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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0005569ParaView(No Category)public2007-08-24 10:112007-09-12 20:03
ReporterUtkarsh Ayachit 
Assigned ToClinton Stimpson 
PlatformOSOS Version
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0005569: Separate Active View and Application settings
DescriptionWe need to separate active view and application settings.

From the current 3D view settings, we need to make only the following options view specific:

* General Tab (Background color and parallel projection)
* Lights Tab (all)
* Annotation Tab (all).

All other settings become application wide settings.

Also need to make the 3D view options dialog similar to the chart options dialog.
TagsNo tags attached.
Topic Name
Attached Files? file icon pq3DViewOptionsWidget.ui [^] (54,915 bytes) 2007-08-24 10:12

related to 0005005closedUtkarsh Ayachit easy way to have XY plot window be the startup view 
related to 0005681closedUtkarsh Ayachit Changing default view settings 

Clinton Stimpson (developer)
2007-08-28 12:56

The settings dialog is also inconsistent. If I have a spreadsheet view active, I cannot open it. If I have a bar chart view active, I cannot access application wide settings.
Clinton Stimpson (developer)
2007-09-05 14:19

And how is this supposed to work with QSettings?
All settings get saved? Or just the application settings?
If its all settings, then whichever view was last modified gets its settings saved?
Ken Moreland (manager)
2007-09-05 17:16

The QSettings issues should be resolved by having default values for active view settings where appropriate. The Applications Settings dialog could have tabs for 3D View Defaults, X-Y Plot View Defaults, etc. If it is easier, these tabs could just be a replication of the options for each type of view, although it would probably also make sense to strip out some options. All the options for 3D views could probably stand to have savable default values, but there are several options for X-Y plots that should probably always remain the same, such as blank labels for title and axes.
Clinton Stimpson (developer)
2007-09-06 13:23

Whew! That was a lot of work.
Now the settings dialogs all have the same look and feel.
The application settings dialog has room to add settings for other view types.

/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/MainWindow.cxx,v <-- MainWindow.cxx
new revision: 1.127; previous revision: 1.126
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/MainWindow.ui,v <-- MainWindow.ui
new revision: 1.87; previous revision: 1.86
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/Testing/XML/OrientationAxis.xml,v <-- OrientationAxis.xml
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/Testing/XML/UndoRedo6.xml,v <-- UndoRedo6.xml
new revision: 1.6; previous revision: 1.5
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Applications/Client/Testing/XML/ViewSettingsDialog.xml,v <-- ViewSettingsDialog.xml
new revision: 1.10; previous revision: 1.9
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new revision: 1.120; previous revision: 1.119
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pq3DViewPropertiesWidget.cxx,v <-- pq3DViewPropertiesWidget.cxx
new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.25
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pq3DViewPropertiesWidget.h,v <-- pq3DViewPropertiesWidget.h
new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.8
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new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqActiveRenderViewOptions.h,v <-- pqActiveRenderViewOptions.h
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqActiveViewOptionsManager.cxx,v <-- pqActiveViewOptionsManager.cxx
new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqActiveViewOptionsManager.h,v <-- pqActiveViewOptionsManager.h
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
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initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqApplicationOptions.h,v <-- pqApplicationOptions.h
initial revision: 1.1
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initial revision: 1.1
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initial revision: 1.1
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new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.2
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new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.1
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new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4
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new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqGlobalRenderViewOptions.cxx,v <-- pqGlobalRenderViewOptions.cxx
initial revision: 1.1
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initial revision: 1.1
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new revision: 1.212; previous revision: 1.211
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new revision: 1.75; previous revision: 1.74
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/pqOptionsContainer.h,v <-- pqOptionsContainer.h
new revision: 1.3; previous revision: 1.2
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new revision: 1.2; previous revision: 1.1
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initial revision: 1.1
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initial revision: 1.1
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new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.10
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new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.7
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/Resources/UI/pqApplicationOptions.ui,v <-- pqApplicationOptions.ui
initial revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/Resources/UI/pqApplicationSettingsWidget.ui,v <-- pqApplicationSettingsWidget.ui
new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.1
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Components/Resources/UI/pqGlobalRenderViewOptions.ui,v <-- pqGlobalRenderViewOptions.ui
initial revision: 1.1
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initial revision: 1.1
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new revision: delete; previous revision: 1.2
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new revision: 1.21; previous revision: 1.20
/cvsroot/ParaView3/ParaView3/Qt/Core/pqRenderView.h,v <-- pqRenderView.h
new revision: 1.12; previous revision: 1.11
Alan Scott (manager)
2007-09-12 20:03

Looks good to me, although I am not positive I understand everywhere I should look.

 Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2007-08-24 10:11 Utkarsh Ayachit New Issue
2007-08-24 10:11 Utkarsh Ayachit Relationship added related to 0005005
2007-08-24 10:11 Utkarsh Ayachit Status backlog => tabled
2007-08-24 10:11 Utkarsh Ayachit Assigned To => Clinton Stimpson
2007-08-24 10:12 Utkarsh Ayachit File Added: pq3DViewOptionsWidget.ui
2007-08-28 12:56 Clinton Stimpson Note Added: 0008712
2007-09-05 14:19 Clinton Stimpson Note Added: 0008841
2007-09-05 17:16 Ken Moreland Note Added: 0008848
2007-09-06 13:23 Clinton Stimpson Status tabled => @80@
2007-09-06 13:23 Clinton Stimpson Resolution open => fixed
2007-09-06 13:23 Clinton Stimpson Note Added: 0008856
2007-09-11 17:58 Ken Moreland Relationship added related to 0005681
2007-09-12 20:03 Alan Scott Status @80@ => closed
2007-09-12 20:03 Alan Scott Note Added: 0008961
2011-06-16 13:10 Zack Galbreath Category => (No Category)

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