
paraview.simple.SPHLineInterpolator(*input, **params)

This filter uses SPH (smooth particle hydrodynamics) kernels to interpolate a data source onto an input structure. For example, while the data source is a set of particles, the data from these particles can be interpolated onto an input line. Then the output (which consists of the input structure plus interpolated data) can then be visualized using classical visualization techniques such as isocontouring, slicing, heat maps and so on.

Data Descriptors


Indicate whether to compute the summation of Shepard coefficients. In the interior of a SPH point cloud, the Shephard summation value should be ~1.0. Towards the boundary, the Shepard summation is less than 1.0. If ComputeShepardSum is specified, then the output will contain an array of summed Shepard weights for each output point.


Specify the density array name. This is required in computation. If not specified the code will error out.


Specify the arrays whose derivative is to be taken. If the name of the array is “derivArray” this will produce an output array with the name “derivArray_deriv” (after filter execution).


Specify arrays which are to be excluded from the interpolation process.


The data source to be interpolated onto the *Source*.



Specify a point locator.


Specify the mass array name. If not specified, then the mass at each point will be computed from the density and local (spherical) volume at a each point.


Specify a strategy to use when encountering a “null” point during the interpolation process. Null points occur when the local neighborhood (of nearby points to interpolate from) is empty. If the strategy is set to MaskPoints, then an output array is created that marks points as being valid (=1) or null (invalid =0) (and the NullValue is set as well). If the strategy is set to NullValue, then the output data value(s) are set to the NullPoint value (specified in the output point data).


Specify the null point value. When a null point is encountered then all components of each null tuple are set to this value. By default the null value is set to zero.


Indicate whether to shallow copy the input cell data arrays to the output.


Indicate whether to shallow copy the input field data arrays to the output.


Indicate whether to shallow copy the input point data arrays to the output.


If ComputeShepardSum is on, then an array is generated with name ShepardSumArrayName for each input point. This vtkFloatArray is placed into the output of the filter, and NullPoints have value =0.0. The default name is “Shepard Summation”.


The data source that provides the structure to be interpolated on.


If the NullPointsStrategy is “Mask Points”, then an array is generated for each input point. This vtkCharArray is placed into the output of the filter, with a non-zero value for a valid point, and zero otherwise. The name of this masking array is specified here.

Data Descriptors inherited from Proxy


dictionary for instance variables (if defined)


list of weak references to the object (if defined)


Initialize = aInitialize(self, connection=None, update=True)

Methods inherited from SourceProxy


Called when the filename of a source proxy is changed.


Returns the associated cell data information.

GetDataInformation(self, idx=None)

This method returns a DataInformation wrapper around a vtkPVDataInformation


Returns the associated cell data information.


Returns the associated point data information.

UpdatePipeline(self, time=None)

This method updates the server-side VTK pipeline and the associated data information. Make sure to update a source to validate the output meta-data.


This method updates the meta-data of the server-side VTK pipeline and the associated information properties

__getitem__(self, idx)

Given a slice, int or string, returns the corresponding output port

Methods inherited from Proxy

GetProperty(self, name)

Given a property name, returns the property object.

GetPropertyValue(self, name)

Returns a scalar for properties with 1 elements, the property itself for vectors.

InitializeFromProxy(self, aProxy, update=True)

Constructor. Assigns proxy to self.SMProxy, updates the server object as well as register the proxy in _pyproxies dictionary.


Returns a list of all property names on this proxy.

SetPropertyWithName(self, pname, arg)

Generic method for setting the value of a property.


Destructor. Cleans up all observers as well as remove the proxy from the _pyproxies dictionary

__eq__(self, other)

Returns true if the underlying SMProxies are the same.

__getattr__(self, name)

With the exception of a few overloaded methods, returns the SMProxy method


Return hash(self).

__init__(self, **args)

Default constructor. It can be used to initialize properties by passing keyword arguments where the key is the name of the property. In addition registrationGroup and registrationName (optional) can be specified (as keyword arguments) to automatically register the proxy with the proxy manager.


Creates an iterator for the properties.

__ne__(self, other)

Returns false if the underlying SMProxies are the same.

__setattr__(self, name, value)

Implement setattr(self, name, value).

add_attribute(self, name, value)

For the full list of servermanager proxies, please refer to Available readers, sources, writers, filters and animation cues