- paraview.simple.MaterialInterfaceFilter(*input, **params)¶
The Material Interface filter finds voxels inside of which a material fraction (or normalized amount of material) is higher than a given threshold. As these voxels are identified surfaces enclosing adjacent voxels above the threshold are generated. The resulting volume and its surface are what we call a fragment. The filter has the ability to compute various volumetric attributes such as fragment volume, mass, center of mass as well as volume and mass weighted averages for any of the fields present. Any field selected for such computation will be also be copied into the fragment surface’s point data for visualization. The filter also has the ability to generate Oriented Bounding Boxes (OBB) for each fragment. The data generated by the filter is organized in three outputs. The “geometry” output, containing the fragment surfaces. The “statistics” output, containing a point set of the centers of mass. The “obb representation” output, containing OBB representations (poly data). All computed attributes are copied into the statistics and geometry output. The obb representation output is used for validation and debugging purposes and is turned off by default. To measure the size of craters, the filter can invert a volume fraction and clip the volume fraction with a sphere and/or a plane.
Data Descriptors¶
- ClipType
This property sets the type of clip geometry, and associated parameters.
- ComputeOBB
Compute Object Oriented Bounding boxes (OBB). When active the result of this computation is copied into the statistics output. In the case that the filter is built in its validation mode, the OBB’s are rendered.
- Computemassweightedaverageover
For arrays selected a mass weighted average is computed. These arrays are also copied into fragment geometry cell data as the fragment surfaces are generated.
- Computevolumeweightedaverageover
For arrays selected a volume weighted average is computed. The values of these arrays are also copied into fragment geometry cell data as the fragment surfaces are generated.
- Input
Input to the filter can be a hierarchical box data set containing image data or a multiblock of rectilinear grids.
- InvertVolumeFraction
Inverting the volume fraction generates the negative of the material. It is useful for analyzing craters.
- MaterialFractionThreshold
Material fraction is defined as normalized amount of material per voxel. Any voxel in the input data set with a material fraction greater than this value is included in the output data set.
- OutputBaseName
This property specifies the base including path of where to write the statistics and geometry output text files. It follows the pattern “/path/to/folder/and/file” here file has no extension, as the filter will generate a unique extension.
- SelectMassArrays
Mass arrays are paired with material fraction arrays. This means that the first selected material fraction array is paired with the first selected mass array, and so on sequentially. As the filter identifies voxels meeting the minimum material fraction threshold, these voxel’s mass will be used in fragment center of mass and mass calculation. A warning is generated if no mass array is selected for an individual material fraction array. However, in that case the filter will run without issue because the statistics output can be generated using fragments’ centers computed from axis aligned bounding boxes.
- SelectMaterialFractionArrays
Material fraction is defined as normalized amount of material per voxel. It is expected that arrays containing material fraction data has been down converted to a unsigned char.
- WriteGeometryOutput
If this property is set, then the geometry output is written to a text file. The file name will be constructed using the path in the “Output Base Name” widget.
- WriteStatisticsOutput
If this property is set, then the statistics output is written to a text file. The file name will be constructed using the path in the “Output Base Name” widget.
Data Descriptors inherited from Proxy¶
- __dict__
dictionary for instance variables (if defined)
- __weakref__
list of weak references to the object (if defined)
Initialize = aInitialize(self, connection=None, update=True)
Methods inherited from SourceProxy¶
- FileNameChanged(self)
Called when the filename of a source proxy is changed.
- GetCellDataInformation(self)
Returns the associated cell data information.
- GetDataInformation(self, idx=None)
This method returns a DataInformation wrapper around a vtkPVDataInformation
- GetFieldDataInformation(self)
Returns the associated cell data information.
- GetPointDataInformation(self)
Returns the associated point data information.
- UpdatePipeline(self, time=None)
This method updates the server-side VTK pipeline and the associated data information. Make sure to update a source to validate the output meta-data.
- UpdatePipelineInformation(self)
This method updates the meta-data of the server-side VTK pipeline and the associated information properties
- __getitem__(self, idx)
Given a slice, int or string, returns the corresponding output port
Methods inherited from Proxy¶
- GetProperty(self, name)
Given a property name, returns the property object.
- GetPropertyValue(self, name)
Returns a scalar for properties with 1 elements, the property itself for vectors.
- InitializeFromProxy(self, aProxy, update=True)
Constructor. Assigns proxy to self.SMProxy, updates the server object as well as register the proxy in _pyproxies dictionary.
- ListProperties(self)
Returns a list of all property names on this proxy.
- SetPropertyWithName(self, pname, arg)
Generic method for setting the value of a property.
- __del__(self)
Destructor. Cleans up all observers as well as remove the proxy from the _pyproxies dictionary
- __eq__(self, other)
Returns true if the underlying SMProxies are the same.
- __getattr__(self, name)
With the exception of a few overloaded methods, returns the SMProxy method
- __hash__(self)
Return hash(self).
- __init__(self, **args)
Default constructor. It can be used to initialize properties by passing keyword arguments where the key is the name of the property. In addition registrationGroup and registrationName (optional) can be specified (as keyword arguments) to automatically register the proxy with the proxy manager.
- __iter__(self)
Creates an iterator for the properties.
- __ne__(self, other)
Returns false if the underlying SMProxies are the same.
- __setattr__(self, name, value)
Implement setattr(self, name, value).
add_attribute(self, name, value)
For the full list of servermanager proxies, please refer to Available readers, sources, writers, filters and animation cues