virtual const char * | GetClassName () |
virtual int | IsA (const char *type) |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
void | Update () override |
| Overridden to ensure that the SlicePositionAxes3D doesn't get used when determine view bounds. More...
vtkRenderer * | GetRenderer (int rendererType=vtkPVRenderView::DEFAULT_RENDERER) override |
| Overridden to add support for new types of renderers. More...
virtual void | ResetCamera () |
virtual void | ResetCamera (double bounds[6]) |
void | SetInteractionMode (int mode) override |
| Get/Set the interaction mode. More...
void | SetupInteractor (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *) override |
| Set the interactor. More...
void | SetCenterAxesVisibility (bool) override |
| To avoid confusion, we don't show the center axes at all in this view. More...
void | SetBackgroundTexture (vtkTexture *val) override |
| Forward to 3D renderer. More...
void | ScaleRendererViewports (const double viewport[4]) override |
| Overridden to scale the projection viewports appropriately. More...
void | SetSlicePosition (double x, double y, double z) |
| Set the slice position. More...
virtual double * | GetSlicePosition () |
| Set the slice position. More...
virtual void | GetSlicePosition (double &, double &, double &) |
| Set the slice position. More...
virtual void | GetSlicePosition (double [3]) |
| Set the slice position. More...
virtual void | SetSliceIncrements (double, double, double) |
| Set slice increments. More...
virtual void | SetSliceIncrements (double [3]) |
| Set slice increments. More...
virtual void | SetSliceAnnotationsVisibility (bool) |
| Get/Set whether to show slice annotations. More...
virtual bool | GetSliceAnnotationsVisibility () |
| Get/Set whether to show slice annotations. More...
void | SetNumberOfXSlices (unsigned int count) |
void | SetXSlices (const double *values) |
void | SetNumberOfYSlices (unsigned int count) |
void | SetYSlices (const double *values) |
void | SetNumberOfZSlices (unsigned int count) |
void | SetZSlices (const double *values) |
const std::vector< double > & | GetSlices (int axis) const |
const std::vector< double > & | GetXSlices () const |
const std::vector< double > & | GetYSlices () const |
const std::vector< double > & | GetZSlices () const |
void | GetDataBounds (double bounds[6]) const |
const char * | GetXAxisLabel () const |
const char * | GetYAxisLabel () const |
const char * | GetZAxisLabel () const |
const vtkClientServerStream & | GetAxisLabels () const |
void | SetModelTransformationMatrix (vtkMatrix4x4 *) |
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
vtkRenderWindowInteractor * | GetInteractor () |
| Returns the interactor. More...
void | StillRender () override |
| Triggers a high-resolution render. More...
void | InteractiveRender () override |
| Triggers a interactive render. More...
void | ConfigureCompressor (const char *configuration) |
| Passes the compressor configuration to the client-server synchronizer, if any. More...
virtual void | ResetCameraClippingRange () |
| Resets the clipping range. More...
void | InvalidateCachedSelection () |
| Invalidates cached selection. More...
void | SetMaxClipBounds (double bds[6]) |
| Used by Cinema to enforce a consistent depth scaling. More...
virtual void | SetLegendGridActor (vtkLegendScaleActor *) |
| Set the vtkLegendScaleActor to use for the view. More...
virtual void | SetPolarGridActor (vtkPolarAxesActor2D *) |
| Set the vtkPolarAxesActor to use for the view. More...
void | SetParallelProjection (int mode) |
| Forward to vtkCamera. More...
virtual void | SynchronizeGeometryBounds () |
| Synchronizes bounds information on all nodes and reset camera clipping planes. More...
void | Update () override |
| Overridden to synchronize information among processes whenever data changes. More...
virtual void | UpdateLOD () |
| Asks representations to update their LOD geometries. More...
int | GetDataDistributionMode (bool low_res) |
| Returns the data distribution mode to use. More...
void | Deliver (int use_lod, unsigned int size, unsigned int *representation_ids) override |
| Called on all processes to request data-delivery for the list of representations. More...
