4 #ifndef pqServerConfigurationCollection_h 5 #define pqServerConfigurationCollection_h 7 #include "pqCoreModule.h" 35 typedef QObject Superclass;
46 bool loadContents(
const QString& contents,
bool mutable_configs);
53 QString saveContents(
bool only_mutable)
58 bool load(
const QString& filename,
bool mutable_configs);
59 bool save(
const QString& filename,
bool only_mutable);
65 void addConfiguration(
vtkPVXMLElement* configuration,
bool mutable_config =
71 void removeConfiguration(
const QString&);
76 QList<pqServerConfiguration> configurations()
81 QList<pqServerConfiguration> configurations(
const pqServerResource& selector)
93 void removeUserConfigurations();
pqServerConfigurationCollection maintains a serializable collection of server-configurations defined ...
void save(Archiver &ar, const vtkUnicodeString &str, const unsigned int vtkNotUsed(version))
pqServerConfiguration corresponds to a server connection configuration.
This is used by vtkPVXMLParser to represent an XML document starting at the root element.
pqServerResource encapsulates a resource in ParaView.
QMap< QString, pqServerConfiguration > Configurations