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pqMultiSliceView Class Reference

#include <pqMultiSliceView.h>

Inheritance diagram for pqMultiSliceView:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for pqMultiSliceView:
Collaboration graph

Public Slots

void updateSlices ()
- Public Slots inherited from pqRenderView
virtual void setOrientationAxesVisibility (bool visible)
virtual void setOrientationAxesInteractivity (bool interactive)
virtual void setOrientationAxesLabelColor (const QColor &)
virtual void setOrientationAxesOutlineColor (const QColor &)
virtual void setCenterOfRotation (double x, double y, double z)
virtual void setCenterOfRotation (double xyz[3])
virtual void setParallelScale (double scale)
virtual void setCenterAxesVisibility (bool visible)
virtual void setResetCenterWithCamera (bool b)
 Get/Set whether resetCamera() resets the center of rotation as well. More...
virtual void setUseMultipleRepresentationSelection (bool b)
 Set whether selection will be done on multiple representations. More...
virtual void linkToOtherView ()
 start the link to other view process More...
void removeViewLinks ()
 Remove all camera link connected to this view. More...
void undo () override
 Called to undo interaction. More...
void redo () override
 Called to redo interaction. More...
virtual void resetCenterOfRotationIfNeeded ()
 Resets center of rotation if this->ResetCenterWithCamera is true. More...
virtual void updateInteractionMode (pqOutputPort *opPort)
 Try to provide the best view orientation and interaction mode. More...
- Public Slots inherited from pqView
virtual void render ()
 Request a StillRender on idle. More...
virtual void forceRender ()
 Forces an immediate render. More...
void cancelPendingRenders ()
 Cancels any pending renders. More...
virtual void undo ()
 Called to undo interaction. More...
virtual void redo ()
 Called to redo interaction. More...


void sliceAdded (int axisIndex, int sliceIndex)
void sliceRemoved (int axisIndex, int sliceIndex)
void sliceModified (int axisIndex, int sliceIndex)
void sliceClicked (int axisIndex, double sliceOffsetOnAxis, int button, int modifier)
- Signals inherited from pqRenderView
void updateInteractionMode (int mode)
- Signals inherited from pqView
void updateDataEvent ()
 Fired when the vtkSMViewProxy fires the vtkCommand::UpdateDataEvent The view proxy fires this event at the end of vtkSMViewProxy::Update() when the update executes, not just when the method is called. More...
void representationAdded (pqRepresentation *)
 Fired after a representation has been added to this view. More...
void representationRemoved (pqRepresentation *)
 Fired after a representation has been removed from this view. More...
void beginRender ()
 Fired when the render module fires a vtkCommand::StartEvent signalling the beginning of rendering. More...
void endRender ()
 Fired when the render module fires a vtkCommand::EndEvent signalling the end of rendering. More...
void representationVisibilityChanged (pqRepresentation *repr, bool visible)
 Fired when any representation visibility changes. More...
void canUndoChanged (bool)
 Fired when interaction undo stack status changes. More...
void canRedoChanged (bool)
 Fired when interaction undo stack status changes. More...
void selected (pqOutputPort *opport)
 Fired when a selection is made in this view. More...
void picked (pqOutputPort *opport)
 Fired when a port is picked. More...
void beginProgress ()
 Fired before doing any actions that may result in progress events that must be reported by the client. More...
void endProgress ()
 Fired after performing any actions that may result in progress events. More...
void progress (const QString &message, int percent_progress)
 Fired to notify the current execution progress. More...
void multipleSelected (QList< pqOutputPort *> opports)
 Fired when UseMultipleRepresentationSelection is set to on and selection on multiple representations is made in this view. More...
- Signals inherited from pqProxy
void nameChanged (pqServerManagerModelItem *)
 Fired when the name of the proxy is changed. More...
void modifiedStateChanged (pqServerManagerModelItem *)
 Fired when the modified status changes for the proxy. More...

