Go to the documentation of this file.
1 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Kitware Inc.
2 // SPDX-FileCopyrightText: Copyright (c) Sandia Corporation
3 // SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause
4 #ifndef pqStandardPropertyWidgetInterface_h
5 #define pqStandardPropertyWidgetInterface_h
7 #include "pqApplicationComponentsModule.h"
15 class PQAPPLICATIONCOMPONENTS_EXPORT pqStandardPropertyWidgetInterface
16  : public QObject
18 {
20  Q_INTERFACES(pqPropertyWidgetInterface)
21 public:
22  pqStandardPropertyWidgetInterface(QObject* p = nullptr);
58  vtkSMProxy* proxy, vtkSMProperty* property, QWidget* parentWidget) override;
93  vtkSMProxy* proxy, vtkSMPropertyGroup* group, QWidget* parentWidget) override;
112  const QString& type, vtkPVXMLElement* config, pqPropertyWidget* widget) override;
119  void createDefaultWidgetDecorators(pqPropertyWidget* widget) override;
120 };
122 #endif // pqStandardPropertyWidgetInterface_h
virtual pqPropertyWidget * createWidgetForPropertyGroup(vtkSMProxy *proxy, vtkSMPropertyGroup *group, QWidget *parentWidget)
Given a proxy and its property group, create a widget for the same, of possible.
pqPropertyWidget represents a widget created for each property of a proxy on the pqPropertiesPanel (f...
virtual pqPropertyWidgetDecorator * createWidgetDecorator(const QString &type, vtkPVXMLElement *config, pqPropertyWidget *widget)
Given the type of the decorator and the pqPropertyWidget that needs to be decorated, create the pqPropertyWidgetDecorator instance, if possible.
virtual pqPropertyWidget * createWidgetForProperty(vtkSMProxy *proxy, vtkSMProperty *property, QWidget *parentWidget)
Given a proxy and its property, create a widget for the same, of possible.
pqStandardPropertyWidgetInterface provides a concrete implementation of pqPropertyWidget used by Para...
pqPropertyWidgetInterface is part of the ParaView Plugin infrastructure that enables support for plug...
superclass for all SM properties
proxy for a VTK object(s) on a server
Definition: vtkSMProxy.h:140
virtual void createDefaultWidgetDecorators(pqPropertyWidget *widget)
Create all default decorators for a specific widget.
This is used by vtkPVXMLParser to represent an XML document starting at the root element.
pqPropertyWidgetDecorator provides a mechanism to decorate pqPropertyWidget instances to add logic to...