4 #ifndef pqFileDialogRecentDirsModel_h 5 #define pqFileDialogRecentDirsModel_h 8 #include <QAbstractListModel> 10 #include <QStringList> 23 typedef QAbstractListModel Superclass;
38 void setChosenDir(
const QString&
43 QString filePath(
const QModelIndex&)
48 QVariant
const QModelIndex& idx,
int role)
const override;
53 int rowCount(
const QModelIndex& idx)
const override;
58 QVariant headerData(
int section, Qt::Orientation,
int role)
const override;
61 void setChosenFiles(
const QList<QStringList>& files);
QPointer< pqFileDialogModel > FileDialogModel
pqFileDialogModel allows remote browsing of a connected ParaView server's filesystem, as well as browsing of the local file system.
pqFileDialogRecentDirsModel is a model which used by file dialog (pqFileDialog) to populate the list ...
pqServer (should be renamed to pqSession) is a pqServerManagerModelItem subclass that represents a vt...