mtime = 0 # RpcName: getArray => viewport.geometry.array.get
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.geometry.array.get") def getArray(self, dataHash, binary=False): if binary: return self.addAttachment(self.context.getCachedDataArray(dataHash, binary)) return self.context.getCachedDataArray(dataHash, binary)
# RpcName: addViewObserver =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def addViewObserver(self, viewId): sView = self.getView(viewId) if not sView: return {"error": "Unable to get view with id %s" % viewId} realViewId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() def pushGeometry(newSubscription=False): simple.Render(sView) stateToReturn = self.getViewState(realViewId, newSubscription) stateToReturn["mtime"] = 0 if newSubscription else self.mtime self.mtime += 1 return stateToReturn if not realViewId in self.trackingViews: observerCallback = lambda *args, **kwargs: self.publish( "viewport.geometry.view.subscription", pushGeometry() ) tag = self.getApplication().AddObserver("UpdateEvent", observerCallback) self.trackingViews[realViewId] = {"tags": [tag], "observerCount": 1} else: # There is an observer on this view already self.trackingViews[realViewId]["observerCount"] += 1 self.publish("viewport.geometry.view.subscription", pushGeometry(True)) return {"success": True, "viewId": realViewId}
# RpcName: removeViewObserver =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def removeViewObserver(self, viewId): sView = self.getView(viewId) if not sView: return {"error": "Unable to get view with id %s" % viewId} realViewId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() observerInfo = None if realViewId in self.trackingViews: observerInfo = self.trackingViews[realViewId] if not observerInfo: return {"error": "Unable to find subscription for view %s" % realViewId} observerInfo["observerCount"] -= 1 if observerInfo["observerCount"] <= 0: for tag in observerInfo["tags"]: self.getApplication().RemoveObserver(tag) del self.trackingViews[realViewId] return {"result": "success"}
# RpcName: getViewState => viewport.geometry.view.get.state
[docs] @exportRpc("viewport.geometry.view.get.state") def getViewState(self, viewId, newSubscription=False): sView = self.getView(viewId) if not sView: return {"error": "Unable to get view with id %s" % viewId} self.context.setIgnoreLastDependencies(newSubscription) # Get the active view and render window, use it to iterate over renderers renderWindow = sView.GetRenderWindow() renderWindowId = sView.GetGlobalIDAsString() viewInstance = serializeInstance( None, renderWindow, renderWindowId, self.context, 1 ) viewInstance["extra"] = { "vtkRefId": getReferenceId(renderWindow), "centerOfRotation": sView.CenterOfRotation.GetData(), "camera": getReferenceId(sView.GetActiveCamera()), } self.context.setIgnoreLastDependencies(False) self.context.checkForArraysToRelease() if viewInstance: return viewInstance return None
# ============================================================================= # # Time management # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebTimeHandler(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebTimeHandler, self).__init__() # setup animation scene self.scene = simple.GetAnimationScene() simple.GetTimeTrack() self.scene.PlayMode = "Snap To TimeSteps" self.playing = False self.playTime = 0.1 # Time in second
[docs] def nextPlay(self): self.updateTime("next") if self.playing: schedule_callback(self.playTime, self.nextPlay)
# RpcName: updateTime => pv.vcr.action
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.vcr.action") def updateTime(self, action): view = simple.GetRenderView() animationScene = simple.GetAnimationScene() currentTime = view.ViewTime if action == "next": animationScene.GoToNext() if currentTime == view.ViewTime: animationScene.GoToFirst() if action == "prev": animationScene.GoToPrevious() if currentTime == view.ViewTime: animationScene.GoToLast() if action == "first": animationScene.GoToFirst() if action == "last": animationScene.GoToLast() timestep = list(animationScene.TimeKeeper.TimestepValues).index( animationScene.TimeKeeper.Time ) self.publish( "pv.time.change", {"time": float(view.ViewTime), "timeStep": timestep} ) self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return view.ViewTime
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.time.index.set") def setTimeStep(self, timeIdx): anim = simple.GetAnimationScene() anim.TimeKeeper.Time = anim.TimeKeeper.TimestepValues[timeIdx] self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return anim.TimeKeeper.Time
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.time.index.get") def getTimeStep(self): anim = simple.GetAnimationScene() try: return list(anim.TimeKeeper.TimestepValues).index(anim.TimeKeeper.Time) except: return 0
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.time.value.set") def setTimeValue(self, t): anim = simple.GetAnimationScene() try: step = list(anim.TimeKeeper.TimestepValues).index(t) anim.TimeKeeper.Time = anim.TimeKeeper.TimestepValues[step] self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") except: print("Try to update time with", t, "but value not found in the list") return anim.TimeKeeper.Time
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.time.value.get") def getTimeValue(self): anim = simple.GetAnimationScene() return anim.TimeKeeper.Time
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.time.values") def getTimeValues(self): return list(simple.GetAnimationScene().TimeKeeper.TimestepValues)
[docs] @exportRpc("") def play(self, deltaT=0.1): if not self.playing: self.playTime = deltaT self.playing = True self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("StartInteractionEvent") self.nextPlay()
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.time.stop") def stop(self): self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("EndInteractionEvent") self.playing = False
# ============================================================================= # # Color management # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebColorManager(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, pathToColorMaps=None, showBuiltin=True, **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebColorManager, self).__init__() if pathToColorMaps: simple.ImportPresets(filename=pathToColorMaps) self.presets = servermanager.vtkSMTransferFunctionPresets.GetInstance() self.colorMapNames = [] for i in range(self.presets.GetNumberOfPresets()): if showBuiltin or not self.presets.IsPresetBuiltin(i): self.colorMapNames.append(self.presets.GetPresetName(i)) # RpcName: getScalarBarVisibilities => pv.color.manager.scalarbar.visibility.get
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.scalarbar.visibility.get") def getScalarBarVisibilities(self, proxyIdList): """ Returns whether or not each specified scalar bar is visible. """ visibilities = {} for proxyId in proxyIdList: proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxyId) if proxy is not None: rep = simple.GetRepresentation(proxy) view = self.getView(-1) visibilities[proxyId] = vtkSMPVRepresentationProxy.IsScalarBarVisible( rep.SMProxy, view.SMProxy ) return visibilities
# RpcName: setScalarBarVisibilities => pv.color.manager.scalarbar.visibility.set
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.scalarbar.visibility.set") def setScalarBarVisibilities(self, proxyIdMap): """ Sets the visibility of the scalar bar corresponding to each specified proxy. The representation for each proxy is found using the filter/source proxy id and the current view. """ visibilities = {} for proxyId in proxyIdMap: proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxyId) if proxy is not None: rep = simple.GetDisplayProperties(proxy) view = self.getView(-1) vtkSMPVRepresentationProxy.SetScalarBarVisibility( rep.SMProxy, view.SMProxy, proxyIdMap[proxyId] ) visibilities[proxyId] = vtkSMPVRepresentationProxy.IsScalarBarVisible( rep.SMProxy, view.SMProxy ) # Render to get scalar bars in correct position when doing local rendering (webgl) simple.Render() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return visibilities
# RpcName: rescaleTransferFunction => pv.color.manager.rescale.transfer.function
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.rescale.transfer.function") def rescaleTransferFunction(self, options): """ Rescale the color transfer function to fit either the data range, the data range over time, or to a custom range, for the array by which the representation is currently being colored. """ type = options["type"] proxyId = options["proxyId"] proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxyId) rep = simple.GetRepresentation(proxy) status = {"success": False} if type == "time": status[ "success" ] = vtkSMPVRepresentationProxy.RescaleTransferFunctionToDataRangeOverTime( rep.SMProxy ) elif type == "data": extend = False if "extend" in options: extend = options["extend"] status[ "success" ] = vtkSMPVRepresentationProxy.RescaleTransferFunctionToDataRange( rep.SMProxy, extend ) elif type == "custom": rangemin = float(options["min"]) rangemax = float(options["max"]) extend = False if "extend" in options: extend = options["extend"] lookupTable = rep.LookupTable if lookupTable is not None: status["success"] = vtkSMTransferFunctionProxy.RescaleTransferFunction( lookupTable.SMProxy, rangemin, rangemax, extend ) if status["success"]: currentRange = self.getCurrentScalarRange(proxyId) status["range"] = currentRange self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return status
# RpcName: getCurrentScalarRange => pv.color.manager.scalar.range.get
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.scalar.range.get") def getCurrentScalarRange(self, proxyId): proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxyId) rep = simple.GetRepresentation(proxy) lookupTable = rep.LookupTable cMin = lookupTable.RGBPoints[0] cMax = lookupTable.RGBPoints[-4] return {"min": cMin, "max": cMax}