Public Member Functions

 pqMultiSliceView (const QString &viewtype, const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMViewProxy *viewmodule, pqServer *server, QObject *p)
 constructor takes a bunch of init stuff and must have this signature to satisfy pqView More...
 ~pqMultiSliceView () override
const doubleGetVisibleSlices (int axisIndex, int &numberOfSlices)
 Provide access to visible slices positions for any axis. More...
const doubleGetSlices (int axisIndex, int &numberOfSlices)
const doubleGetAllSlices (int axisIndex, int &numberOfSlices)
 Provides access to all (visible and invisible) slice positions for any Precondition: 0 <= axisIndex <= 2. More...
const doubleGetSliceNormal (int axisIndex)
 Provide access to slices normal for any axis. More...
const doubleGetSliceOrigin (int axisIndex)
 Provide access to slices origin for any axis. More...
void setCursor (const QCursor &) override
 Override for custom management. More...
bool getOutlineVisibility ()
 Update Outline visibility. More...
void setOutlineVisibility (bool visible)
- Public Member Functions inherited from pqRenderView
 pqRenderView (const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMViewProxy *renModule, pqServer *server, QObject *parent=nullptr)
 pqRenderView (const QString &tname, const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMViewProxy *renModule, pqServer *server, QObject *parent=nullptr)
 ~pqRenderView () override
virtual vtkSMRenderViewProxygetRenderViewProxy () const
 Returns the render view proxy associated with this object. More...
void resetCamera (bool closest=false, double offsetRatio=0.9) override
 Resets the camera to include all visible data. More...
virtual void resetCenterOfRotation ()
 Resets the center of rotation to the focal point. More...
virtual void resetParallelScale ()
 Resets the parallel scale which is used for a parallel projection. More...
virtual bool getOrientationAxesVisibility () const
 Get if the orientation axes is visible. More...
virtual bool getOrientationAxesInteractivity () const
 Get if the orientation axes is interactive. More...
virtual QColor getOrientationAxesLabelColor () const
 Get orientation axes label color. More...
virtual QColor getOrientationAxesOutlineColor () const
 Get orientation axes outline color. More...
virtual bool getResetCenterWithCamera () const
 Get whether resetCamera() resets the center of rotation as well. More...
virtual bool getUseMultipleRepresentationSelection () const
 Get whether selection will be done on multiple representations. More...
virtual bool getCenterAxesVisibility () const
 Get center axes visibility. More...
virtual void getCenterOfRotation (double center[3]) const
 Get the current center of rotation. More...
bool supportsUndo () const override
 Returns if this view module can support undo/redo. More...
bool supportsCapture () const override
 Returns if this view module can support image capture. More...
virtual void clearUndoStack ()
 Clears interaction undo stack of this view (and all linked views, if any). More...
virtual void resetViewDirection (double look_x, double look_y, double look_z, double up_x, double up_y, double up_z)
 Reset/Adjust camera view direction. More...
virtual void adjustView (const int &adjustType, const double &angle)
virtual void adjustAzimuth (const double &value)
virtual void adjustElevation (const double &value)
virtual void adjustRoll (const double &value)
virtual void adjustZoom (const double &value)
virtual void applyIsometricView ()
virtual void resetViewDirectionToPositiveX ()
virtual void resetViewDirectionToNegativeX ()
virtual void resetViewDirectionToPositiveY ()
virtual void resetViewDirectionToNegativeY ()
virtual void resetViewDirectionToPositiveZ ()
virtual void resetViewDirectionToNegativeZ ()
virtual pqDataRepresentationpick (int pos[2])
 Picks the representation at the given position. More...
virtual pqDataRepresentationpickBlock (int pos[2], unsigned int &flatIndex, int &rank)
 Picks the representation at the given position. More...
virtual void selectBlock (int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT)
 Creates a "block" selection given the rectangle in display coordinates. More...
bool canUndo () const override
 Returns if the view module can undo/redo interaction given the current state of the interaction undo stack. More...
bool canRedo () const override
 Returns if the view module can undo/redo interaction given the current state of the interaction undo stack. More...
virtual void linkUndoStack (pqRenderView *other)
 For linking of interaction undo stacks. More...
virtual void unlinkUndoStack (pqRenderView *other)
 For linking of interaction undo stacks. More...
virtual QCursor cursor ()
