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vtkPVRenderView Class Reference

Render View for ParaView. More...

#include <vtkPVRenderView.h>

Inheritance diagram for vtkPVRenderView:
Inheritance graph
Collaboration diagram for vtkPVRenderView:
Collaboration graph

Public Types

enum  InteractionModes {
 Defines various renderer types. More...
enum  BackgroundMode {
enum  GenericFilmicPresets { Custom = 0, Default = 1, Uncharted2 = 2 }
 Defines tone mapping generic filmic presets. More...
typedef vtkPVView Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkPVView
typedef vtkView Superclass
- Public Types inherited from vtkView
typedef vtkObject Superclass

Public Member Functions

virtual const char * GetClassName ()
virtual int IsA (const char *type)
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
virtual vtkRendererGetRenderer (int rendererType=DEFAULT_RENDERER)
 Returns the renderer given an int identifying its type. More...
vtkRenderWindowInteractorGetInteractor ()
 Returns the interactor. More...
virtual void SetupInteractor (vtkRenderWindowInteractor *)
 Set the interactor. More...
void StillRender () override
 Triggers a high-resolution render. More...
void InteractiveRender () override
 Triggers a interactive render. More...
void ConfigureCompressor (const char *configuration)
 Passes the compressor configuration to the client-server synchronizer, if any. More...
virtual void ResetCameraClippingRange ()
 Resets the clipping range. More...
void InvalidateCachedSelection ()
 Invalidates cached selection. More...
void SetMaxClipBounds (double bds[6])
 Used by Cinema to enforce a consistent depth scaling. More...
virtual void SetGridAxes3DActor (vtkPVGridAxes3DActor *)
 Set the vtkPVGridAxes3DActor to use for the view. More...
virtual void SetLegendGridActor (vtkLegendScaleActor *)
 Set the vtkLegendScaleActor to use for the view. More...
virtual void SetPolarGridActor (vtkPolarAxesActor2D *)
 Set the vtkPolarAxesActor to use for the view. More...
virtual void SetCenterAxesVisibility (bool)
 Forwarded to center axes. More...
void SetParallelProjection (int mode)
 Forward to vtkCamera. More...
virtual void SynchronizeGeometryBounds ()
 Synchronizes bounds information on all nodes and reset camera clipping planes. More...
void Update () override
 Overridden to synchronize information among processes whenever data changes. More...
virtual void UpdateLOD ()
 Asks representations to update their LOD geometries. More...
int GetDataDistributionMode (bool low_res)
 Returns the data distribution mode to use. More...
void Deliver (int use_lod, unsigned int size, unsigned int *representation_ids) override
 Called on all processes to request data-delivery for the list of representations. More...
bool GetUseOrderedCompositing ()
 Returns true when ordered compositing is needed on the current group of processes. More...
bool GetRenderEmptyImages ()
 Returns true when the compositor should not use the empty images optimization. More...
void CopyViewUpdateOptions (vtkPVRenderView *otherView)
 Copy internal fields that are used for rendering decision such as remote/local rendering, composite and so on. More...
bool GetOSPRayContinueStreaming ()
 Has OSPRay reached the max frames? More...
void SetOSPRayRendererType (std::string)
 Set the OSPRay renderer to use. More...
virtual void SetMaterialLibrary (vtkPVMaterialLibrary *)
 For OSPRay, set the library of materials. More...
void SetViewTime (double value) override
 Get/Set the time this view is showing. More...
virtual vtkRenderViewBaseGetRenderView ()
void ScaleRendererViewports (const double viewport[4]) override
 Overridden to scale the OrientationWidget appropriately. More...
void SynchronizeMaximumIds (vtkIdType *maxPointId, vtkIdType *maxCellId)
 This is used by vtkPVHardwareSelector to synchronize element ids between all ranks involved in selection. More...
void SetHardwareSelector (vtkPVHardwareSelector *selector)
virtual void SetInteractionMode (int mode)
 Get/Set the interaction mode. More...
virtual int GetInteractionMode ()
 Get/Set the interaction mode. More...
void SetSize (int, int) override
 Overridden to call InvalidateCachedSelection() whenever the render window parameters change. More...
void SetPosition (int, int) override
 Overridden to call InvalidateCachedSelection() whenever the render window parameters change. More...
virtual vtkRendererGetNonCompositedRenderer ()
 Gets the non-composited renderer for this view. More...
vtkCameraGetActiveCamera ()
 Get/Set the active camera. More...
virtual void SetActiveCamera (vtkCamera *)
 Get/Set the active camera. More...
virtual vtkPVInteractorStyleGetInteractorStyle ()
 Returns the interactor style. More...
void ResetCamera ()
 Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds. More...
void ResetCamera (double bounds[6])
 Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds. More...
void ResetCameraScreenSpace (double offsetRatio=0.9)
 Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds. More...
void ResetCameraScreenSpace (double *bounds, double offsetRatio=0.9)
 Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds. More...
virtual void SetSuppressRendering (bool)
 SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender. More...