# RpcName: colorBy =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def colorBy( self, representation, colorMode, arrayLocation="POINTS", arrayName="", vectorMode="Magnitude", vectorComponent=0, rescale=False, ): """ Choose the array to color by, and optionally specify magnitude or a vector component in the case of vector array. """ locationMap = {"POINTS": vtkDataObject.POINT, "CELLS": vtkDataObject.CELL} repProxy = self.mapIdToProxy(representation) lutProxy = repProxy.LookupTable if colorMode == "SOLID": # No array just diffuse color repProxy.ColorArrayName = "" else: simple.ColorBy(repProxy, (arrayLocation, arrayName)) if repProxy.LookupTable: lut = repProxy.LookupTable lut.VectorMode = str(vectorMode) lut.VectorComponent = int(vectorComponent) if rescale: repProxy.RescaleTransferFunctionToDataRange(rescale, False) self.updateScalarBars() simple.Render() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent")
# RpcName: setOpacityFunctionPoints => pv.color.manager.opacity.points.set
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.opacity.points.set") def setOpacityFunctionPoints( self, arrayName, pointArray, enableOpacityMapping=False ): lutProxy = simple.GetColorTransferFunction(arrayName) pwfProxy = simple.GetOpacityTransferFunction(arrayName) # Use whatever the current scalar range is for this array cMin = lutProxy.RGBPoints[0] cMax = lutProxy.RGBPoints[-4] # Scale and bias the x values, which come in between 0.0 and 1.0, to the # current scalar range for i in range(len(pointArray) // 4): idx = i * 4 x = pointArray[idx] pointArray[idx] = (x * (cMax - cMin)) + cMin # Set the Points property to scaled and biased points array pwfProxy.Points = pointArray lutProxy.EnableOpacityMapping = enableOpacityMapping simple.Render() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent")
# RpcName: getOpacityFunctionPoints => pv.color.manager.opacity.points.get
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.opacity.points.get") def getOpacityFunctionPoints(self, arrayName): result = [] lutProxy = simple.GetColorTransferFunction(arrayName) pwfProxy = simple.GetOpacityTransferFunction(arrayName) # Use whatever the current scalar range is for this array cMin = lutProxy.RGBPoints[0] cMax = lutProxy.RGBPoints[-4] pointArray = pwfProxy.Points # Scale and bias the x values, which come in between 0.0 and 1.0, to the # current scalar range for i in range(len(pointArray) // 4): idx = i * 4 result.append( { "x": (pointArray[idx] - cMin) / (cMax - cMin), "y": pointArray[idx + 1], "x2": pointArray[idx + 2], "y2": pointArray[idx + 3], } ) return result
# RpcName: getRgbPoints => pv.color.manager.rgb.points.get
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.rgb.points.get") def getRgbPoints(self, arrayName): lutProxy = simple.GetColorTransferFunction(arrayName) # First, set the current coloring mode colorInfo = {} colorInfo["mode"] = ( "categorical" if lutProxy.InterpretValuesAsCategories else "continuous" ) # Now build up the continuous coloring information continuousInfo = {} l = lutProxy.RGBPoints.GetData() scalars = l[0 : len(l) : 4] continuousInfo["scalars"] = [float(s) for s in scalars] reds = l[1 : len(l) : 4] greens = l[2 : len(l) : 4] blues = l[3 : len(l) : 4] continuousInfo["colors"] = [list(a) for a in zip(reds, greens, blues)] colorInfo["continuous"] = continuousInfo # Finally, build up the categorical coloring information categoricalInfo = {} rgbs = lutProxy.IndexedColors reds = rgbs[0 : len(rgbs) : 3] greens = rgbs[1 : len(rgbs) : 3] blues = rgbs[2 : len(rgbs) : 3] categoricalInfo["colors"] = [list(a) for a in zip(reds, greens, blues)] l = lutProxy.Annotations scalars = l[0 : len(l) : 2] categoricalInfo["scalars"] = [float(s) for s in scalars] categoricalInfo["annotations"] = l[1 : len(l) : 2] ### If the numbers of categorical colors and scalars do not match, ### then this is probably because you already had a categorical color ### scheme set up when you applied a new indexed preset. numColors = len(categoricalInfo["colors"]) numScalars = len(categoricalInfo["scalars"]) if numColors != numScalars: # More colors than scalars means we applied a preset colormap with # more colors than what we had set up already, so I want to add # scalars and annotations. if numColors > numScalars: nextValue = 0 # Another special case here is that there were no categorical # scalars/colors before the preset was applied, and we will need # to insert a single space character (' ') annotation at the start # of the list to make the scalarbar appear. if numScalars == 0: categoricalInfo["scalars"].append(nextValue) categoricalInfo["annotations"].append(" ") nextValue = categoricalInfo["scalars"][-1] + 1 for i in range((numColors - numScalars) - 1): categoricalInfo["scalars"].append(nextValue) categoricalInfo["annotations"].append("") nextValue += 1 # More scalars than colors means we applied a preset colormap with # *fewer* colors than what had already, so I want to add fake colors # for any non-empty annotations I have after the end of the color list elif numScalars > numColors: newScalars = categoricalInfo["scalars"][0:numColors] newAnnotations = categoricalInfo["annotations"][0:numColors] for i in range(numColors, numScalars): if categoricalInfo["annotations"][i] != "": newScalars.append(categoricalInfo["scalars"][i]) newAnnotations.append(categoricalInfo["annotations"][i]) categoricalInfo["colors"].append([0.5, 0.5, 0.5]) categoricalInfo["scalars"] = newScalars categoricalInfo["annotations"] = newAnnotations # Now that we have made the number of indexed colors and associated # scalars match, the final step in this special case is to apply the # matched up props we just computed so that server and client ui are # in sync. idxColorsProperty = [] annotationsProperty = [] for aIdx in range(len(categoricalInfo["scalars"])): annotationsProperty.append(str(categoricalInfo["scalars"][aIdx])) annotationsProperty.append(str(categoricalInfo["annotations"][aIdx])) idxColorsProperty.extend(categoricalInfo["colors"][aIdx]) lutProxy.Annotations = annotationsProperty lutProxy.IndexedColors = idxColorsProperty simple.Render colorInfo["categorical"] = categoricalInfo return colorInfo
# RpcName: setRgbPoints => pv.color.manager.rgb.points.set
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.rgb.points.set") def setRgbPoints(self, arrayName, rgbInfo): lutProxy = simple.GetColorTransferFunction(arrayName) colorMode = rgbInfo["mode"] continuousInfo = rgbInfo["continuous"] categoricalInfo = rgbInfo["categorical"] # First make sure the continuous mode properties are set continuousScalars = continuousInfo["scalars"] continuousColors = continuousInfo["colors"] rgbPoints = [] for idx in range(len(continuousScalars)): scalar = continuousScalars[idx] rgb = continuousColors[idx] rgbPoints.append(float(scalar)) rgbPoints.extend(rgb) lutProxy.RGBPoints = rgbPoints # Now make sure the categorical mode properties are set annotations = categoricalInfo["annotations"] categoricalScalars = categoricalInfo["scalars"] categoricalColors = categoricalInfo["colors"] annotationsProperty = [] idxColorsProperty = [] for aIdx in range(len(annotations)): annotationsProperty.append(str(categoricalScalars[aIdx])) annotationsProperty.append(str(annotations[aIdx])) idxColorsProperty.extend(categoricalColors[aIdx]) lutProxy.Annotations = annotationsProperty lutProxy.IndexedColors = idxColorsProperty # Finally, set the coloring mode property if colorMode == "continuous": # continuous coloring lutProxy.InterpretValuesAsCategories = 0 else: # categorical coloring lutProxy.InterpretValuesAsCategories = 1 simple.Render() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent")
# RpcName: getLutImage => pv.color.manager.lut.image.get
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.lut.image.get") def getLutImage(self, representation, numSamples, customRange=None): repProxy = self.mapIdToProxy(representation) lut = repProxy.LookupTable.GetClientSideObject() dataRange = customRange if not dataRange: dataRange = lut.GetRange() delta = (dataRange[1] - dataRange[0]) / float(numSamples) colorArray = vtkUnsignedCharArray() colorArray.SetNumberOfComponents(3) colorArray.SetNumberOfTuples(numSamples) rgb = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(numSamples): lut.GetColor(dataRange[0] + float(i) * delta, rgb) r = int(round(rgb[0] * 255)) g = int(round(rgb[1] * 255)) b = int(round(rgb[2] * 255)) colorArray.SetTuple3(i, r, g, b) # Add the color array to an image data imgData = vtkImageData() imgData.SetDimensions(numSamples, 1, 1) aIdx = imgData.GetPointData().SetScalars(colorArray) # Use the vtk data encoder to base-64 encode the image as png, using no compression encoder = vtkDataEncoder() # two calls in a row crash on Windows - bald timing hack to avoid the crash. time.sleep(0.01) b64Str = encoder.EncodeAsBase64Png(imgData, 0) return {"range": dataRange, "image": b64Str}
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.lut.image.all") def getLutImages(self, numSamples): colorArray = vtkUnsignedCharArray() colorArray.SetNumberOfComponents(3) colorArray.SetNumberOfTuples(numSamples) pxm = simple.servermanager.ProxyManager() lutProxy = pxm.NewProxy("lookup_tables", "PVLookupTable") lut = lutProxy.GetClientSideObject() dataRange = lut.GetRange() delta = (dataRange[1] - dataRange[0]) / float(numSamples) # Add the color array to an image data imgData = vtkImageData() imgData.SetDimensions(numSamples, 1, 1) imgData.GetPointData().SetScalars(colorArray) # Use the vtk data encoder to base-64 encode the image as png, using no compression encoder = vtkDataEncoder() # Result container result = {} # Loop over all presets for name in self.colorMapNames: lutProxy.ApplyPreset(name, True) rgb = [0, 0, 0] for i in range(numSamples): lut.GetColor(dataRange[0] + float(i) * delta, rgb) r = int(round(rgb[0] * 255)) g = int(round(rgb[1] * 255)) b = int(round(rgb[2] * 255)) colorArray.SetTuple3(i, r, g, b) result[name] = encoder.EncodeAsBase64Png(imgData, 0) simple.Delete(lutProxy) return result
# RpcName: setSurfaceOpacity => pv.color.manager.surface.opacity.set
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.surface.opacity.set") def setSurfaceOpacity(self, representation, enabled): repProxy = self.mapIdToProxy(representation) lutProxy = repProxy.LookupTable lutProxy.EnableOpacityMapping = enabled simple.Render() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent")
# RpcName: getSurfaceOpacity => pv.color.manager.surface.opacity.get
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.surface.opacity.get") def getSurfaceOpacity(self, representation): repProxy = self.mapIdToProxy(representation) lutProxy = repProxy.LookupTable return lutProxy.EnableOpacityMapping
# RpcName: setSurfaceOpacityByArray =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def setSurfaceOpacityByArray(self, arrayName, enabled): lutProxy = simple.GetColorTransferFunction(arrayName) lutProxy.EnableOpacityMapping = enabled simple.Render() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent")
# RpcName: getSurfaceOpacityByArray =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def getSurfaceOpacityByArray(self, arrayName): lutProxy = simple.GetColorTransferFunction(arrayName) return lutProxy.EnableOpacityMapping
# RpcName: selectColorMap =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def selectColorMap(self, representation, paletteName): """ Choose the color map preset to use when coloring by an array. """ repProxy = self.mapIdToProxy(representation) lutProxy = repProxy.LookupTable if lutProxy is not None: lutProxy.ApplyPreset(paletteName, True) simple.Render() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return {"result": "success"} else: return { "result": "Representation proxy " + representation + " is missing lookup table" } return {"result": "preset " + paletteName + " not found"}
# RpcName: listColorMapNames => pv.color.manager.list.preset
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.color.manager.list.preset") def listColorMapNames(self): """ List the names of all color map presets available on the server. This list will contain the names of any presets you provided in the file you supplied to the constructor of this protocol. """ return self.colorMapNames