 Let internal class handle which internal widget should change its cursor This is usually used for selection and in case of QuadView/SliceView which contains an aggregation of QWidget, we don't necessary want all of them to share the same cursor. More...
void setCursorVisible (bool visible)
 Set / get the cursor visibility when the mouse hovers the widget associated with this view. More...
bool cursorVisible ()
 Set / get the cursor visibility when the mouse hovers the widget associated with this view. More...
virtual void selectCellsOnSurface (int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT, const char *array=nullptr)
virtual void selectPointsOnSurface (int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT, const char *array=nullptr)
virtual void selectFrustumCells (int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT)
virtual void selectFrustumPoints (int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT)
virtual void selectFrustumBlocks (int rectangle[4], int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT)
virtual void selectPolygonPoints (vtkIntArray *polygon, int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT)
 Creates a new surface selection given the polygon in display coordinates. More...
virtual void selectPolygonCells (vtkIntArray *polygon, int selectionModifier=pqView::PV_SELECTION_DEFAULT)
 Creates a new surface selection given the polygon in display coordinates. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from pqRenderViewBase
 ~pqRenderViewBase () override
void resetDisplay (bool closest=false) override
 Called to reset the view's display. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from pqView
 ~pqView () override
vtkSMViewProxygetViewProxy () const
 Returns the internal render Module proxy associated with this object. More...
virtual vtkViewgetClientSideView () const
 Return the client-side vtkView encapsulated by this view (if any), or return nullptr. More...
QWidget * widget ()
 Return a widget associated with this view. More...
QString getViewType () const
 Returns the type of this view module. More...
virtual QSize getSize ()
 Returns the current size of the rendering context. More...
bool hasRepresentation (pqRepresentation *repr) const
 This method checks if the representation is shown in this view. More...
int getNumberOfRepresentations () const
 Returns the number representations in the view. More...
int getNumberOfVisibleRepresentations () const
int getNumberOfVisibleDataRepresentations () const
pqRepresentationgetRepresentation (int index) const
 Returns the representation for the specified index where (index < getNumberOfRepresentations()). More...
QList< pqRepresentation * > getRepresentations () const
 Returns a list of representations in this view. More...
bool canDisplay (pqOutputPort *opPort) const
 This method returns is any pqPipelineSource can be displayed in this view. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from pqProxy
 pqProxy (const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMProxy *proxy, pqServer *server, QObject *parent=nullptr)
 ~pqProxy () override
pqServergetServer () const
 Get the server on which this proxy exists. More...
void rename (const QString &newname)
 This is a convenience method. More...
const QString & getSMName ()
 Get the name with which this proxy is registered on the server manager. More...
const QString & getSMGroup ()
vtkSMProxygetProxy () const
 Get the vtkSMProxy this object stands for. More...
ModifiedState modifiedState () const
 Gets whether or not the source has been modified. More...
void setModifiedState (ModifiedState modified)
 Sets whether or not the source has been modified. More...
vtkPVXMLElementgetHints () const
 Returns the hints for this proxy, if any. More...
QList< vtkSMProxy * > getHelperProxies () const
 Returns a list of all helper proxies. More...
QList< vtkSMProxy * > getHelperProxies (const QString &key) const
 Returns a list of all the helper proxies added with a given key. More...
QList< QString > getHelperKeys () const
 Returns the keys for helper proxies. More...
virtual void addHelperProxy (const QString &key, vtkSMProxy *)
 Concept of helper proxies: A pqProxy is created for every important vtkSMProxy registered. More...
void removeHelperProxy (const QString &key, vtkSMProxy *)
void updateHelperProxies () const
 Updates the internal datastructures using the proxies currently registered under the group that would be used for helper proxies. More...
vtkSMSessionProxyManagerproxyManager () const
 Returns the proxy manager by calling this->getProxy()->GetProxyManager();. More...
bool userModifiedSMName ()
 Return whether or not the user has modified the GUI name of the source. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from pqServerManagerModelItem
 pqServerManagerModelItem (QObject *parent=nullptr)
 ~pqServerManagerModelItem () override