bool | GetUseOrderedCompositing () |
| Returns true when ordered compositing is needed on the current group of processes. More...
bool | GetRenderEmptyImages () |
| Returns true when the compositor should not use the empty images optimization. More...
void | CopyViewUpdateOptions (vtkPVRenderView *otherView) |
| Copy internal fields that are used for rendering decision such as remote/local rendering, composite and so on. More...
bool | GetOSPRayContinueStreaming () |
| Has OSPRay reached the max frames? More...
void | SetOSPRayRendererType (std::string) |
| Set the OSPRay renderer to use. More...
virtual void | SetMaterialLibrary (vtkPVMaterialLibrary *) |
| For OSPRay, set the library of materials. More...
void | SetViewTime (double value) override |
| Get/Set the time this view is showing. More...
virtual vtkRenderViewBase * | GetRenderView () |
void | ScaleRendererViewports (const double viewport[4]) override |
| Overridden to scale the OrientationWidget appropriately. More...
void | SynchronizeMaximumIds (vtkIdType *maxPointId, vtkIdType *maxCellId) |
| This is used by vtkPVHardwareSelector to synchronize element ids between all ranks involved in selection. More...
void | SetHardwareSelector (vtkPVHardwareSelector *selector) |
virtual int | GetInteractionMode () |
| Get/Set the interaction mode. More...
void | SetSize (int, int) override |
| Overridden to call InvalidateCachedSelection() whenever the render window parameters change. More...
void | SetPosition (int, int) override |
| Overridden to call InvalidateCachedSelection() whenever the render window parameters change. More...
virtual vtkRenderer * | GetNonCompositedRenderer () |
| Gets the non-composited renderer for this view. More...
vtkCamera * | GetActiveCamera () |
| Get/Set the active camera. More...
virtual void | SetActiveCamera (vtkCamera *) |
| Get/Set the active camera. More...
virtual vtkPVInteractorStyle * | GetInteractorStyle () |
| Returns the interactor style. More...
void | ResetCamera () |
| Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds. More...
void | ResetCamera (double bounds[6]) |
| Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds. More...
void | ResetCameraScreenSpace (double offsetRatio=0.9) |
| Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds. More...
void | ResetCameraScreenSpace (double *bounds, double offsetRatio=0.9) |
| Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds. More...
virtual void | SetSuppressRendering (bool) |
| SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender. More...
virtual bool | GetSuppressRendering () |
| SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender. More...
virtual void | SuppressRenderingOn () |
| SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender. More...
virtual void | SuppressRenderingOff () |
| SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender. More...
virtual void | SetStillRenderImageReductionFactor (int) |
| Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for StillRender(). More...
virtual int | GetStillRenderImageReductionFactor () |
| Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for StillRender(). More...
virtual void | SetInteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor (int) |
| Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for InteractiveRender(). More...
virtual int | GetInteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor () |
| Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for InteractiveRender(). More...
virtual void | SetRemoteRenderingThreshold (double) |
| Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which remote-rendering should be used, if possible. More...
virtual double | GetRemoteRenderingThreshold () |
| Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which remote-rendering should be used, if possible. More...
virtual void | SetLODRenderingThreshold (double) |
| Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which LOD rendering should be used, if possible. More...
virtual double | GetLODRenderingThreshold () |
| Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which LOD rendering should be used, if possible. More...
virtual void | SetLODResolution (double) |
| Get/Set the LOD resolution. More...
virtual double | GetLODResolution () |
| Get/Set the LOD resolution. More...
virtual void | SetUseOutlineForLODRendering (bool) |
| When set to true, instead of using simplified geometry for LOD rendering, uses outline, if possible. More...
virtual bool | GetUseOutlineForLODRendering () |
| When set to true, instead of using simplified geometry for LOD rendering, uses outline, if possible. More...
void | SetUseLightKit (bool enable) |
| Enable/Disable light kit. More...