# ============================================================================= # # Proxy management protocol # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebProxyManager(ParaViewWebProtocol): VTK_DATA_TYPES = [ "void", # 0 "bit", # 1 "char", # 2 "unsigned_char", # 3 "short", # 4 "unsigned_short", # 5 "int", # 6 "unsigned_int", # 7 "long", # 8 "unsigned_long", # 9 "float", # 10 "double", # 11 "id_type", # 12 "unspecified", # 13 "unspecified", # 14 "signed_char", # 15 "long_long", # 16 "unsigned_long_long", # 17 ] def __init__( self, allowedProxiesFile=None, baseDir=None, fileToLoad=None, allowUnconfiguredReaders=True, groupProxyEditorWidgets=True, respectPropertyGroups=True, **kwargs ): """ basePath: specify the base directory (or directories) that we should start with, if this parameter takes the form: "name1=path1|name2=path2|...", then we will treat this as the case where multiple data directories are required. In this case, each top-level directory will be given the name associated with the directory in the argument. """ super(ParaViewWebProxyManager, self).__init__() self.debugMode = False self.groupProxyEditorPropertyWidget = groupProxyEditorWidgets self.respectPropertyGroups = respectPropertyGroups self.proxyDefinitionCache = {} self.domainFunctionMap = { "vtkSMBooleanDomain": booleanDomainDecorator, "vtkSMProxyListDomain": proxyListDomainDecorator, "vtkSMIntRangeDomain": numberRangeDomainDecorator, "vtkSMDoubleRangeDomain": numberRangeDomainDecorator, "vtkSMArrayRangeDomain": numberRangeDomainDecorator, "vtkSMRepresentationTypeDomain": stringListDomainDecorator, "vtkSMStringListDomain": stringListDomainDecorator, "vtkSMArrayListDomain": arrayListDomainDecorator, "vtkSMArraySelectionDomain": arraySelectionDomainDecorator, "vtkSMEnumerationDomain": enumerationDomainDecorator, "vtkSMCompositeTreeDomain": treeDomainDecorator, } self.alwaysIncludeProperties = ["GridAxesVisibility"] self.alwaysExcludeProperties = [ "LookupTable", "Texture", "ColorArrayName", "Representations", "HiddenRepresentations", "HiddenProps", "UseTexturedBackground", "BackgroundTexture", "KeyLightWarmth", "KeyLightIntensity", "KeyLightElevation", "KeyLightAzimuth", "FileName", ] self.propertyTypeMap = { "vtkSMIntVectorProperty": "int", "vtkSMDoubleVectorProperty": "float", "vtkSMStringVectorProperty": "str", "vtkSMProxyProperty": "proxy", "vtkSMInputProperty": "proxy", "vtkSMDoubleMapProperty": "map", } self.allowedProxies = {} self.hintsMap = { "PropertyWidgetDecorator": { "ClipScalarsDecorator": clipScalarDecorator, "GenericDecorator": genericDecorator, }, "Widget": {"multi_line": multiLineDecorator}, "ProxyEditorPropertyWidget": { "default": proxyEditorPropertyWidgetDecorator }, } self.setBaseDirectory(baseDir) self.allowUnconfiguredReaders = allowUnconfiguredReaders # If there was a proxy list file, use it, otherwise use the default if allowedProxiesFile: self.readAllowedProxies(allowedProxiesFile) else: from ._default_proxies import getDefaultProxies self.readAllowedProxies(getDefaultProxies()) if fileToLoad: if "*" in fileToLoad: fullBasePathForGroup = os.path.dirname(self.getAbsolutePath(fileToLoad)) fileNamePattern = os.path.basename(fileToLoad) groupToLoad = [] for fileName in os.listdir(fullBasePathForGroup): if fnmatch.fnmatch(fileName, fileNamePattern): groupToLoad.append(os.path.join(fullBasePathForGroup, fileName)) groupToLoad.sort(key=alphanum_key) else: self.simpleTypes = [int, float, list, str] self.view = simple.GetRenderView() simple.SetActiveView(self.view) simple.Render() # -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Read the configured proxies json file into a dictionary and process. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def readAllowedProxies(self, filepathOrConfig): self.availableList = {} self.allowedProxies = {} configurationData = {} if type(filepathOrConfig) == dict: configurationData = filepathOrConfig else: with open(filepathOrConfig, "r") as fd: configurationData = json.load(fd) self.configureFiltersOrSources("sources", configurationData["sources"]) self.configureFiltersOrSources("filters", configurationData["filters"]) self.configureReaders(configurationData["readers"])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handle filters and sources sections of the proxies config file. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def configureFiltersOrSources(self, key, flist): list = [] self.availableList[key] = list for item in flist: if "label" in item: self.allowedProxies[item["label"]] = item["name"] list.append(item["label"]) else: self.allowedProxies[item["name"]] = item["name"] list.append(item["name"])
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Handle the readers section of the proxies config file. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def configureReaders(self, rlist): self.readerFactoryMap = {} for config in rlist: readerName = config["name"] readerMethod = "FileName" useDirectory = False if "method" in config: readerMethod = config["method"] if "useDirectory" in config: useDirectory = config["useDirectory"] for ext in config["extensions"]: self.readerFactoryMap[ext] = [readerName, readerMethod, useDirectory]
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convenience method to get proxy defs, cached if available # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getProxyDefinition(self, group, name): cacheKey = "%s:%s" % (group, name) if cacheKey in self.proxyDefinitionCache: return self.proxyDefinitionCache[cacheKey] xmlElement = servermanager.ActiveConnection.Session.GetProxyDefinitionManager().GetCollapsedProxyDefinition( group, name, None ) # print('\n\n\n (%s, %s): \n\n' % (group, name)) # xmlElement.PrintXML() self.proxyDefinitionCache[cacheKey] = xmlElement return xmlElement
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Look higher up in XML hierarchy for attributes on a property (useful if # a property is an exposed property). From the documentation of vtkSMProperty, # the GetParent method will access the sub-proxy to which the property # actually belongs, if that is the case. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def extractParentAttributes(self, property, attributes): proxy = None name = "" try: proxy = property.SMProperty.GetParent() name = proxy.GetPropertyName(property.SMProperty) except: try: proxy = property.GetParent() name = proxy.GetPropertyName(property) except: print( "ERROR: unable to get property parent for property " + property.Name ) return {} xmlElement = self.getProxyDefinition(proxy.GetXMLGroup(), proxy.GetXMLName()) attrMap = {} nbChildren = xmlElement.GetNumberOfNestedElements() for i in range(nbChildren): xmlChild = xmlElement.GetNestedElement(i) elementName = xmlChild.GetName() if elementName.endswith("Property"): propName = xmlChild.GetAttribute("name") if propName == name: for attrName in attributes: if xmlChild.GetAttribute(attrName): attrMap[attrName] = xmlChild.GetAttribute(attrName) return attrMap
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # If we have a proxy property, gather up the xml information from the # possible proxy values it can take on. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getProxyListFromProperty( self, proxy, proxyPropElement, inPropGroup, group, parentGroup, detailsKey ): propPropName = proxyPropElement.GetAttribute("name") propVisibility = proxyPropElement.GetAttribute("panel_visibility") propInstance = proxy.GetProperty(propPropName) nbChildren = proxyPropElement.GetNumberOfNestedElements() foundPLDChild = False subProxiesToProcess = [] domain = propInstance.FindDomain("vtkSMProxyListDomain") if domain: foundPLDChild = True for j in range(domain.GetNumberOfProxies()): subProxy = domain.GetProxy(j) pelt = self.getProxyDefinition( subProxy.GetXMLGroup(), subProxy.GetXMLName() ) subProxiesToProcess.append([subProxy, pelt]) if len(subProxiesToProcess) > 0: newGroup = group newParentGroup = parentGroup if self.groupProxyEditorPropertyWidget: hintChild = proxyPropElement.FindNestedElementByName("Hints") if hintChild: pepwChild = hintChild.FindNestedElementByName( "ProxyEditorPropertyWidget" ) if pepwChild: newGroup = "%s:%s" % (proxy.GetGlobalIDAsString(), propPropName) self.groupDetailsMap[newGroup] = { "groupName": propPropName, "groupWidget": "ProxyEditorPropertyWidget", "groupVisibilityProperty": pepwChild.GetAttribute( "property" ), "groupVisibility": propVisibility if propVisibility is not None else "default", "groupType": "ProxyEditorPropertyWidget", } newParentGroup = group self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey]["group"] = newGroup self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey][ "parentGroup" ] = newParentGroup for sub in subProxiesToProcess: self.processXmlElement( sub[0], sub[1], inPropGroup, newGroup, newParentGroup, detailsKey ) return foundPLDChild
