10 #ifndef vtkSIVectorProperty_h 11 #define vtkSIVectorProperty_h 35 vtkGetMacro(NumberOfElementsPerCommand,
51 vtkGetMacro(UseIndex,
60 vtkGetStringMacro(CleanCommand);
68 vtkGetStringMacro(SetNumberCommand);
71 vtkGetStringMacro(InitialString);
76 vtkSetStringMacro(CleanCommand);
77 vtkSetStringMacro(SetNumberCommand);
78 vtkSetStringMacro(InitialString);
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
#define vtkSIVectorProperty
vtkSIProxy is the server-implementation for a vtkSMProxy that helps the vtkSMProxy with managing/upda...
Abstract class for SIProperty that hold an array of values.
virtual bool ReadXMLAttributes(vtkSIProxy *proxyhelper, vtkPVXMLElement *element)
Parse the xml for the property.
Basic ServerImplementation property used to call a method with no argument on a VTK object...
This is used by vtkPVXMLParser to represent an XML document starting at the root element.
int NumberOfElementsPerCommand