virtual bool | GetUseLightKit () |
| Enable/Disable light kit. More...
virtual void | UseLightKitOn () |
| Enable/Disable light kit. More...
virtual void | UseLightKitOff () |
| Enable/Disable light kit. More...
void | StreamingUpdate (const double view_planes[24]) |
void | DeliverStreamedPieces (unsigned int size, unsigned int *representation_ids) |
void | SelectCells (int region[4], const char *array=nullptr) |
| Make a selection. More...
void | SelectCells (int region0, int region1, int region2, int region3, const char *array=nullptr) |
| Make a selection. More...
void | SelectPoints (int region[4], const char *array=nullptr) |
| Make a selection. More...
void | SelectPoints (int region0, int region1, int region2, int region3, const char *array=nullptr) |
| Make a selection. More...
void | Select (int field_association, int region[4], const char *array=nullptr) |
| Make a selection. More...
void | SelectPolygonPoints (int *polygon2DArray, vtkIdType arrayLen) |
| Make a selection with a polygon. More...
void | SelectPolygonCells (int *polygon2DArray, vtkIdType arrayLen) |
| Make a selection with a polygon. More...
void | SelectPolygon (int field_association, int *polygon2DArray, vtkIdType arrayLen) |
| Make a selection with a polygon. More...
virtual vtkSelection * | GetLastSelection () |
| Provides access to the last selection. More...
virtual void | SetUseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots (bool) |
| Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots. More...
virtual void | UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshotsOn () |
| Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots. More...
virtual void | UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshotsOff () |
| Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots. More...
virtual bool | GetUseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots () |
| Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots. More...
virtual bool | GetRemoteRenderingAvailable () |
| Returns if remote-rendering is possible on the current group of processes. More...
void | RemoteRenderingAvailableOff () |
| Returns if remote-rendering is possible on the current group of processes. More...
void | NVPipeAvailableOn () |
| Determine if NVPipe is an available compressor option. More...
void | NVPipeAvailableOff () |
| Determine if NVPipe is an available compressor option. More...
virtual bool | GetUsedLODForLastRender () |
| Returns true if the most recent render used LOD. More...
void | SetLockBounds (bool nv) |
| Used by Cinema to enforce a consistent viewpoint and depth scaling. More...
virtual bool | GetLockBounds () |
| Used by Cinema to enforce a consistent viewpoint and depth scaling. More...
int | RegisterPropForHardwareSelection (vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkProp *prop) |
| Representations that support hardware (render-buffer based) selection, should register the prop that they use for selection rendering. More...
void | UnRegisterPropForHardwareSelection (vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkProp *prop) |
| Representations that support hardware (render-buffer based) selection, should register the prop that they use for selection rendering. More...
void | SetShowAnnotation (bool val) |
| Enable/disable showing of annotation for developers. More...
virtual void | SetUpdateAnnotation (bool) |
| Enable/disable showing of annotation for developers. More...
void | SetAnnotationColor (double r, double g, double b) |
| Set color of annotation text for developers. More...
virtual void | SetOrientationAxesInteractivity (bool) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
virtual void | SetOrientationAxesVisibility (bool) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesLabelColor (double r, double g, double b) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesOutlineColor (double r, double g, double b) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesXColor (double r, double g, double b) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesYColor (double r, double g, double b) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesZColor (double r, double g, double b) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesXVisibility (bool vis) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesYVisibility (bool vis) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesZVisibility (bool vis) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesXLabelText (const char *text) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesYLabelText (const char *text) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetOrientationAxesZLabelText (const char *text) |
| Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void | SetCameraOrientationWidgetVisibility (bool visible) |
| Forwarded to camera orientation widget. More...
void | SetCameraOrientationWidgetSize (int size) |
| Forwarded to camera orientation widget. More...
void | SetCameraOrientationWidgetPadding (int padding[2]) |
| Forwarded to camera orientation widget. More...
void | SetCameraOrientationWidgetAnchor (int anchor) |
| Forwarded to camera orientation widget. More...
