20 #ifndef vtkSMWriterFactory_h 21 #define vtkSMWriterFactory_h 48 void RegisterPrototype(
const char* xmlgroup,
const char* xmlname);
66 const char* filename,
unsigned int outputport,
bool proxyname =
69 return this->CreateWriter(filename, pxy, 0);
82 return this->GetSupportedFileTypes(source, 0);
87 const char* GetSupportedWriterProxies(
vtkSMSourceProxy* source,
unsigned int outputport);
90 unsigned int GetNumberOfRegisteredPrototypes();
96 void UpdateAvailableWriters();
103 void AddGroup(
const char* groupName);
104 void RemoveGroup(
const char* groupName);
118 static void AddWriterToWhitelist(
const char* writerxmlgroup,
const char* writerxmlname);
129 vtkInternals* Internals;
vtkSMSession is the default ParaView session.
const char * GetSupportedFileTypes(vtkSMSourceProxy *source)
vtkSMProxy * CreateWriter(const char *filename, vtkSMSourceProxy *pxy)
superclass for most server manager classes
proxy for a VTK source on a server
The vtkSMSessionProxyManager is esponsible for creating and managing proxies for a given session...
is a factory or creating a writer based on the data type information from the output port...
static vtkSMObject * New()
proxy for a VTK object(s) on a server
This is used by vtkPVXMLParser to represent an XML document starting at the root element.
Manages allocation and freeing for a string list.
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override