Static Public Member Functions

static QString multiSliceViewType ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from pqRenderView
static QString renderViewType ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from pqProxy
static pqProxyfindProxyWithHelper (vtkSMProxy *aproxy, QString &key)
 Returns a pqProxy instance, of any, whose helper proxy is the aproxy. More...
static std::string rstToHtml (const char *rstStr)
 convert proxy documentation from RST to HTML (so that it can be used in Qt) More...
static QString rstToHtml (const QString &rstStr)
 convert proxy documentation from RST to HTML (so that it can be used in Qt) More...

Protected Slots

void onSliceClicked (int button, int modifier, double value)
- Protected Slots inherited from pqRenderView
virtual void onInteractionModeChange ()
 Called when VTK event get trigger to notify that the interaction mode has changed. More...
virtual void onGenericFilmicPresetsChange ()
 Called when VTK event get trigger to notify that the generic filmic presets has changed. More...
virtual void onResetCameraEvent ()
virtual void onUndoStackChanged ()
 Called when undo stack changes. More...
- Protected Slots inherited from pqRenderViewBase
virtual void initializeAfterObjectsCreated ()
void beginDelayInteractiveRender ()
 Triggered by DelayNonInteractiveRenderEvent. More...
void endDelayInteractiveRender ()
void updateStatusMessage ()
 Triggered by internal timer to update the status bar message. More...
- Protected Slots inherited from pqProxy
void onProxyRegistered (const QString &, const QString &, vtkSMProxy *)
void onProxyUnRegistered (const QString &, const QString &, vtkSMProxy *)

Protected Member Functions

void updateViewModelCallBack (vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *)
QWidget * createWidget () override
 Override to decorate the pqQVTKWidgetBase. More...
pqQVTKWidgetgetInternalWidget ()
 Helper method to get the concreate 3D widget. More...
int getAxisIndex (QObject *)
 Get axis index. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pqRenderView
virtual void fakeUndoRedo (bool redo, bool self)
 Updates undo stack without actually performing the undo/redo actions. More...
virtual void fakeInteraction (bool start)
 Updates undo stack of all linked views to record a programmatic change in camera as a interaction. More...
QWidget * createWidget () override
 Creates a new instance of the QWidget subclass to be used to show this view. More...
void initialize () override
 Overridden to initialize the interaction undo/redo stack. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pqRenderViewBase
 pqRenderViewBase (const QString &type, const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMViewProxy *renModule, pqServer *server, QObject *parent=nullptr)
bool eventFilter (QObject *caller, QEvent *e) override
 Overridden to popup the context menu, if some actions have been added using addMenuAction. More...
QWidget * createWidget () override
 Creates a new instance of the QWidget subclass to be used to show this view. More...
void initialize () override
 Use this method to initialize the pqObject state using the underlying vtkSMProxy. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pqView
 pqView (const QString &type, const QString &group, const QString &name, vtkSMViewProxy *view, pqServer *server, QObject *parent=nullptr)
 Constructor: type :- view type. More...
void initialize () override
 Use this method to initialize the pqObject state using the underlying vtkSMProxy. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pqProxy
void setSMName (const QString &new_name)
 Make this pqProxy take on a new identity. More...
virtual void addInternalHelperProxy (const QString &key, vtkSMProxy *) const
virtual void removeInternalHelperProxy (const QString &key, vtkSMProxy *) const
- Protected Member Functions inherited from pqServerManagerModelItem
vtkEventQtSlotConnectgetConnector ()
 All subclasses generally need some vtkEventQtSlotConnect instance to connect to VTK events. More...

Protected Attributes

QPointer< pqQVTKWidgetInternalWidget
bool UserIsInteracting
QPointer< pqMultiSliceAxisWidgetAxisX
QPointer< pqMultiSliceAxisWidgetAxisY
QPointer< pqMultiSliceAxisWidgetAxisZ
QPointer< pqMultiSliceAxisWidgetAxisXYZ [3]
QMap< pqRepresentation *, unsigned intObserverIdX
QMap< pqRepresentation *, unsigned intObserverIdY
QMap< pqRepresentation *, unsigned intObserverIdZ
double NormalValuesHolder [9]
double OriginValuesHolder [9]
- Protected Attributes inherited from pqRenderView
bool ResetCenterWithCamera
bool UseMultipleRepresentationSelection

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from pqView
- Public Types inherited from pqProxy
 The modification state of this proxy. More...

Detailed Description

Definition at line 18 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ pqMultiSliceView()

pqMultiSliceView::pqMultiSliceView ( const QString &  viewtype,
const QString &  group,
const QString &  name,
vtkSMViewProxy viewmodule,
pqServer server,
QObject *  p 

constructor takes a bunch of init stuff and must have this signature to satisfy pqView

◆ ~pqMultiSliceView()

pqMultiSliceView::~pqMultiSliceView ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ multiSliceViewType()

static QString pqMultiSliceView::multiSliceViewType ( )

Definition at line 24 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ GetVisibleSlices()

const double* pqMultiSliceView::GetVisibleSlices ( int  axisIndex,
int numberOfSlices 

Provide access to visible slices positions for any axis.