void | SetKeyLightWarmth (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetKeyLightIntensity (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetKeyLightElevation (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetKeyLightAzimuth (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetFillLightWarmth (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetKeyToFillRatio (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetFillLightElevation (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetFillLightAzimuth (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetBackLightWarmth (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetKeyToBackRatio (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetBackLightElevation (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetBackLightAzimuth (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetHeadLightWarmth (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetKeyToHeadRatio (double val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void | SetMaintainLuminance (int val) |
| Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
virtual void | SetUseHiddenLineRemoval (bool) |
| Forward to 3D renderer. More...
virtual void | SetUseDepthPeeling (int val) |
| Forward to 3D renderer. More...
virtual void | SetUseDepthPeelingForVolumes (bool val) |
| Forward to 3D renderer. More...
virtual void | SetMaximumNumberOfPeels (int val) |
| Forward to 3D renderer. More...
virtual void | SetUseRenderViewSettingsForBackground (bool) |
| When set, background color and mode will be obtained from vtkPVRenderViewSettings. More...
virtual bool | GetUseRenderViewSettingsForBackground () |
| When set, background color and mode will be obtained from vtkPVRenderViewSettings. More...
virtual void | SetBackgroundColorMode (int) |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual void | SetBackground (double, double, double) |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual void | SetBackground (double [3]) |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual double * | GetBackground () |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual void | GetBackground (double &, double &, double &) |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual void | GetBackground (double [3]) |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual void | SetBackground2 (double, double, double) |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual void | SetBackground2 (double [3]) |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual double * | GetBackground2 () |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual void | GetBackground2 (double &, double &, double &) |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual void | GetBackground2 (double [3]) |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual void | SetUseEnvironmentLighting (bool) |
| API for background color selection. More...
virtual void | SetEnvironmentalBG (double r, double g, double b) |
| Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
virtual void | SetEnvironmentalBG2 (double r, double g, double b) |
| Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
virtual void | SetEnvironmentalBGTexture (vtkTexture *val) |
| Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
virtual void | SetGradientEnvironmentalBG (int val) |
| Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
virtual void | SetTexturedEnvironmentalBG (int val) |
| Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
virtual void | SetBackgroundMode (int val) |
| Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
void | AddLight (vtkLight *) |
| Entry point for dynamic lights. More...
void | RemoveLight (vtkLight *) |
| Entry point for dynamic lights. More...
void | SetStereoCapableWindow (int val) |
| Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
void | SetStereoRender (int val) |
| Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
virtual void | SetStereoType (int) |
| Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
virtual void | SetServerStereoType (int) |
| Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
void | SetMultiSamples (int val) |
| Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
void | SetAlphaBitPlanes (int val) |
| Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
void | SetStencilCapable (int val) |
| Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
virtual void | SetCamera2DManipulators (const int manipulators[9]) |
| Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual void | SetCamera3DManipulators (const int manipulators[9]) |
| Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
void | SetCameraManipulators (vtkPVInteractorStyle *style, const int manipulators[9]) |
| Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual void | SetReverseMouseWheelZoomDirection (bool reverse) |
| Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual void | SetMouseWheelZoomsToCursor (bool value) |
| Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual void | SetCamera2DMouseWheelMotionFactor (double factor) |
| Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual void | SetCamera3DMouseWheelMotionFactor (double factor) |
| Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual bool | GetUseLODForInteractiveRender () |
| Returns whether the view will use LOD rendering for the next InteractiveRender() call based on the geometry sizes determined by the most recent call to Update(). More...
virtual bool | GetUseDistributedRenderingForRender () |
| Returns whether the view will use distributed rendering for the next full-resolution render. More...
virtual bool | GetUseDistributedRenderingForLODRender () |
| Returns whether the view will use distributed rendering for the next low-resolution render. More...
virtual vtkTypeUInt32 | GetStillRenderProcesses () |
| Returns the processes (vtkPVSession::ServerFlags) that are to be involved in the next StillRender() call based on the decisions made during the most recent Update(). More...
virtual vtkTypeUInt32 | GetInteractiveRenderProcesses () |
| Returns the processes (vtkPVSession::ServerFlags) that are to be involved in the next InteractiveRender() call based on the decisions made during the most recent Update() and UpdateLOD(). More...
virtual void | SetUseFXAA (bool) |
| Enable/disable FXAA antialiasing. More...
virtual bool | GetUseFXAA () |
| Enable/disable FXAA antialiasing. More...
void | SetFXAARelativeContrastThreshold (double val) |
| FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void | SetFXAAHardContrastThreshold (double val) |
| FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void | SetFXAASubpixelBlendLimit (double val) |
| FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void | SetFXAASubpixelContrastThreshold (double val) |
| FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void | SetFXAAUseHighQualityEndpoints (bool val) |
| FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void | SetFXAAEndpointSearchIterations (int val) |
| FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void | SetUseToneMapping (bool v) |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
virtual bool | GetUseToneMapping () |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
void | SetToneMappingType (int) |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
void | SetExposure (double) |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
void | SetContrast (double) |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
void | SetShoulder (double) |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
void | SetMidIn (double) |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
void | SetMidOut (double) |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
void | SetHdrMax (double) |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
void | SetUseACES (bool) |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
void | SetGenericFilmicPresets (int t) |
| Tone Mapping options. More...
virtual void | SetUseSSAO (bool) |
| SSAO options. More...
virtual bool | GetUseSSAO () |
| SSAO options. More...
virtual void | SetUseSSAODefaultPresets (bool) |
| SSAO options. More...
virtual void | SetRadius (double) |
| SSAO options. More...
virtual void | SetKernelSize (int) |
| SSAO options. More...
virtual void | SetBias (double) |
| SSAO options. More...
virtual void | SetBlur (bool) |
| SSAO options. More...
void | AddPropToRenderer (vtkProp *prop) |
| Add props directly to the view. More...
void | RemovePropFromRenderer (vtkProp *prop) |
| Add props directly to the view. More...
bool | BeginValuePassForRendering (int fieldAssociation, const char *arrayName, int component) |
| Experimental API to grab re-colorable images. More...
void | EndValuePassForRendering () |
| Experimental API to grab re-colorable images. More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArray > | GrabValuePassResult () |
| Experimental API to grab re-colorable images. More...
void | CaptureZBuffer () |
| Access to the Z buffer. More...
vtkFloatArray * | GetCapturedZBuffer () |
| Access to the Z buffer. More...
void | SetEnableOSPRay (bool) |
| Switches between rasterization and ray tracing. More...
bool | GetEnableOSPRay () |
| Switches between rasterization and ray tracing. More...
void | SetShadows (bool) |
| Controls whether OSPRay sends casts shadow rays or not. More...
bool | GetShadows () |
| Controls whether OSPRay sends casts shadow rays or not. More...
void | SetAmbientOcclusionSamples (int) |
| Sets the number of occlusion query rays that OSPRay sends at each intersection. More...
int | GetAmbientOcclusionSamples () |
| Sets the number of occlusion query rays that OSPRay sends at each intersection. More...
void | SetRouletteDepth (int) |
| Sets the depth of monte carlo samples on the path tracer. More...
int | GetRouletteDepth () |
| Sets the depth of monte carlo samples on the path tracer. More...
void | SetSamplesPerPixel (int) |
| Set the number of primary rays that OSPRay shoots per pixel. More...
int | GetSamplesPerPixel () |
| Set the number of primary rays that OSPRay shoots per pixel. More...
void | SetMaxFrames (int) |
| Set the number of render passes OSPRay takes to accumulate subsampled color results. More...
int | GetMaxFrames () |
| Set the number of render passes OSPRay takes to accumulate subsampled color results. More...
void | SetDenoise (bool) |
| Controls whether to use image denoising to improve appearance. More...
bool | GetDenoise () |
| Controls whether to use image denoising to improve appearance. More...
