4 #ifndef pqAnimationTimeWidget_h 5 #define pqAnimationTimeWidget_h 7 #include "pqComponentsModule.h" 11 #include <QScopedPointer> 30 Q_PROPERTY(QString playMode READ playMode WRITE setPlayMode NOTIFY playModeChanged)
int numberOfFrames READ numberOfFrames WRITE setNumberOfFrames)
double startTime READ startTime WRITE setStartTime)
double endTime READ endTime WRITE setEndTime)
34 Q_PROPERTY(QString timeLabel READ timeLabel WRITE setTimeLabel)
35 Q_PROPERTY(QList<QVariant> timestepValues READ timestepValues WRITE setTimestepValues)
37 typedef QWidget Superclass;
60 void setTimestepValues(const QList<QVariant>& list);
61 const QList<QVariant>& timestepValues() const;
68 void setStartTime(
double start);
69 double startTime() const;
76 void setEndTime(
double end);
77 double endTime() const;
84 void setNumberOfFrames(
int nbOfFrame);
85 int numberOfFrames() const;
91 void setCurrentTime(
double t);
97 RealNumberNotation notation() const;
103 int precision() const;
109 void setPlayMode(const QString& mode);
110 QString playMode() const;
117 void setTimeLabel(const QString& val);
118 QString timeLabel() const;
122 void playModeChanged();
137 void updateCurrentTime(
double t);
143 QScopedPointer<pqInternals> Internals;
This enum specifies which notations to use for displaying the value.
pqLineEdit subclass that supports a low precision view when inactive
proxy for a VTK object(s) on a server
pqAnimationScene is a representation for a vtkSMAnimationScene proxy.