Precondition: 0 <= axisIndex <= 2

◆ GetSlices()

const double* pqMultiSliceView::GetSlices ( int  axisIndex,
int numberOfSlices 

Use GetVisibleSlices() or GetAllSlices(). This method simply calls GetVisibleSlices().

Definition at line 44 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ GetAllSlices()

const double* pqMultiSliceView::GetAllSlices ( int  axisIndex,
int numberOfSlices 

Provides access to all (visible and invisible) slice positions for any Precondition: 0 <= axisIndex <= 2.

◆ GetSliceNormal()

const double* pqMultiSliceView::GetSliceNormal ( int  axisIndex)

Provide access to slices normal for any axis.

0 <= axisIndex <= 2

◆ GetSliceOrigin()

const double* pqMultiSliceView::GetSliceOrigin ( int  axisIndex)

Provide access to slices origin for any axis.

0 <= axisIndex <= 2

◆ setCursor()

void pqMultiSliceView::setCursor ( const QCursor &  )

Override for custom management.

Reimplemented from pqRenderView.

◆ getOutlineVisibility()

bool pqMultiSliceView::getOutlineVisibility ( )

Update Outline visibility.

◆ setOutlineVisibility()

void pqMultiSliceView::setOutlineVisibility ( bool  visible)

◆ sliceAdded

void pqMultiSliceView::sliceAdded ( int  axisIndex,
int  sliceIndex 

◆ sliceRemoved

void pqMultiSliceView::sliceRemoved ( int  axisIndex,
int  sliceIndex 

◆ sliceModified

void pqMultiSliceView::sliceModified ( int  axisIndex,
int  sliceIndex 

◆ sliceClicked

void pqMultiSliceView::sliceClicked ( int  axisIndex,
double  sliceOffsetOnAxis,
int  button,
int  modifier 

◆ updateSlices

void pqMultiSliceView::updateSlices ( )

◆ updateViewModelCallBack()

void pqMultiSliceView::updateViewModelCallBack ( vtkObject ,
unsigned  long,
void *   

◆ createWidget()

QWidget* pqMultiSliceView::createWidget ( )

Override to decorate the pqQVTKWidgetBase.

Implements pqView.

◆ getInternalWidget()

pqQVTKWidget* pqMultiSliceView::getInternalWidget ( )

Helper method to get the concreate 3D widget.

◆ getAxisIndex()

int pqMultiSliceView::getAxisIndex ( QObject *  )

Get axis index.

◆ onSliceClicked

void pqMultiSliceView::onSliceClicked ( int  button,
int  modifier,
double  value 

Member Data Documentation

◆ InternalWidget

QPointer<pqQVTKWidget> pqMultiSliceView::InternalWidget

Definition at line 118 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ UserIsInteracting

bool pqMultiSliceView::UserIsInteracting

Definition at line 119 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ AxisX

QPointer<pqMultiSliceAxisWidget> pqMultiSliceView::AxisX

Definition at line 120 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ AxisY

QPointer<pqMultiSliceAxisWidget> pqMultiSliceView::AxisY

Definition at line 121 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ AxisZ

QPointer<pqMultiSliceAxisWidget> pqMultiSliceView::AxisZ

Definition at line 122 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ AxisXYZ

QPointer<pqMultiSliceAxisWidget> pqMultiSliceView::AxisXYZ[3]

Definition at line 123 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ ObserverIdX

QMap<pqRepresentation*, unsigned int> pqMultiSliceView::ObserverIdX

Definition at line 125 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ ObserverIdY

QMap<pqRepresentation*, unsigned int> pqMultiSliceView::ObserverIdY

Definition at line 126 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ ObserverIdZ

QMap<pqRepresentation*, unsigned int> pqMultiSliceView::ObserverIdZ

Definition at line 127 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ NormalValuesHolder

double pqMultiSliceView::NormalValuesHolder[9]

Definition at line 129 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

◆ OriginValuesHolder

double pqMultiSliceView::OriginValuesHolder[9]

Definition at line 130 of file pqMultiSliceView.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: