10 #include <QScopedPointer> 14 class QDragEnterEvent;
34 typedef QWidget Superclass;
44 void setTitle(
const QString& text);
45 QString
53 void setCentralWidget(QWidget* widget,
pqView* view =
54 QWidget* centralWidget()
60 void setBorderColor(
const QColor& clr);
61 const QColor&
const {
return this->BorderColor; }
76 SplitHorizontal = 0x0001,
77 SplitVertical = 0x0002,
89 void setStandardButtons(StandardButtons buttons);
95 void addTitleBarAction(QAction* action);
96 QAction* addTitleBarAction(
const QString& title);
97 QAction* addTitleBarAction(
const QIcon& icon,
const QString& title);
102 QAction* addTitleBarSeparator();
107 void removeTitleBarActions();
112 QMenu* contextMenu()
123 void buttonPressed(
int button);
128 void actionTriggered(QAction* action);
133 void swapPositions(
const QString& other);
147 this->BorderVisible = val;
148 this->updateComponentVisibilities();
156 this->TitleBarVisible = val;
157 this->updateComponentVisibilities();
162 this->DecorationsVisible = val;
163 this->updateComponentVisibilities();
171 bool eventFilter(QObject*, QEvent*)
178 virtual void updateComponentVisibilities();
184 void dragEnter(QDragEnterEvent*);
185 void drop(QDropEvent*);
188 void buttonClicked();
189 void contextMenuRequested(
const QPoint&);
214 QToolButton* createButton(QAction* action);
217 const QScopedPointer<pqInternals> Internals;
QPalette PaletteWithoutBorder
QUuid uniqueID() const
provides access to the unique id assigned to the frame.
pqViewFrame is used to represent a frame for any ParaView view shown in the pqMultiViewWidget.
StandardToolButtonsMap StandardToolButtons
void setDecorationsVisibility(bool val)
pqServerManagerModelItem is a element maintained by pqServerManagerModel.
This is a PQ abstraction of a generic view module.
void setBorderVisibility(bool val)
set whether the border is visible.
QPointer< QToolBar > ToolBar
QPointer< QWidget > CentralWidget
const QColor & borderColor() const
bool isTitleBarVisible() const
Get whether the title-bar is shown.
QPalette PaletteWithBorder
void setTitleBarVisibility(bool val)
set whether the title-bar is visible.
bool isBorderVisible() const
Get/Set the border visibility.
QMap< StandardButton, QPointer< QToolButton > > StandardToolButtonsMap
StandardButtons standardButtons() const
QPointer< QMenu > ContextMenu