virtual bool GetSuppressRendering ()
 SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender. More...
virtual void SuppressRenderingOn ()
 SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender. More...
virtual void SuppressRenderingOff ()
 SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender. More...
virtual void SetStillRenderImageReductionFactor (int)
 Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for StillRender(). More...
virtual int GetStillRenderImageReductionFactor ()
 Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for StillRender(). More...
virtual void SetInteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor (int)
 Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for InteractiveRender(). More...
virtual int GetInteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor ()
 Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for InteractiveRender(). More...
virtual void SetRemoteRenderingThreshold (double)
 Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which remote-rendering should be used, if possible. More...
virtual double GetRemoteRenderingThreshold ()
 Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which remote-rendering should be used, if possible. More...
virtual void SetLODRenderingThreshold (double)
 Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which LOD rendering should be used, if possible. More...
virtual double GetLODRenderingThreshold ()
 Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which LOD rendering should be used, if possible. More...
virtual void SetLODResolution (double)
 Get/Set the LOD resolution. More...
virtual double GetLODResolution ()
 Get/Set the LOD resolution. More...
virtual void SetUseOutlineForLODRendering (bool)
 When set to true, instead of using simplified geometry for LOD rendering, uses outline, if possible. More...
virtual bool GetUseOutlineForLODRendering ()
 When set to true, instead of using simplified geometry for LOD rendering, uses outline, if possible. More...
void SetUseLightKit (bool enable)
 Enable/Disable light kit. More...
virtual bool GetUseLightKit ()
 Enable/Disable light kit. More...
virtual void UseLightKitOn ()
 Enable/Disable light kit. More...
virtual void UseLightKitOff ()
 Enable/Disable light kit. More...
void StreamingUpdate (const double view_planes[24])
void DeliverStreamedPieces (unsigned int size, unsigned int *representation_ids)
void SelectCells (int region[4], const char *array=nullptr)
 Make a selection. More...
void SelectCells (int region0, int region1, int region2, int region3, const char *array=nullptr)
 Make a selection. More...
void SelectPoints (int region[4], const char *array=nullptr)
 Make a selection. More...
void SelectPoints (int region0, int region1, int region2, int region3, const char *array=nullptr)
 Make a selection. More...
void Select (int field_association, int region[4], const char *array=nullptr)
 Make a selection. More...
void SelectPolygonPoints (int *polygon2DArray, vtkIdType arrayLen)
 Make a selection with a polygon. More...
void SelectPolygonCells (int *polygon2DArray, vtkIdType arrayLen)
 Make a selection with a polygon. More...
void SelectPolygon (int field_association, int *polygon2DArray, vtkIdType arrayLen)
 Make a selection with a polygon. More...
virtual vtkSelectionGetLastSelection ()
 Provides access to the last selection. More...
virtual void SetUseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots (bool)
 Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots. More...
virtual void UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshotsOn ()
 Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots. More...
virtual void UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshotsOff ()
 Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots. More...
virtual bool GetUseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots ()
 Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots. More...
virtual bool GetRemoteRenderingAvailable ()
 Returns if remote-rendering is possible on the current group of processes. More...
void RemoteRenderingAvailableOff ()
 Returns if remote-rendering is possible on the current group of processes. More...
void NVPipeAvailableOn ()
 Determine if NVPipe is an available compressor option. More...
void NVPipeAvailableOff ()
 Determine if NVPipe is an available compressor option. More...
virtual bool GetUsedLODForLastRender ()
 Returns true if the most recent render used LOD. More...
void SetLockBounds (bool nv)
 Used by Cinema to enforce a consistent viewpoint and depth scaling. More...
virtual bool GetLockBounds ()
 Used by Cinema to enforce a consistent viewpoint and depth scaling. More...
int RegisterPropForHardwareSelection (vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkProp *prop)
 Representations that support hardware (render-buffer based) selection, should register the prop that they use for selection rendering. More...
void UnRegisterPropForHardwareSelection (vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkProp *prop)
 Representations that support hardware (render-buffer based) selection, should register the prop that they use for selection rendering. More...
void SetShowAnnotation (bool val)
 Enable/disable showing of annotation for developers. More...