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Decide whether to update our internal map of property details, or just the # ordered list of properties, or both. # # detailsKey => uniquely identifies a property via concatenation of proxy # id and property name, e.g. '476:Opacity' # name => property name # panelVis => value of 'panel_visibilty' attribute on element # size => number of elements to set for this property # inPropGroup => whether or not this property is inside a 'PropertyGroup' element # group => name of group this property belongs to (could be other than 'root', # even if 'inPropGroup' is false, due to the grouping we impose # when we encounter a ProxyProperty with Hints: 'ProxyEditorPropertyWidget') # parentGroup => name of parent group (could be None for root level property) # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def trackProperty( self, detailsKey, name, panelVis, panelVisQualifier, size, inPropGroup, group, parentGroup, belongsToProxyProperty=None, ): if detailsKey not in self.propertyDetailsMap: self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey] = { "type": name, "panelVis": panelVis, "panelVisQualifier": panelVisQualifier, "size": size, "group": group, "parentGroup": parentGroup, } if belongsToProxyProperty: if belongsToProxyProperty not in self.proxyPropertyDependents: self.proxyPropertyDependents[belongsToProxyProperty] = [] self.proxyPropertyDependents[belongsToProxyProperty].append(detailsKey) # If this property belongs to a proxy property, and if that property is marked # as advanced, then this property should be marked advanced too. if ( self.propertyDetailsMap[belongsToProxyProperty]["panelVis"] == "advanced" ): self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey]["panelVis"] = "advanced" if inPropGroup: self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey]["group"] = group self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey]["parentGroup"] = parentGroup if panelVis is not None: self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey]["panelVis"] = panelVis if panelVisQualifier is not None: self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey][ "panelVisQualifier" ] = panelVisQualifier else: if ( panelVis is not None and self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey]["panelVis"] is None ): self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey]["panelVis"] = panelVis if ( panelVisQualifier is not None and self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey]["panelVisQualifier"] is None ): self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey][ "panelVisQualifier" ] = panelVisQualifier if detailsKey not in self.orderedNameList: self.orderedNameList.append(detailsKey) else: # Do already have property in ordered list, but because we're in a # PropertyGroup, we want to override the previous order if inPropGroup: idx = self.orderedNameList.index(detailsKey) self.orderedNameList.pop(idx) self.orderedNameList.append(detailsKey) # Additionally, if the property we are now re-ordering is a ProxyProperty, then # we also need to grab any properties of the sub proxies of it's proxy list domain # and move all of those down as well if detailsKey in self.proxyPropertyDependents: subProxiesProps = self.proxyPropertyDependents[detailsKey] for subProxyPropKey in subProxiesProps: idx = self.orderedNameList.index(subProxyPropKey) self.orderedNameList.pop(idx) self.orderedNameList.append(subProxyPropKey)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Gather information from the xml associated with a proxy and properties. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def processXmlElement( self, proxy, xmlElement, inPropGroup, group, parentGroup, belongsToProxyProperty=None, ): proxyId = proxy.GetGlobalIDAsString() nbChildren = xmlElement.GetNumberOfNestedElements() for i in range(nbChildren): xmlChild = xmlElement.GetNestedElement(i) name = xmlChild.GetName() nameAttr = xmlChild.GetAttribute("name") detailsKey = proxyId + ":" + str(nameAttr) infoOnly = xmlChild.GetAttribute("information_only") isInternal = xmlChild.GetAttribute("is_internal") panelVis = xmlChild.GetAttribute("panel_visibility") numElts = xmlChild.GetAttribute("number_of_elements") panelVisQualifier = None if self.proxyIsRepresentation: panelVisQualifier = xmlChild.GetAttribute( "panel_visibility_default_for_representation" ) size = -1 informationOnly = 0 internal = 0 # Check for attributes that might only exist on parent xml parentQueryList = [] if numElts is None: parentQueryList.append("number_of_elements") else: size = int(numElts) if infoOnly is None: parentQueryList.append("information_only") else: informationOnly = int(infoOnly) if isInternal is None: parentQueryList.append("is_internal") else: internal = int(isInternal) if panelVis is None: parentQueryList.append("panel_visibility") if self.proxyIsRepresentation: if panelVisQualifier is None: parentQueryList.append( "panel_visibility_default_for_representation" ) # Try to retrieve those attributes from parent xml (implicit assumption is this is a property # which actually belongs to a subproxy) parentAttrs = {} if len(parentQueryList) > 0: propInstance = proxy.GetProperty(nameAttr) if propInstance: parentAttrs = self.extractParentAttributes( propInstance, parentQueryList ) if ( "number_of_elements" in parentAttrs and parentAttrs["number_of_elements"] ): size = int(parentAttrs["number_of_elements"]) if "information_only" in parentAttrs and parentAttrs["information_only"]: informationOnly = int(parentAttrs["information_only"]) if "is_internal" in parentAttrs and parentAttrs["is_internal"]: internal = int(parentAttrs["is_internal"]) if "panel_visibility" in parentAttrs: panelVis = parentAttrs["panel_visibility"] if "panel_visibility_default_for_representation" in parentAttrs: panelVisQualifier = parentAttrs[ "panel_visibility_default_for_representation" ] # Now decide whether we should filter out this property if ( ( (name.endswith("Property") and panelVis == "never") or informationOnly == 1 or internal == 1 ) and nameAttr not in self.alwaysIncludeProperties ) or nameAttr in self.alwaysExcludeProperties: self.debug( "Filtering out property " + str(nameAttr) + " because panelVis is never, infoOnly is 1, isInternal is 1, or " + str(nameAttr) + " is an ALWAYS EXCLUDE property" ) continue if name == "Hints": self.debug(" ((((((((((Got the hints))))))))) ") for j in range(xmlChild.GetNumberOfNestedElements()): hintChild = xmlChild.GetNestedElement(j) if hintChild.GetName() == "Visibility": replaceInputAttr = hintChild.GetAttribute("replace_input") if replaceInputAttr: self.propertyDetailsMap["specialHints"] = { "replaceInput": int(replaceInputAttr) } self.debug( " Replace input value: " + str(replaceInputAttr) ) elif name == "ProxyProperty" or name == "InputProperty": self.debug(str(nameAttr) + " is a proxy property") self.trackProperty( detailsKey, name, panelVis, panelVisQualifier, size, inPropGroup, group, parentGroup, belongsToProxyProperty, ) foundProxyListDomain = self.getProxyListFromProperty( proxy, xmlChild, inPropGroup, group, parentGroup, detailsKey ) if foundProxyListDomain == True: self.propertyDetailsMap[detailsKey]["size"] = 1 elif name.endswith("Property"): self.trackProperty( detailsKey, name, panelVis, panelVisQualifier, size, inPropGroup, group, parentGroup, belongsToProxyProperty, ) else: # Anything else, we recursively process the element, with special handling # in the case that the element is a PropertyGroup if name == "PropertyGroup": newGroup = group newParentGroup = parentGroup if self.respectPropertyGroups: typeAttr = xmlChild.GetAttribute("type") labelAttr = xmlChild.GetAttribute("label") panelWidgetAttr = None if not labelAttr: panelWidgetAttr = xmlChild.GetAttribute("panel_widget") labelAttr = panelWidgetAttr if not labelAttr: labelAttr = "Unlabeled Property Group (%s)" % proxyId newGroup = "%s:%s" % (proxyId, labelAttr) self.groupDetailsMap[newGroup] = { "groupName": labelAttr, "groupWidget": "PropertyGroup", "groupVisibility": panelVis, "groupType": typeAttr, } newParentGroup = group self.processXmlElement( proxy, xmlChild, True, newGroup, newParentGroup, belongsToProxyProperty, ) else: self.processXmlElement( proxy, xmlChild, inPropGroup, group, parentGroup, belongsToProxyProperty, )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Entry point for the xml processing methods. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getProxyXmlDefinitions(self, proxy): self.orderedNameList = [] self.propertyDetailsMap = {} self.groupDetailsMap = {} self.proxyPropertyDependents = {} self.proxyIsRepresentation = proxy.GetXMLGroup() == "representations" self.groupDetailsMap["root"] = {"groupName": "root"} xmlElement = self.getProxyDefinition(proxy.GetXMLGroup(), proxy.GetXMLName()) self.processXmlElement(proxy, xmlElement, False, "root", None) self.debug( "Length of final ordered property list: " + str(len(self.orderedNameList)) ) for propName in self.orderedNameList: propRec = self.propertyDetailsMap[propName] self.debug( "Property " + str(propName) + ", type = " + str(propRec["type"]) + ", pvis = " + str(propRec["panelVis"]) + ", size = " + str(propRec["size"]) )
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper function to fill in all the properties of a proxy. Delegates # properties with specific domain types to other helpers. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def fillPropertyList(self, proxy_id, propertyList, dependency=None): proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxy_id) if proxy: for property in proxy.ListProperties(): prop = proxy.GetProperty(property) propertyName = prop.Name displayName = prop.GetXMLLabel() if propertyName in ["Refresh", "Input"] or propertyName.__contains__( "Info" ): continue pythonProp = servermanager._wrap_property(proxy, prop) propJson = {"name": propertyName, "id": proxy_id, "label": displayName} if dependency is not None: propJson["dependency"] = dependency if type(prop) == ProxyProperty or type(prop) == InputProperty: proxyListDomain = prop.FindDomain("vtkSMProxyListDomain") if proxyListDomain: # Set the value of this ProxyProperty propJson["value"] = prop.GetProxy(0).GetXMLLabel() # Now recursively fill in properties of this proxy property for i in range(proxyListDomain.GetNumberOfProxies()): subProxy = proxyListDomain.GetProxy(i) subProxyId = subProxy.GetGlobalIDAsString() depStr = ( proxy_id + ":" + propertyName + ":" + subProxy.GetXMLLabel() + ":1" ) self.fillPropertyList(subProxyId, propertyList, depStr) else: # The value of this ProxyProperty is the list of proxy ids value = [] for i in range(prop.GetNumberOfProxies()): p = prop.GetProxy(i) value.append(p.GetGlobalIDAsString()) propJson["value"] = value else: # For everything but ProxyProperty, we should just be able to call GetData() try: propJson["value"] = prop.GetData() except AttributeError as attrErr: self.debug( "Property " + propertyName + " has no GetData() method, skipping" ) continue # One exception is properties which have enumeration domain, in which case we substitute # the numeric value for the enum text value. enumDomain = prop.FindDomain("vtkSMEnumerationDomain") if enumDomain: for entryNum in range(enumDomain.GetNumberOfEntries()): if enumDomain.GetEntryText(entryNum) == propJson["value"]: propJson["value"] = enumDomain.GetEntryValue(entryNum) break self.debug("Adding a property to the pre-sorted list: " + str(propJson)) propertyList.append(propJson)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Make a first pass over the properties, building up a couple of data # structures we can use to reorder the properties to match the xml order. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def reorderProperties(self, rootProxyId, proxyProperties): self.getProxyXmlDefinitions(self.mapIdToProxy(rootProxyId)) propMap = {} for prop in proxyProperties: propMap[prop["id"] + ":" + prop["name"]] = prop orderedList = [] groupsInfo = [] for name in self.orderedNameList: if name in propMap: orderedList.append(propMap[name]) xmlDetails = self.propertyDetailsMap[name] groupsInfo.append( { "group": xmlDetails["group"], "parentGroup": xmlDetails["parentGroup"], } ) return orderedList, groupsInfo
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Convenience function to set a property value. Can be extended with other # special cases as the need arises. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def setProperty(self, property, propertyValue): if propertyValue == "vtkProcessId": property.SetElement(0, propertyValue) else: property.SetData(propertyValue)
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Taken directly from, applies domains so we can see real values. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def applyDomains(self, parentProxy, proxy_id): """ This function is used to apply the domains so that queries for specific values like range min and max retrieve something useful. """ proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxy_id) # Call recursively on each sub-proxy if any for property_name in proxy.ListProperties(): prop = proxy.GetProperty(property_name) if prop.IsA("vtkSMProxyProperty"): try: if len(prop.Available) and prop.GetNumberOfProxies() == 1: listdomain = prop.FindDomain("vtkSMProxyListDomain") if listdomain: for i in range(listdomain.GetNumberOfProxies()): internal_proxy = listdomain.GetProxy(i) self.applyDomains( parentProxy, internal_proxy.GetGlobalIDAsString() ) except: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() print("Unexpected error:", exc_type, " line: ", exc_tb.tb_lineno) # Reset all properties to leverage domain capabilities for prop_name in proxy.ListProperties(): if prop_name == "Input": continue try: skipReset = False prop = proxy.GetProperty(prop_name) iter = prop.NewDomainIterator() iter.Begin() while not iter.IsAtEnd(): domain = iter.GetDomain() iter.Next() try: if domain.IsA("vtkSMBoundsDomain"): domain.SetDomainValues( parentProxy.GetDataInformation().GetBounds() ) except AttributeError as attrErr: skipReset = True print( "Caught exception setting domain values in apply_domains:" ) print(attrErr) if not skipReset: prop.ResetToDefault() # Need to UnRegister to handle the ref count from the NewDomainIterator iter.UnRegister(None) except: exc_type, exc_obj, exc_tb = sys.exc_info() print("Unexpected error:", exc_type, " line: ", exc_tb.tb_lineno) proxy.UpdateVTKObjects()
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper function to gather information about the bounds, point, and cell # data. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getDataInformation(self, proxy): # The stuff in here works, but only after you have created the # representation. dataInfo = proxy.GetDataInformation() # Get some basic statistics about the data info = { "bounds": dataInfo.DataInformation.GetBounds(), "points": dataInfo.DataInformation.GetNumberOfPoints(), "cells": dataInfo.DataInformation.GetNumberOfCells(), "type": dataInfo.DataInformation.GetPrettyDataTypeString(), "memory": dataInfo.DataInformation.GetMemorySize(), } arrayData = [] # Get information about point data arrays pdInfo = proxy.GetPointDataInformation() numberOfPointArrays = pdInfo.GetNumberOfArrays() for idx in range(numberOfPointArrays): array = pdInfo.GetArray(idx) numComps = array.GetNumberOfComponents() typeStr = ParaViewWebProxyManager.VTK_DATA_TYPES[array.GetDataType()] data = { "name": array.Name, "size": numComps, "location": "POINTS", "type": typeStr, } magRange = array.GetRange(-1) rangeList = [] if numComps > 1: rangeList.append( {"name": "Magnitude", "min": magRange[0], "max": magRange[1]} ) for i in range(numComps): ithrange = array.GetRange(i) rangeList.append( { "name": array.GetComponentName(i), "min": ithrange[0], "max": ithrange[1], } ) else: rangeList.append({"name": "", "min": magRange[0], "max": magRange[1]}) data["range"] = rangeList arrayData.append(data) # Get information about cell data arrays cdInfo = proxy.GetCellDataInformation() numberOfCellArrays = cdInfo.GetNumberOfArrays() for idx in range(numberOfCellArrays): array = cdInfo.GetArray(idx) numComps = array.GetNumberOfComponents() typeStr = ParaViewWebProxyManager.VTK_DATA_TYPES[array.GetDataType()] data = { "name": array.Name, "size": numComps, "location": "CELLS", "type": typeStr, } magRange = array.GetRange(-1) rangeList = [] if numComps > 1: rangeList.append( {"name": "Magnitude", "min": magRange[0], "max": magRange[1]} ) for i in range(numComps): ithrange = array.GetRange(i) rangeList.append( { "name": array.GetComponentName(i), "min": ithrange[0], "max": ithrange[1], } ) else: rangeList.append({"name": "", "min": magRange[0], "max": magRange[1]}) data["range"] = rangeList arrayData.append(data) # Get field data information fdInfo = dataInfo.DataInformation.GetFieldDataInformation() numFieldDataArrays = fdInfo.GetNumberOfArrays() for idx in range(numFieldDataArrays): array = fdInfo.GetArrayInformation(idx) numComps = array.GetNumberOfComponents() typeStr = ParaViewWebProxyManager.VTK_DATA_TYPES[array.GetDataType()] data = { "name": array.GetName(), "size": numComps, "location": "FIELDS", "type": typeStr, } rangeList = [] for i in range(numComps): ithrange = array.GetComponentRange(i) rangeList.append( { "name": array.GetComponentName(i), "min": ithrange[0], "max": ithrange[1], } ) data["range"] = rangeList arrayData.append(data) # Time data timeKeeper = next( iter(servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup("timekeeper").values()) ) tsVals = timeKeeper.TimestepValues if tsVals: if isinstance(tsVals, float): tsVals = [tsVals] tValStrings = [] for tsVal in tsVals: tValStrings.append(str(tsVal)) info["time"] = tValStrings else: info["time"] = [] info["arrays"] = arrayData return info
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper function to gather information about the coloring used by this # representation proxy. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getColorInformation(self, proxy): """ Generates a block of color information, given a representation proxy. Example output format: .. code-block:: json "colorBy": { "representation": "652", "scalarBar": 0, "mode": "color", # 'array' "color": [0.5, 1.0, 1.0], "array": ["POINTS", "RTData", -1], "colorMap": "Blue to Red" } """ colorInfo = {"representation": proxy.GetGlobalIDAsString()} if proxy.GetProperty("DiffuseColor"): colorInfo["color"] = proxy.GetProperty("DiffuseColor").GetData() if proxy.GetProperty("ColorArrayName"): colorInfo["mode"] = "array" view = self.getView(-1) sbVisible = vtkSMPVRepresentationProxy.IsScalarBarVisible( proxy.SMProxy, view.SMProxy ) colorInfo["scalarBar"] = 1 if sbVisible else 0 lut = proxy.GetProperty("LookupTable").GetData() component = -1 if lut and lut.GetProperty("VectorMode").GetData() == "Component": component = lut.GetProperty("VectorComponent").GetData() colorArrayProp = proxy.GetProperty("ColorArrayName") colorInfo["array"] = [ colorArrayProp.GetAssociation(), colorArrayProp.GetArrayName(), component, ] else: colorInfo["mode"] = "color" colorInfo["scalarBar"] = 0 return colorInfo
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper function populate the ui structures list, which corresponds with # with the properties list, element by element, and provides information # about the ui elements needed to represent each property. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def getUiProperties(self, proxyId, proxyProperties): """ Generates an array of objects, parallel to the properties, containing the information needed to render UI for each property. Not all of the following attributes will always be present. :param proxyId: The ID of the proxy. :type proxyId: str :param proxyProperties: The properties of the proxy. :type proxyProperties: list Example output format: .. code-block:: json "ui": [ { "name": "Clip Type", "advanced": 1, # 0 "doc": "Documentation string for the property", "dependency": "498:ClipFunction:Sphere:1", "values": { "Plane": "456", "Box": "457", "Scalar": "458", "Sphere": "459" }, "type": "int", # 'float', 'int', 'str', 'proxy', 'input', ... "widget": "textfield", # 'checkbox', 'textarea', 'list-1', 'list-n' "size": -1, # -1, 0, 2, 3, 6 "range": [ { "min": 0, "max": 1 }, { "min": 4, "max": 7 } ] } # More objects... ] """ if self.proxyIsRepresentation: reprProxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxyId) reprProp = reprProxy.GetProperty("Representation") reprValue = reprProp.GetData() uiProps = [] for proxyProp in proxyProperties: uiElt = {} pid = proxyProp["id"] propertyName = proxyProp["name"] proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(pid) prop = proxy.GetProperty(propertyName) # Get the xml details we already parsed out for this property xmlProps = self.propertyDetailsMap[pid + ":" + propertyName] # Set a few defaults for the ui elements, which may be overridden uiElt["size"] = xmlProps["size"] uiElt["widget"] = "textfield" uiElt["type"] = self.propertyTypeMap[prop.GetClassName()] doc = prop.GetDocumentation() if doc: uiElt["doc"] = doc.GetDescription() uiElt["name"] = proxyProp["label"] proxyProp.pop("label", None) if "dependency" in proxyProp: uiElt["depends"] = proxyProp["dependency"] proxyProp.pop("dependency", None) if xmlProps["panelVis"] == "advanced": uiElt["advanced"] = 1 if ( self.proxyIsRepresentation and "panelVisQualifier" in xmlProps and xmlProps["panelVisQualifier"] and xmlProps["panelVisQualifier"].lower() == reprValue.lower() ): uiElt["advanced"] = 0 else: uiElt["advanced"] = 0 # Iterate over the property domains until we find the interesting one domainIter = prop.NewDomainIterator() domainIter.Begin() foundDomain = False while domainIter.IsAtEnd() == 0 and foundDomain == False: nextDomain = domainIter.GetDomain() domainName = nextDomain.GetClassName() if domainName in self.domainFunctionMap: domainFunction = self.domainFunctionMap[domainName] foundDomain = domainFunction(proxyProp, xmlProps, uiElt, nextDomain) self.debug( "Processed " + str(propertyName) + " as domain " + str(domainName) ) domainIter.Next() if foundDomain == False: self.debug( " ~~~|~~~ " + str(propertyName) + " did not have recognized domain" ) domainIter.FastDelete() # Now get hints for the property and provide an opportunity to decorate hints = prop.GetHints() if hints: numHints = hints.GetNumberOfNestedElements() for idx in range(numHints): hint = hints.GetNestedElement(idx) if hint.GetName() in self.hintsMap: hmap = self.hintsMap[hint.GetName()] hintType = hint.GetAttribute("type") hmapKey = None if hintType and hintType in hmap: hmapKey = hintType elif "default" in hmap: hmapKey = "default" if hmapKey: # We're interested in decorating based on this hint hintFunction = hmap[hmapKey] hintFunction(prop, uiElt, hint) uiProps.append(uiElt) return uiProps
