16 #ifndef vtkSMComparativeViewProxy_h 17 #define vtkSMComparativeViewProxy_h 64 return this->GetRootView() ? this->GetRootView()->GetRenderWindow() :
68 return this->GetRootView() ? this->GetRootView()->GetInteractor() :
94 void InvokeConfigureEvent();
virtual const char * GetRepresentationType(vtkSMSourceProxy *producer, int outputPort)
Returns the xml name of the representation proxy to create to show the data produced in this view...
void CreateVTKObjects() override
Called at the end of CreateVTKObjects().
vtkRenderWindowInteractor * GetInteractor() override
Returns the interactor.
Superclass for all view proxies.
static vtkSMViewProxy * New()
virtual vtkImageData * CaptureWindowInternal(int magnificationX, int magnificationY)
Capture an image from the view's render window.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
virtual void MarkDirty(vtkSMProxy *modifiedProxy)
Dirty means this algorithm will execute during next update.
vtkRenderWindow * GetRenderWindow() override
Returns the render-window used by the root view, if any.
view for comparative visualization/ film-strips.
proxy for a VTK source on a server
proxy for a VTK object(s) on a server
virtual void SetupInteractor(vtkRenderWindowInteractor *iren)
A client process need to set the interactor to enable interactivity.
virtual bool MakeRenderWindowInteractor(bool quiet=false)
Creates a default render window interactor for the vtkRenderWindow and sets it up on the local proces...
virtual void Update()
Called vtkPVView::Update on the server-side.