10 #ifndef vtkSMDoubleMapProperty_h 11 #define vtkSMDoubleMapProperty_h 16 class vtkSMDoubleMapPropertyPrivate;
29 void SetNumberOfComponents(
unsigned int components);
34 unsigned int GetNumberOfComponents();
39 void SetElement(
vtkIdType index,
double value);
44 void SetElements(
vtkIdType index,
const double* values);
49 void SetElements(
vtkIdType index,
const double* values,
unsigned int numValues);
54 void SetElementComponent(
vtkIdType index,
unsigned int component,
double value);
97 void* GetMapPointer();
129 vtkSMDoubleMapPropertyPrivate* Private;
132 #endif // vtkSMDoubleMapProperty_h virtual void SaveStateValues(vtkPVXMLElement *propertyElement)
This method must be overridden by concrete class in order to save the real property data...
virtual void WriteTo(vtkSMMessage *msg)
Let the property write its content into the stream.
int ReadXMLAttributes(vtkSMProxy *parent, vtkPVXMLElement *element) override
Set the appropriate ivars from the xml element.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
superclass for all SM properties
a map property storing double values
virtual vtkIdType GetNumberOfElements()
Returns the number of elements for the value type.
int LoadState(vtkPVXMLElement *element, vtkSMProxyLocator *loader) override
Updates state from an XML element.
void Copy(vtkSMProperty *src) override
Copy all property values.
Header class that setup every thing in order to use Protobuf messages in a transparent manner...
static vtkSMProperty * New()
virtual void ReadFrom(const vtkSMMessage *, int vtkNotUsed(message_offset), vtkSMProxyLocator *)
Let the property read and set its content from the stream.
proxy for a VTK object(s) on a server
is used to locate proxies referred to in state xmls while loading state files.
virtual void ResetToXMLDefaults()
For properties that support specifying defaults in XML configuration, this method will reset the prop...
This is used by vtkPVXMLParser to represent an XML document starting at the root element.
abstract superclass for all map properties