virtual void SetUpdateAnnotation (bool)
 Enable/disable showing of annotation for developers. More...
void SetAnnotationColor (double r, double g, double b)
 Set color of annotation text for developers. More...
virtual void SetOrientationAxesInteractivity (bool)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
virtual void SetOrientationAxesVisibility (bool)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesLabelColor (double r, double g, double b)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesOutlineColor (double r, double g, double b)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesXColor (double r, double g, double b)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesYColor (double r, double g, double b)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesZColor (double r, double g, double b)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesXVisibility (bool vis)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesYVisibility (bool vis)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesZVisibility (bool vis)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesXLabelText (const char *text)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesYLabelText (const char *text)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetOrientationAxesZLabelText (const char *text)
 Forwarded to orientation axes widget. More...
void SetCameraOrientationWidgetVisibility (bool visible)
 Forwarded to camera orientation widget. More...
void SetCameraOrientationWidgetSize (int size)
 Forwarded to camera orientation widget. More...
void SetCameraOrientationWidgetPadding (int padding[2])
 Forwarded to camera orientation widget. More...
void SetCameraOrientationWidgetAnchor (int anchor)
 Forwarded to camera orientation widget. More...
virtual void SetCenterOfRotation (double x, double y, double z)
 Forward to vtkPVInteractorStyle instances. More...
virtual void SetRotationFactor (double factor)
 Forward to vtkPVInteractorStyle instances. More...
void SetKeyLightWarmth (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetKeyLightIntensity (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetKeyLightElevation (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetKeyLightAzimuth (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetFillLightWarmth (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetKeyToFillRatio (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetFillLightElevation (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetFillLightAzimuth (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetBackLightWarmth (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetKeyToBackRatio (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetBackLightElevation (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetBackLightAzimuth (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetHeadLightWarmth (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetKeyToHeadRatio (double val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
void SetMaintainLuminance (int val)
 Forward to vtkLightKit. More...
virtual void SetUseHiddenLineRemoval (bool)
 Forward to 3D renderer. More...
virtual void SetUseDepthPeeling (int val)
 Forward to 3D renderer. More...
virtual void SetUseDepthPeelingForVolumes (bool val)
 Forward to 3D renderer. More...
virtual void SetMaximumNumberOfPeels (int val)
 Forward to 3D renderer. More...
virtual void SetBackgroundTexture (vtkTexture *val)
 Forward to 3D renderer. More...
virtual void SetUseRenderViewSettingsForBackground (bool)
 When set, background color and mode will be obtained from vtkPVRenderViewSettings. More...
virtual bool GetUseRenderViewSettingsForBackground ()
 When set, background color and mode will be obtained from vtkPVRenderViewSettings. More...
virtual void SetBackgroundColorMode (int)
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual void SetBackground (double, double, double)
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual void SetBackground (double [3])
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual doubleGetBackground ()
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual void GetBackground (double &, double &, double &)
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual void GetBackground (double [3])
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual void SetBackground2 (double, double, double)
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual void SetBackground2 (double [3])
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual doubleGetBackground2 ()
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual void GetBackground2 (double &, double &, double &)
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual void GetBackground2 (double [3])
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual void SetUseEnvironmentLighting (bool)
 API for background color selection. More...
virtual void SetEnvironmentalBG (double r, double g, double b)
 Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
virtual void SetEnvironmentalBG2 (double r, double g, double b)
 Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
virtual void SetEnvironmentalBGTexture (vtkTexture *val)
 Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
