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The ParaQ Project

What is ParaQ?

ParaQ is next-generation client for the ParaView Server, specifically targeted to strengthen the current end-user application in the following areas:

  • Better user interface
  • Quantitative, Data-centered UI components
  • Multi-view support

Mission Statement

To combine information and scientific visualization in a modern, advanced application framework in support of a range of users.



Recent Updates

Page Author Update note
Plot_Types new Karelitz 8 Feb 2007
ParaView Plugins Implementation new Stimpson 5 Feb 2007
Splitting Views new Ayachit 5 Feb 2007
External_GUI_Resources new Stimpson 31 Jan 2007
Camera_and_Property_Linking new Stimpson 31 Jan 2007
yasp Selection_and_Data_Analysis new DeMarle 29 Jan 2007
Parallel I/O new Moreland 29 Jan 2007
Design of Lookmarks new Stanton 24 Jan 2007
Online Help Outline new Squillacote 24 Jan 2007
New Custom Filter Features new Stanton 15 Jan 2007
Client Side Delivery new DeMarle 15 Jan 2007
MPIRenderModule Deprecation new Moreland 12 Jan 2007
Time Implementation new Geveci 8 Jan 2007
New Filter Input Visibility new Moreland 2 Jan 2007
PythonProgrammableFilter new DeMarle 1 Jan 2007
GUI Spacing Moreland 19 Dec 2006
Directory Listing Ayachit 13 Dec 2006
Data Analysis Design Stanton 06 Dec 2006
ParaView 3.0 Deliverables Moreland 29 Nov 2006
ParaView Plugins Moreland 21 Nov 2006
Testing_Guide Stimpson 7 Nov 2006
Integrating Interactive Selection Shead 24 Oct 2006
D4 Design Moreland 24 Oct 2006
Lookmarks vs. Custom Filters Moreland 16 Oct 2006
New Object View Moreland 10 Oct 2006
Plot View Management Ayachit 10 Oct 2006
Statistics View Clinton 18 Sep 2006
Dockable Tabs Ayachit 18 Sep 2006
User Configuration Shead 15 Sep 2006
Understanding ProxyListDomain Ayachit 8 Sep 2006
MultiView Issues Ayachit 29 Aug 2006
Plot Data Pipeline Shead 24 Aug 2006
MultiView Layout Ayachit 23 Aug 2006
Server Disconnect and Animation Ayachit 20 Aug 2006
Selection Implementation DeMarle 17 Aug 2006
Server Startup Shead 5 Aug 2006
Server Resources Shead 5 Aug 2006
File Menu Mark 2 Aug 2006
Idiot's Guide to the Paraview Python Module Rogers 01 Aug 2006
Python paraview Module Ayachit 27 July 2006
Server Hints Shead 13 July 2006
Selection Geveci 06 July 2006
Server Connections Shead 22 June 2006
Where's The State? Shead 22 June 2006
Compound Proxies - Copies or References Shead 22 June 2006
Selection In ParaQ Ayachit 06 June 2006
Lookup Table Editing Geveci 06 June 2006
Aborting Geveci 26 June 2006
Widgetpalooza Shead 22 May 2006
Squish_Eval Clinton 18 May 2006
SourceFilterMenu Mark 15 May 2006
SMObserver Abstraction Ayachit 15 May 2006
PGraph Implementation Shead 11 May 2006
MakingCustomPanels Clinton 4 May 2006
Accept/Reset/Undo/Redo Blues Geveci 3 May 2006
Overall UI Design Rogers 28 Apr 2006
3D Widgets Geveci 21 Apr 2006
Prism Views McBride 19 Apr 2006
Selection Use Cases Rogers 19 Apr 2006
Undo Implementation Ayachit 13 Apr 2006
Server Manager Documentation Ayachit 6 Apr 2006
SynchronizingWidgets Stimpson 4 Apr 2006
Auto Generated Object Inspector Issues Geveci 31 Mar 2006
Pipeline Browser Ideas Geveci 29 Mar 2006
Pipeline Browser Requirements Rogers 31 Mar 2006
Directory Structure Ayachit 16 Mar 2006
ParaQ Applications Shead 13 Feb 2006
ProcessModule And Connections Ayachit 31 Jan 2006
Proxy And Property Links Ayachit 17 Jan 2006


 cvs -d:pserver:<username> co ParaView3
 cvs -d:pserver:<username> co ParaViewData

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