void | SetLightScale (double) |
| Dimish or Amplify all lights in the scene. More...
double | GetLightScale () |
| Dimish or Amplify all lights in the scene. More...
void | SetBackgroundNorth (double x, double y, double z) |
| Control of background orientation for OSPRay. More...
void | SetBackgroundEast (double x, double y, double z) |
| Control of background orientation for OSPRay. More...
void | SetTimeCacheSize (int) |
| Set the size of OSPRay's temporal cache. More...
int | GetTimeCacheSize () |
| Set the size of OSPRay's temporal cache. More...
double * | ComputeVisibleBounds (vtkPVDataRepresentation *pvrepr) VTK_SIZEHINT(6) |
| Compute and reduce the visible bounds of the provided representation. More...
bool | IsForceDataDistributionModeSet () const |
| This is an temporary/experimental option and may be removed without notice. More...
int | GetForceDataDistributionMode () const |
| This is an temporary/experimental option and may be removed without notice. More...
void | PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override |
virtual void | SetPPI (int) |
| Description: Set the screen PPI. More...
virtual int | GetPPI () |
virtual bool | GetViewTimeValid () |
| Get ViewTimeValid. More...
void | Update () override |
| Overridden to not call Update() directly on the input representations, instead use ProcessViewRequest() for all vtkPVDataRepresentations. More...
bool | InTileDisplayMode () |
| Returns true if the application is currently in tile display mode. More...
bool | InCaveDisplayMode () |
| Returns true if the application is currently in cave/immersive display mode. More...
bool | GetLocalProcessSupportsInteraction () |
| Returns true if the local process can support interaction. More...
vtkRenderWindow * | GetRenderWindow () |
| If this view needs a render window (not all views may use one), this method can be used to get the render window associated with this view on the current process. More...
vtkMTimeType | GetUpdateTimeStamp () |
| Provides access to the time when Update() was last called. More...
virtual bool | IsCached (vtkPVDataRepresentation *) |
| Called in vtkPVDataRepresentation::ProcessViewRequest to check if the representation already has cached data. More...
virtual void | ClearCache (vtkPVDataRepresentation *) |
| Called by vtkPVDataRepresentation whenever vtkPVDataRepresentation::MarkModified is called. More...
virtual int * | GetPosition () |
| Set the position on this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual void | GetPosition (int &, int &) |
| Set the position on this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual void | GetPosition (int [2]) |
| Set the position on this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual int * | GetSize () |
| Set the size of this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual void | GetSize (int &, int &) |
| Set the size of this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual void | GetSize (int [2]) |
| Set the size of this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual double | GetViewTime () |
| Get/Set the time this view is showing. More...
virtual void | SetCacheKey (double) |
| Get/Set the cache key. More...
virtual double | GetCacheKey () |
| Get/Set the cache key. More...
virtual void | SetUseCache (bool) |
| Get/Set whether caching is enabled. More...
virtual bool | GetUseCache () |
| Get/Set whether caching is enabled. More...
virtual void | PrepareForScreenshot () |
| These methods are used to setup the view for capturing screen shots. More...
virtual void | CleanupAfterScreenshot () |
| These methods are used to setup the view for capturing screen shots. More...
void | SetTileScale (int x, int y) |
| When saving screenshots with tiling, these methods get called. More...
void | SetTileViewport (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1) |
| When saving screenshots with tiling, these methods get called. More...
virtual void | SetLogName (const std::string &name) |
| This is solely intended to simplify debugging and use for any other purpose is vehemently discouraged. More...
const std::string & | GetLogName () const |
| This is solely intended to simplify debugging and use for any other purpose is vehemently discouraged. More...
void | SetDeliveryManager (vtkPVDataDeliveryManager *) |
| Provides access to data delivery & cache manager for this view. More...
virtual vtkPVDataDeliveryManager * | GetDeliveryManager () |
| Provides access to data delivery & cache manager for this view. More...