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper function to restructure the properties so they reflect the grouping # encountered when processing the xml. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def restructureProperties(self, groupList, propList, uiList): props = [] uis = [] if uiList else None groupMap = {"root": {"proxy": props, "ui": uis}} for idx in range(len(groupList)): groupInfo = groupList[idx] group = groupInfo["group"] parentGroup = groupInfo["parentGroup"] if ( group != "root" and self.groupDetailsMap[group]["groupVisibility"] == "never" ): self.debug( "Culling property (%s) in group (%s) because group has visibility never" % (propList[idx]["name"], group) ) continue if not group in groupMap: groupMap[group] = {"proxy": [], "ui": [] if uiList else None} groupMap[parentGroup]["proxy"].append( { "id": group, "name": self.groupDetailsMap[group]["groupName"], "value": False, "children": groupMap[group]["proxy"], } ) if uiList: groupMap[parentGroup]["ui"].append( { "widget": self.groupDetailsMap[group]["groupWidget"], "name": self.groupDetailsMap[group]["groupName"], "type": self.groupDetailsMap[group]["groupType"], "advanced": 1 if self.groupDetailsMap[group]["groupVisibility"] == "advanced" else 0, "children": groupMap[group]["ui"], } ) # Make sure we can find the group ui item we just appended groupMap[group]["groupItem"] = groupMap[parentGroup]["ui"][-1] pushToFront = False if uiList: if ( "groupVisibilityProperty" in self.groupDetailsMap[group] and propList[idx]["name"] == self.groupDetailsMap[group]["groupVisibilityProperty"] ): # If a proxy property claimed this property as its visibilty property, we should not # allow it to remain marked as 'advanced'. uiList[idx]["advanced"] = 0 pushToFront = True if pushToFront: groupMap[group]["ui"].insert(0, uiList[idx]) else: groupMap[group]["ui"].append(uiList[idx]) if pushToFront: groupMap[group]["proxy"].insert(0, propList[idx]) else: groupMap[group]["proxy"].append(propList[idx]) # Before we're done we need to check for groups of properties where every # property in the group has a panel_visibilty of 'advanced', in which # case, the group should be marked the same. if uiList: for groupName in groupMap: if groupName != "root" and "ui" in groupMap[groupName]: groupUiList = groupMap[groupName]["ui"] firstUiElt = groupUiList[0] groupDependency = False if "depends" in firstUiElt and firstUiElt["depends"]: groupDependency = True advancedGroup = True for uiProp in groupUiList: if uiProp["advanced"] == 0: advancedGroup = False if groupDependency and ( "depends" not in uiProp or uiProp["depends"] != firstUiElt["depends"] ): groupDependency = False if advancedGroup: groupMap[groupName]["groupItem"]["advanced"] = 1 if groupDependency: groupMap[groupName]["groupItem"]["depends"] = firstUiElt[ "depends" ] return {"proxy": props, "ui": uis}
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper function validates the string we get from the client to make sure # it is one of the allowed proxies that has been set up on the server side. # --------------------------------------------------------------------------
[docs] def validate(self, functionName): if functionName not in self.allowedProxies: return None else: return functionName.strip()
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.proxy.manager.create") def create( self, functionName, parentId, initialValues={}, skipDomain=False, subProxyValues={}, ): """ Creates a new filter/source proxy as a child of the specified parent proxy. Returns the proxy state for the newly created proxy as a JSON object. """ name = self.validate(functionName) if not name: return { "success": False, "reason": '"' + functionName + '" was not valid and could not be evaluated', } pid = parentId parentProxy = self.mapIdToProxy(parentId) if parentProxy: simple.SetActiveSource(parentProxy) else: pid = "0" # Create new source/filter sanitizedInitialValues = sanitizeKeys(initialValues) allowed = self.allowedProxies[name] newProxy = paraview.simple.__dict__[allowed](**sanitizedInitialValues) # Update subproxy values if newProxy: for subProxyName in subProxyValues: subProxy = newProxy.GetProperty(subProxyName).GetData() if subProxy: for propName in subProxyValues[subProxyName]: prop = subProxy.SMProxy.GetProperty(propName) value = subProxyValues[subProxyName][propName] if isinstance(value, list): prop.SetElements(value) else: prop.SetElements([value]) subProxy.UpdateVTKObjects() # To make WebGL export work simple.Show() simple.Render() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") try: if not skipDomain: self.applyDomains(parentProxy, newProxy.GetGlobalIDAsString()) except Exception as inst: print("Caught exception applying domains:") print(inst) return self.get(newProxy.GetGlobalIDAsString())
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.proxy.manager.create.reader") def open(self, relativePath): """ Open relative file paths, attempting to use the file extension to select from the configured readers. """ fileToLoad = [] if type(relativePath) == list: for file in relativePath: validPath = self.getAbsolutePath(file) if validPath: fileToLoad.append(validPath) else: validPath = self.getAbsolutePath(relativePath) if validPath: fileToLoad.append(validPath) if len(fileToLoad) == 0: return { "success": False, "reason": "No valid path name " + str(relativePath), } # Get file extension and look for configured reader idx = fileToLoad[0].rfind(".") extension = fileToLoad[0][idx + 1 :] # Check if we were asked to load a state file if extension == "pvsm": simple.LoadState(fileToLoad[0]) newView = simple.Render() simple.SetActiveView(newView) if self.getApplication(): self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("ResetActiveView") self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return {"success": True, "view": newView.GetGlobalIDAsString()} readerName = None if extension in self.readerFactoryMap: readerName = self.readerFactoryMap[extension][0] customMethod = self.readerFactoryMap[extension][1] useDirectory = self.readerFactoryMap[extension][2] # Open the file(s) reader = None if readerName: if useDirectory: kw = {customMethod: os.path.dirname(fileToLoad[0])} else: kw = {customMethod: fileToLoad} reader = paraview.simple.__dict__[readerName](**kw) else: if self.allowUnconfiguredReaders: reader = simple.OpenDataFile(fileToLoad) else: return { "success": False, "reason": "No configured reader found for " + extension + " files, and unconfigured readers are not enabled.", } # Rename the reader proxy name = fileToLoad[0].split(os.path.sep)[-1] if len(name) > 15: name = name[:15] + "*" simple.RenameSource(name, reader) # Representation, view, and camera setup simple.Show() simple.Render() simple.ResetCamera() if self.getApplication(): self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return {"success": True, "id": reader.GetGlobalIDAsString()}
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.proxy.manager.get") def get(self, proxyId, ui=True): """ Returns the proxy state for the given proxyId as a JSON object. """ proxyProperties = [] proxyId = str(proxyId) self.fillPropertyList(proxyId, proxyProperties) proxyProperties, groupsInfo = self.reorderProperties(proxyId, proxyProperties) proxyJson = {"id": proxyId} # Perform costly request only when needed uiProperties = None if ui: uiProperties = self.getUiProperties(proxyId, proxyProperties) # Now restructure the flat, ordered lists to reflect grouping restructuredProperties = self.restructureProperties( groupsInfo, proxyProperties, uiProperties ) proxyJson["properties"] = restructuredProperties["proxy"] if ui: proxyJson["ui"] = restructuredProperties["ui"] if "specialHints" in self.propertyDetailsMap: proxyJson["hints"] = self.propertyDetailsMap["specialHints"] proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxyId) if proxy.SMProxy.IsA("vtkSMRepresentationProxy") == 1: colorInfo = self.getColorInformation(proxy) proxyJson["colorBy"] = colorInfo elif proxy.SMProxy.IsA("vtkSMSourceProxy") == 1: dataInfo = self.getDataInformation(proxy) proxyJson["data"] = dataInfo return proxyJson
[docs] @exportRpc("") def findProxyId(self, groupName, proxyName): proxyMgr = servermanager.ProxyManager() proxy = proxyMgr.GetProxy(groupName, proxyName) proxyId = proxy.SMProxy.GetGlobalIDAsString() return proxyId
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.proxy.manager.update") def update(self, propertiesList): """ Takes a list of properties and updates the corresponding proxies. """ failureList = [] for newPropObj in propertiesList: try: proxyId = str(newPropObj["id"]) proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxyId) propertyName = servermanager._make_name_valid(newPropObj["name"]) propertyValue = helper.removeUnicode(newPropObj["value"]) proxyProperty = servermanager._wrap_property( proxy, proxy.GetProperty(propertyName) ) self.setProperty(proxyProperty, propertyValue) except: failureList.append( "Unable to set property for proxy " + proxyId + ": " + str(newPropObj) ) if len(failureList) > 0: return {"success": False, "errorList": failureList} self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return {"success": True}
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.proxy.manager.delete") def delete(self, proxyId): """ Checks if the proxy can be deleted (it is not the input to another proxy), and then deletes it if so. Returns True if the proxy was deleted, False otherwise. """ proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxyId) canDelete = True pid = "0" for proxyJson in self.list()["sources"]: if proxyJson["parent"] == proxyId: canDelete = False elif proxyJson["id"] == proxyId: pid = proxyJson["parent"] if proxy is not None and canDelete is True: simple.Delete(proxy) self.updateScalarBars() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return {"success": 1, "id": pid} self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return {"success": 0, "id": "0"}
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.proxy.manager.list") def list(self, viewId=None): """Returns the current proxy list, specifying for each proxy it's name, id, and parent (input) proxy id. A 'parent' of '0' means the proxy has no input. """ proxies = servermanager.ProxyManager().GetProxiesInGroup("sources") viewProxy = self.getView(viewId) proxyObj = {"view": viewProxy.GetGlobalIDAsString()} proxyList = [] for key in proxies: listElt = {} listElt["name"] = key[0] listElt["id"] = key[1] proxy = proxies[key] rep = simple.GetRepresentation(proxy=proxy, view=viewProxy) listElt["rep"] = rep.GetGlobalIDAsString() listElt["visible"] = rep.Visibility listElt["parent"] = "0" if hasattr(proxy, "Input") and proxy.Input: inputProp = proxy.Input if hasattr(inputProp, "GetNumberOfProxies"): numProxies = inputProp.GetNumberOfProxies() if numProxies > 1: listElt["multiparent"] = numProxies for inputIdx in range(numProxies): proxyId = inputProp.GetProxy(inputIdx).GetGlobalIDAsString() if inputIdx == 0: listElt["parent"] = proxyId else: listElt["parent_%d" % inputIdx] = proxyId elif numProxies == 1: listElt["parent"] = inputProp.GetProxy(0).GetGlobalIDAsString() else: listElt["parent"] = inputProp.GetGlobalIDAsString() proxyList.append(listElt) proxyObj["sources"] = proxyList return proxyObj
