4 #ifndef vtkSMVRGrabPointStyleProxy_h 5 #define vtkSMVRGrabPointStyleProxy_h 8 #include "vtkPVIncubatorCAVEInteractionStylesModule.h" 55 #endif // vtkSMVRGrabPointStyleProxy_h
virtual void HandleButton(const vtkVREvent &event)
property representing a vector of integers
vtkNew< vtkMatrix4x4 > SavedModelViewMatrix
implementation for View that includes render window and renderers.
property representing a vector of doubles
virtual void HandleTracker(const vtkVREvent &event)
void PrintSelf(ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
vtkNew< vtkMatrix4x4 > SavedInverseWandMatrix
static vtkSMVRInteractorStyleProxy * New()
int GetControlledPropertySize() override
virtual bool Update()
Update() called to update all the remote vtkObjects and perhaps even to render.