vtkView * | NewInstance () const |
void | AddRepresentation (vtkDataRepresentation *rep) |
void | SetRepresentation (vtkDataRepresentation *rep) |
vtkDataRepresentation * | AddRepresentationFromInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *conn) |
vtkDataRepresentation * | SetRepresentationFromInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *conn) |
vtkDataRepresentation * | AddRepresentationFromInput (vtkDataObject *input) |
vtkDataRepresentation * | SetRepresentationFromInput (vtkDataObject *input) |
void | RemoveRepresentation (vtkDataRepresentation *rep) |
void | RemoveRepresentation (vtkAlgorithmOutput *rep) |
void | RemoveAllRepresentations () |
int | GetNumberOfRepresentations () |
vtkDataRepresentation * | GetRepresentation (int index=0) |
bool | IsRepresentationPresent (vtkDataRepresentation *rep) |
virtual void | ApplyViewTheme (vtkViewTheme *vtkNotUsed(theme)) |
vtkCommand * | GetObserver () |
void | RegisterProgress (vtkObject *algorithm, const char *message=NULL) |
void | UnRegisterProgress (vtkObject *algorithm) |
| vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase) |
virtual void | DebugOn () |
virtual void | DebugOff () |
bool | GetDebug () |
void | SetDebug (bool debugFlag) |
virtual void | Modified () |
virtual vtkMTimeType | GetMTime () |
void | RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event) |
void | RemoveAllObservers () |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f) |
vtkCommand * | GetCommand (unsigned long tag) |
void | RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
void | RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *) |
int | HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
unsigned long | AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f) |
int | InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData) |
int | InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData) |
const char * | GetClassName () const |
virtual void | Delete () |
virtual void | FastDelete () |
void | Print (ostream &os) |
virtual void | Register (vtkObjectBase *o) |
virtual void | UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o) |
void | SetReferenceCount (int) |
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
int | GetReferenceCount () |
void | PrintRevisions (ostream &) |
virtual void | PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
virtual void | PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) |
int | GetReferenceCount () |
void | PrintRevisions (ostream &) |
static vtkPVOrthographicSliceView * | New () |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkPVOrthographicSliceView * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
static vtkPVMultiSliceView * | New () |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkPVMultiSliceView * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
static void | SetAxisTitle (vtkInformation *info, int axis, const char *title) |
static void | SetDataBounds (vtkInformation *info, const double bounds[6]) |
static vtkPVRenderView * | New () |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkPVRenderView * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | USE_LOD () |
| USE_LOD indicates if LOD is being used for the current render/update. More...
static vtkInformationDoubleKey * | LOD_RESOLUTION () |
| Indicates the LOD resolution in REQUEST_UPDATE_LOD() pass. More...
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | USE_OUTLINE_FOR_LOD () |
| Indicates the LOD must use outline if possible in REQUEST_UPDATE_LOD() pass. More...
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | RENDER_EMPTY_IMAGES () |
| Representation can publish this key in their REQUEST_INFORMATION() pass to indicate that the representation needs to disable IceT's empty image optimization. More...
static vtkInformationIntegerKey * | NEED_ORDERED_COMPOSITING () |
| Representation can publish this key in their REQUEST_INFORMATION() pass to indicate that the representation needs ordered compositing. More...
static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey * | VIEW_PLANES () |
| Key used to pass meta-data about the view frustum in REQUEST_STREAMING_UPDATE() pass. More...
static vtkInformationRequestKey * | REQUEST_STREAMING_UPDATE () |
| Streaming pass request. More...
static vtkInformationRequestKey * | REQUEST_PROCESS_STREAMED_PIECE () |
| Pass to relay the streamed "piece" to the representations. More...
static void | SetDeliverToAllProcesses (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, bool clone) |
| Requests the view to deliver the pieces produced by the repr to all processes after a gather to the root node to merge the datasets generated by each process. More...