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.proxy.manager.available") def available(self, typeOfProxy): """Returns a list of the available sources or filters, depending on the argument typeOfProxy, which can be either 'filters' or 'sources'. If typeOfProxy is anything other than 'filter' or 'source', the empty list will be returned. Any attempt to create a source or filter not returned by this method will result in an error response. The returned list has the following form: [ 'Wavelet', 'Cone', 'Sphere', ... ] or [ 'Contour', 'Clip', 'Slice', ... ] """ return self.availableList[typeOfProxy]
# ============================================================================= # # Key/Value Store Protocol # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebKeyValuePairStore(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebKeyValuePairStore, self).__init__() self.keyValStore = {} # RpcName: storeKeyPair => ''
[docs] @exportRpc("") def storeKeyPair(self, key, value): self.keyValStore[key] = value
# RpcName: retrieveKeyPair => 'pv.keyvaluepair.retrieve'
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.keyvaluepair.retrieve") def retrieveKeyPair(self, key): if key in self.keyValStore: return self.keyValStore[key] else: return None
# ============================================================================= # # Save Data Protocol # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebSaveData(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, baseSavePath="", **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebSaveData, self).__init__() savePath = baseSavePath if baseSavePath.find("=") >= 0: parts = baseSavePath.split("=") savePath = parts[-1] self.baseSavePath = savePath self.imageExtensions = ["jpg", "png"] self.dataExtensions = [ "vtk", "ex2", "vtp", "vti", "vtu", "vtm", "vts", "vtr", "csv", ] self.stateExtensions = ["pvsm"] # RpcName: saveData => ''
[docs] @exportRpc("") def saveData(self, filePath, options=None): """ Save some data on the server side. Can save data from a proxy, a screenshot, or else the current state. Options may be different depending on the type of data to be saved. Saving a screenshot can take an optional size array indicating the desired width and height of the saved image. Saving data can take an optional proxy id specifying which filter or source to save output from. :param filePath: The path where the data will be saved. :type filePath: str :param options: Optional parameters to customize the save operation. :type options: dict Example usage of `options`: .. code-block:: json { "proxyId": "426", "size": [800, 600] } """ # make sure file path exists fullPath = os.path.join(self.baseSavePath, filePath) if not os.path.exists(os.path.dirname(fullPath)): os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(fullPath)) # Get file extension and look for configured reader idx = filePath.rfind(".") extension = filePath[idx + 1 :] # Now find out what kind of save it is, and do it if extension in self.imageExtensions: if options and "size" in options: # Get the active view v = self.getView(-1) # Keep track of current size cw = v.ViewSize[0] ch = v.ViewSize[1] # Resize to desired screenshot size v.ViewSize = [ int(str(options["size"][0])), int(str(options["size"][1])), ] simple.Render() # Save actual screenshot simple.SaveScreenshot(fullPath) # Put the size back the way we found it v.ViewSize = [cw, ch] simple.Render() else: simple.SaveScreenshot(fullPath) elif extension in self.dataExtensions: proxy = None if options and "proxyId" in options: proxyId = str(options["proxyId"]) proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxyId) simple.SaveData(fullPath, proxy) elif extension in self.stateExtensions: # simple.SaveState(fullPath) # FIXME: Fixed after 4.3.1 servermanager.SaveState(fullPath) else: msg = "ERROR: Unrecognized extension (%s) in relative path: %s" % ( extension, filePath, ) print(msg) return {"success": False, "message": msg} return {"success": True}
# ============================================================================= # # Handle remote Connection # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebRemoteConnection(ParaViewWebProtocol): # RpcName: connect => pv.remote.connect
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.remote.connect") def connect(self, options): """ Creates a connection to a remote pvserver. Expect an option argument which should override any of those default properties:: { 'host': 'localhost', 'port': 11111, 'rs_host': None, 'rs_port': 11111 } """ ds_host = "localhost" ds_port = 11111 rs_host = None rs_port = 11111 if options: if "host" in options: ds_host = options["host"] if "port" in options: ds_port = options["port"] if "rs_host" in options: rs_host = options["rs_host"] if "rs_port" in options: rs_host = options["rs_port"] simple.Connect(ds_host, ds_port, rs_host, rs_port)
# RpcName: reverseConnect => pv.remote.reverse.connect
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.remote.reverse.connect") def reverseConnect(self, port=11111): """ Create a reverse connection to a server. Listens on port and waits for an incoming connection from the server. """ simple.ReverseConnect(port)
# RpcName: pvDisconnect => pv.remote.disconnect
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.remote.disconnect") def pvDisconnect(self, message): """Free the current active session""" simple.Disconnect()
# ============================================================================= # # Handle remote Connection at startup # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebStartupRemoteConnection(ParaViewWebProtocol): connected = False def __init__( self, dsHost=None, dsPort=11111, rsHost=None, rsPort=22221, rcPort=-1, **kwargs ): super(ParaViewWebStartupRemoteConnection, self).__init__() if not ParaViewWebStartupRemoteConnection.connected and dsHost: ParaViewWebStartupRemoteConnection.connected = True simple.Connect(dsHost, dsPort, rsHost, rsPort) elif not ParaViewWebStartupRemoteConnection.connected and rcPort >= 0: ParaViewWebStartupRemoteConnection.connected = True simple.ReverseConnect(str(rcPort))
# ============================================================================= # # Handle plugin loading at startup # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebStartupPluginLoader(ParaViewWebProtocol): loaded = False def __init__(self, plugins=None, pathSeparator=":", **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebStartupPluginLoader, self).__init__() if not ParaViewWebStartupPluginLoader.loaded and plugins: ParaViewWebStartupPluginLoader.loaded = True for path in plugins.split(pathSeparator): simple.LoadPlugin(path)
# ============================================================================= # # Handle State Loading # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebStateLoader(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, state_path=None, **kwargs): super(ParaViewWebStateLoader, self).__init__() if state_path and state_path[-5:] == ".pvsm": self.loadState(state_path) # RpcName: loadState => pv.loader.state
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.loader.state") def loadState(self, state_file): """ Load a state file and return the list of view ids """ simple.LoadState(state_file) ids = [] for view in simple.GetRenderViews(): ids.append(view.GetGlobalIDAsString()) self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") return ids
# ============================================================================= # # Handle Server File Listing # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebFileListing(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__( self, basePath, name, excludeRegex=r"^\.|~$|^\$", groupRegex=r"[0-9]+\.", **kwargs ): """ Configure the way the WebFile browser will expose the server content. - basePath: specify the base directory (or directories) that we should start with, if this parameter takes the form: "name1=path1|name2=path2|...", then we will treat this as the case where multiple data directories are required. In this case, each top-level directory will be given the name associated with the directory in the argument. - name: Name of that base directory that will show up on the web - excludeRegex: Regular expression of what should be excluded from the list of files/directories """ self.setBaseDirectory(basePath) self.rootName = self.overrideDataDirKey or name self.pattern = re.compile(excludeRegex) self.gPattern = re.compile(groupRegex) pxm = simple.servermanager.ProxyManager() self.directory_proxy = pxm.NewProxy("misc", "ListDirectory") self.fileList = simple.servermanager.VectorProperty( self.directory_proxy, self.directory_proxy.GetProperty("FileList") ) self.directoryList = simple.servermanager.VectorProperty( self.directory_proxy, self.directory_proxy.GetProperty("DirectoryList") )
[docs] def handleSingleRoot(self, baseDirectory, relativeDir, startPath=None): path = startPath or [self.rootName] if len(relativeDir) > len(self.rootName): relativeDir = relativeDir[len(self.rootName) + 1 :] path += relativeDir.replace("\\", "/").split("/") currentPath = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(baseDirectory, relativeDir)) normBase = os.path.normpath(baseDirectory) if not currentPath.startswith(normBase): print("### CAUTION ==========================================") print(" Attempt to get to another root path ###") print(" => Requested:", relativeDir) print(" => BaseDir:", normBase) print(" => Computed path:", currentPath) print("### CAUTION ==========================================") currentPath = normBase self.directory_proxy.List(currentPath) self.directory_proxy.UpdatePropertyInformation() # build file/dir lists files = [] if len(self.fileList) > 1: for f in self.fileList.GetData(): if not, f): files.append({"label": f}) elif len(self.fileList) == 1 and not self.pattern, self.fileList.GetData() ): files.append({"label": self.fileList.GetData()}) dirs = [] if len(self.directoryList) > 1: for d in self.directoryList.GetData(): if not, d): dirs.append(d) elif len(self.directoryList) == 1 and not self.pattern, self.directoryList.GetData() ): dirs.append(self.directoryList.GetData()) result = { "label": relativeDir, "files": files, "dirs": dirs, "groups": [], "path": path, } if relativeDir == ".": result["label"] = self.rootName # Filter files to create groups. Dicts are not orderable in Py3 - supply a key function. files.sort(key=lambda x: x["label"]) groups = result["groups"] groupIdx = {} filesToRemove = [] for file in files: fileSplit = re.split(self.gPattern, file["label"]) if len(fileSplit) == 2: filesToRemove.append(file) gName = "*.".join(fileSplit) if gName in groupIdx: groupIdx[gName]["files"].append(file["label"]) else: groupIdx[gName] = {"files": [file["label"]], "label": gName} groups.append(groupIdx[gName]) for file in filesToRemove: gName = "*.".join(re.split(self.gPattern, file["label"])) if len(groupIdx[gName]["files"]) > 1: files.remove(file) else: groups.remove(groupIdx[gName]) return result
