5 #ifndef pqPresetGroupsManager_h 6 #define pqPresetGroupsManager_h 66 typedef QObject Superclass;
83 int numberOfPresetsInGroup(
const QString& groupName);
88 int presetRankInGroup(
const QString& presetName,
const QString& groupName);
92 QList<QString> groupNames();
96 QString groupName(
int i);
105 void loadGroups(
const QString& json);
112 void replaceGroups(
const QString& json);
118 bool loadGroupsFromSettings();
124 void addToGroup(
const QString& groupName,
const QString& presetName);
129 void removeFromGroup(
const QString& groupName,
const QString& presetName);
134 void removeFromAllGroups(
const QString& presetName);
139 static QString getPresetGroupsJson();
145 void saveGroupsToSettings();
152 void groupsUpdated();
155 QList<QString> GroupNames;
156 QMap<QString, QList<QString>> Groups;
pqPresetGroupsManager is an object to manage the groups of color map presets displayed in the pqPrese...