static void | SetDeliverToClientAndRenderingProcesses (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, bool deliver_to_client, bool gather_before_delivery, int port=0) |
| Requests the view to deliver the data to the client always. More...
static vtkAlgorithmOutput * | GetPieceProducer (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0) |
| Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static vtkAlgorithmOutput * | GetPieceProducerLOD (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0) |
| Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void | SetRedistributionMode (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int mode, int port=0) |
| Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void | SetRedistributionModeToSplitBoundaryCells (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0) |
| Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void | SetRedistributionModeToDuplicateBoundaryCells (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0) |
| Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void | SetRedistributionModeToUniquelyAssignBoundaryCells (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0) |
| Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void | SetGeometryBounds (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, const double bounds[6], vtkMatrix4x4 *transform=nullptr, int port=0) |
| Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void | SetStreamable (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, bool streamable) |
| Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void | SetNextStreamedPiece (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkDataObject *piece) |
| Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static vtkDataObject * | GetCurrentStreamedPiece (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr) |
| Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void | SetRequiresDistributedRendering (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, bool value, bool for_lod=false) |
| Some representation only work when remote rendering or local rendering. More...
static void | SetRequiresDistributedRenderingLOD (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, bool value) |
| Some representation only work when remote rendering or local rendering. More...
static vtkPVCameraCollection * | GetDiscreteCameras (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr) |
| DiscreteCameras are a collection of cameras when specified, forces the view to only interact to a camera in the collection. More...
static void | SetDiscreteCameras (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkPVCameraCollection *style) |
| DiscreteCameras are a collection of cameras when specified, forces the view to only interact to a camera in the collection. More...
static void | SetOrderedCompositingConfiguration (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int config, const double *bounds=nullptr, int port=0) |
| OrderedCompositingConfiguration lets representations indicate to the view how the representation participates in data-redistribution necessary when ordered-compositing is being used. More...
static void | SetForceDataDistributionMode (vtkInformation *info, int flag) |
| This is an temporary/experimental option and may be removed without notice. More...
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkPVView * | SafeDownCast (vtkObject *o) |
static void | SetEnableStreaming (bool) |
static bool | GetEnableStreaming () |
static vtkInformationObjectBaseKey * | VIEW () |
| Key used to pass the vtkPVView pointer to the representation during any of the view passes such as REQUEST_UPDATE(), REQUEST_UPDATE_LOD(), REQUEST_RENDER(), etc. More...
static vtkInformationRequestKey * | REQUEST_UPDATE () |
| This is a Update-Data pass. More...
static vtkInformationRequestKey * | REQUEST_UPDATE_LOD () |
| This is a Update-LOD-Data pass. More...
static vtkInformationRequestKey * | REQUEST_RENDER () |
| This is a render pass. More...
static void | SetPiece (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkDataObject *data, unsigned long trueSize=0, int port=0) |
static vtkDataObject * | GetPiece (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0) |
static vtkDataObject * | GetDeliveredPiece (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0) |
static void | SetPieceLOD (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkDataObject *data, unsigned long trueSize=0, int port=0) |
static vtkDataObject * | GetPieceLOD (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0) |
static vtkDataObject * | GetDeliveredPieceLOD (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0) |
static void | SetUseGenericOpenGLRenderWindow (bool val) |
| Use this to indicate that the process should use vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow rather than vtkRenderWindow when creating an new render window. More...
static bool | GetUseGenericOpenGLRenderWindow () |
| Use this to indicate that the process should use vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow rather than vtkRenderWindow when creating an new render window. More...
static vtkView * | New () |
static int | IsTypeOf (const char *type) |
static vtkView * | SafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o) |
static vtkObject * | New () |
static void | BreakOnError () |
static void | SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val) |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOn () |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOff () |
static int | GetGlobalWarningDisplay () |
static void | SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val) |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOn () |
static void | GlobalWarningDisplayOff () |
static int | GetGlobalWarningDisplay () |
static vtkTypeBool | IsTypeOf (const char *name) |
static vtkObjectBase * | New () |
static vtkObjectBase * | New () |