[docs] def handleMultiRoot(self, relativeDir): if relativeDir == ".": return { "label": self.rootName, "files": [], "dirs": list(self.baseDirectoryMap), "groups": [], "path": [self.rootName], } pathList = relativeDir.replace("\\", "/").split("/") currentBaseDir = self.baseDirectoryMap[pathList[1]] if len(pathList) == 2: return self.handleSingleRoot(currentBaseDir, ".", pathList) else: # must be greater than 2 return self.handleSingleRoot( currentBaseDir, "/".join([pathList[0]] + pathList[2:]), pathList[0:2] )
# RpcName: listServerDirectory =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def listServerDirectory(self, relativeDir="."): """ RPC Callback to list a server directory relative to the basePath provided at start-up. """ if self.multiRoot == True: return self.handleMultiRoot(relativeDir) else: return self.handleSingleRoot(self.baseDirectory, relativeDir)
# ============================================================================= # # Handle Data Selection # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebSelectionHandler(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, **kwargs): self.active_view = None self.previous_interaction = -1 self.selection_type = -1 # RpcName: startSelection => pv.selection.start
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.selection.start") def startSelection(self, viewId, selectionType): """ Method used to initialize an interactive selection """ self.active_view = self.getView(viewId) if self.active_view.IsSelectionAvailable(): self.previous_interaction = self.active_view.InteractionMode self.active_view.InteractionMode = ( vtkPVRenderView.INTERACTION_MODE_SELECTION ) else: self.active_view = None
# RpcName: endSelection => pv.selection.end
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.selection.end") def endSelection(self, area, extract): """ Method used to finalize an interactive selection by providing the [ startPointX, startPointY, endPointX, endPointY ] area where (0,0) match the lower left corner of the pixel screen. """ if self.active_view: self.active_view.InteractionMode = self.previous_interaction representations = vtkCollection() sources = vtkCollection() if self.selection_type == 0: self.active_view.SelectSurfacePoints( area, representations, sources, False ) elif self.selection_type == 1: self.active_view.SelectSurfaceCells( area, representations, sources, False ) elif self.selection_type == 2: self.active_view.SelectFrustumPoints( area, representations, sources, False ) elif self.selection_type == 3: self.active_view.SelectFrustumCells( area, representations, sources, False ) else: self.active_view.SelectSurfacePoints( area, representations, sources, False ) # Don't know what to do if more than one representation/source if ( representations.GetNumberOfItems() == sources.GetNumberOfItems() and sources.GetNumberOfItems() == 1 ): # We are good for selection rep = servermanager._getPyProxy(representations.GetItemAsObject(0)) selection = servermanager._getPyProxy(sources.GetItemAsObject(0)) if extract: extract = simple.ExtractSelection( Input=rep.Input, Selection=selection ) simple.Show(extract) simple.Render() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent") else: rep.Input.SMProxy.SetSelectionInput(0, selection.SMProxy, 0)
# ============================================================================= # # Handle Data Export # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebExportData(ParaViewWebProtocol): def __init__(self, basePath, **kwargs): self.base_export_path = basePath # RpcName: exportData =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def exportData(self, proxy_id, path): proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxy_id) fullpath = str(os.path.join(self.base_export_path, str(path))) if fullpath.index(".vtk") == -1: fullpath += ".vtk" parentDir = os.path.dirname(fullpath) if not os.path.exists(parentDir): os.makedirs(parentDir) if proxy: writer = simple.DataSetWriter(Input=proxy, FileName=fullpath) writer.UpdatePipeline() del writer
# ============================================================================= # # Protocols useful only for testing purposes # # =============================================================================
[docs]class ParaViewWebTestProtocols(ParaViewWebProtocol): # RpcName: clearAll => pv.test.reset
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.test.reset") def clearAll(self): simple.Disconnect() simple.Connect() view = simple.GetRenderView() simple.SetActiveView(view) simple.Render() self.getApplication().InvokeEvent("UpdateEvent")
# RpcName: getColoringInfo =>
[docs] @exportRpc("") def getColoringInfo(self, proxyId): proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxyId) rep = simple.GetRepresentation(proxy) lut = rep.LookupTable arrayInfo = rep.GetArrayInformationForColorArray() arrayName = arrayInfo.GetName() return { "arrayName": arrayName, "vectorMode": lut.VectorMode, "vectorComponent": lut.VectorComponent, }
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.test.repr.get") def getReprFromSource(self, srcProxyId): proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(srcProxyId) rep = simple.GetRepresentation(proxy) return {"reprProxyId": rep.GetGlobalIDAsString()}
# ============================================================================= # # Handle Widget Representation # # ============================================================================= def _line_update_widget(self, widget): widget.Point1WorldPosition = self.Point1 widget.Point2WorldPosition = self.Point2 def _line_widget_update(self, obj, event): self.GetProperty("Point1").Copy(obj.GetProperty("Point1WorldPositionInfo")) self.GetProperty("Point2").Copy(obj.GetProperty("Point2WorldPositionInfo")) self.UpdateVTKObjects() def _plane_update_widget(self, widget): widget.GetProperty("OriginInfo").SetData(self.Origin) widget.Origin = self.Origin widget.Normal = self.Normal widget.UpdateVTKObjects() def _plane_widget_update(self, obj, event): self.GetProperty("Origin").Copy(obj.GetProperty("OriginInfo")) self.GetProperty("Normal").Copy(obj.GetProperty("NormalInfo")) self.UpdateVTKObjects() _hide_plane(obj) def _draw_plane(obj, event): obj.GetProperty("DrawPlane").SetElement(0, 1) obj.UpdateVTKObjects() def _hide_plane(obj): obj.GetProperty("DrawPlane").SetElement(0, 0) obj.UpdateVTKObjects()
[docs]class ParaViewWebWidgetManager(ParaViewWebProtocol): # RpcName: addRuler => pv.widgets.ruler.add
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.widgets.ruler.add") def addRuler(self, view_id=-1): proxy = simple.Ruler(Point1=[-1.0, -1.0, -1.0], Point2=[1.0, 1.0, 1.0]) self.createWidgetRepresentation(proxy.GetGlobalID(), view_id) return proxy.GetGlobalIDAsString()
# RpcName: createWidgetRepresentation => pv.widgets.representation.create
[docs] @exportRpc("pv.widgets.representation.create") def createWidgetRepresentation(self, proxy_id, view_id): proxy = self.mapIdToProxy(proxy_id) view = self.getView(view_id) widgetProxy = None # Find the corresponding widget representation if proxy.__class__.__name__ == "Plane": widgetProxy = self.CreateWidgetRepresentation( view, "ImplicitPlaneWidgetRepresentation" ) setattr(proxy.__class__, "UpdateWidget", _plane_update_widget) setattr(proxy.__class__, "WidgetUpdate", _plane_widget_update) widgetProxy.GetProperty("DrawPlane").SetElement(0, 0) widgetProxy.GetProperty("PlaceFactor").SetElement(0, 1.0) proxy.UpdateWidget(widgetProxy) widgetProxy.AddObserver("StartInteractionEvent", _draw_plane) proxy.Observed = widgetProxy proxy.ObserverTag = widgetProxy.AddObserver( "EndInteractionEvent", proxy.WidgetUpdate ) elif proxy.__class__.__name__ == "Box": widgetProxy = self.CreateWidgetRepresentation( view, "BoxWidgetRepresentation" ) elif proxy.__class__.__name__ == "Handle": widgetProxy = self.CreateWidgetRepresentation( view, "HandleWidgetRepresentation" ) elif proxy.__class__.__name__ == "PointSource": widgetProxy = self.CreateWidgetRepresentation( view, "PointSourceWidgetRepresentation" ) elif ( proxy.__class__.__name__ == "LineSource" or proxy.__class__.__name__ == "HighResolutionLineSource" ): widgetProxy = self.CreateWidgetRepresentation( view, "LineSourceWidgetRepresentation" ) setattr(proxy.__class__, "UpdateWidget", _line_update_widget) setattr(proxy.__class__, "WidgetUpdate", _line_widget_update) proxy.UpdateWidget(widgetProxy) proxy.Observed = widgetProxy proxy.ObserverTag = widgetProxy.AddObserver( "EndInteractionEvent", proxy.WidgetUpdate ) elif proxy.__class__.__name__ == "Line": widgetProxy = self.CreateWidgetRepresentation( view, "LineWidgetRepresentation" ) setattr(proxy.__class__, "UpdateWidget", _line_update_widget) setattr(proxy.__class__, "WidgetUpdate", _line_widget_update) proxy.UpdateWidget(widgetProxy) proxy.Observed = widgetProxy proxy.ObserverTag = widgetProxy.AddObserver( "EndInteractionEvent", proxy.WidgetUpdate ) elif proxy.__class__.__name__ in ["Distance", "Ruler"]: widgetProxy = self.CreateWidgetRepresentation( view, "DistanceWidgetRepresentation" ) setattr(proxy.__class__, "UpdateWidget", _line_update_widget) setattr(proxy.__class__, "WidgetUpdate", _line_widget_update) proxy.UpdateWidget(widgetProxy) proxy.Observed = widgetProxy proxy.ObserverTag = widgetProxy.AddObserver( "EndInteractionEvent", proxy.WidgetUpdate ) elif proxy.__class__.__name__ == "Sphere": widgetProxy = self.CreateWidgetRepresentation( view, "SphereWidgetRepresentation" ) elif proxy.__class__.__name__ == "Spline": widgetProxy = self.CreateWidgetRepresentation( view, "SplineWidgetRepresentation" ) else: print("No widget representation for %s" % proxy.__class__.__name__) return widgetProxy.GetGlobalIDAsString()
[docs] def CreateWidgetRepresentation(self, view, name): proxy = simple.servermanager.CreateProxy("representations", name, None) pythonWrap = simple.servermanager.rendering.__dict__[proxy.GetXMLName()]() pythonWrap.UpdateVTKObjects() view.Representations.append(pythonWrap) pythonWrap.Visibility = 1 pythonWrap.Enabled = 1 return pythonWrap