virtual void SetGradientEnvironmentalBG (int val)
 Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
virtual void SetTexturedEnvironmentalBG (int val)
 Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
virtual void SetBackgroundMode (int val)
 Entry point for environmental backgrounds. More...
void AddLight (vtkLight *)
 Entry point for dynamic lights. More...
void RemoveLight (vtkLight *)
 Entry point for dynamic lights. More...
void SetStereoCapableWindow (int val)
 Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
void SetStereoRender (int val)
 Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
virtual void SetStereoType (int)
 Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
virtual void SetServerStereoType (int)
 Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
void SetMultiSamples (int val)
 Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
void SetAlphaBitPlanes (int val)
 Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
void SetStencilCapable (int val)
 Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
void SetPhysicalToWorldMatrix (const double[16])
 Forward to vtkRenderWindow. More...
virtual void SetCamera2DManipulators (const int manipulators[9])
 Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual void SetCamera3DManipulators (const int manipulators[9])
 Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
void SetCameraManipulators (vtkPVInteractorStyle *style, const int manipulators[9])
 Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual void SetReverseMouseWheelZoomDirection (bool reverse)
 Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual void SetMouseWheelZoomsToCursor (bool value)
 Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual void SetCamera2DMouseWheelMotionFactor (double factor)
 Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual void SetCamera3DMouseWheelMotionFactor (double factor)
 Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes. More...
virtual bool GetUseLODForInteractiveRender ()
 Returns whether the view will use LOD rendering for the next InteractiveRender() call based on the geometry sizes determined by the most recent call to Update(). More...
virtual bool GetUseDistributedRenderingForRender ()
 Returns whether the view will use distributed rendering for the next full-resolution render. More...
virtual bool GetUseDistributedRenderingForLODRender ()
 Returns whether the view will use distributed rendering for the next low-resolution render. More...
virtual vtkTypeUInt32 GetStillRenderProcesses ()
 Returns the processes (vtkPVSession::ServerFlags) that are to be involved in the next StillRender() call based on the decisions made during the most recent Update(). More...
virtual vtkTypeUInt32 GetInteractiveRenderProcesses ()
 Returns the processes (vtkPVSession::ServerFlags) that are to be involved in the next InteractiveRender() call based on the decisions made during the most recent Update() and UpdateLOD(). More...
virtual void SetUseFXAA (bool)
 Enable/disable FXAA antialiasing. More...
virtual bool GetUseFXAA ()
 Enable/disable FXAA antialiasing. More...
void SetFXAARelativeContrastThreshold (double val)
 FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void SetFXAAHardContrastThreshold (double val)
 FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void SetFXAASubpixelBlendLimit (double val)
 FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void SetFXAASubpixelContrastThreshold (double val)
 FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void SetFXAAUseHighQualityEndpoints (bool val)
 FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void SetFXAAEndpointSearchIterations (int val)
 FXAA tunable parameters. More...
void SetUseToneMapping (bool v)
 Tone Mapping options. More...
virtual bool GetUseToneMapping ()
 Tone Mapping options. More...
void SetToneMappingType (int)
 Tone Mapping options. More...
void SetExposure (double)
 Tone Mapping options. More...
void SetContrast (double)
 Tone Mapping options. More...
void SetShoulder (double)
 Tone Mapping options. More...
void SetMidIn (double)
 Tone Mapping options. More...
void SetMidOut (double)
 Tone Mapping options. More...
void SetHdrMax (double)
 Tone Mapping options. More...
void SetUseACES (bool)
 Tone Mapping options. More...
void SetGenericFilmicPresets (int t)
 Tone Mapping options. More...
virtual void SetUseSSAO (bool)
 SSAO options. More...
virtual bool GetUseSSAO ()
 SSAO options. More...
virtual void SetUseSSAODefaultPresets (bool)
 SSAO options. More...
virtual void SetRadius (double)
 SSAO options. More...
virtual void SetKernelSize (int)
 SSAO options. More...
virtual void SetBias (double)
 SSAO options. More...
virtual void SetBlur (bool)
 SSAO options. More...
void AddPropToRenderer (vtkProp *prop)
 Add props directly to the view. More...
void RemovePropFromRenderer (vtkProp *prop)
 Add props directly to the view. More...
bool BeginValuePassForRendering (int fieldAssociation, const char *arrayName, int component)
 Experimental API to grab re-colorable images. More...
void EndValuePassForRendering ()
 Experimental API to grab re-colorable images. More...
vtkSmartPointer< vtkFloatArrayGrabValuePassResult ()
 Experimental API to grab re-colorable images. More...
void CaptureZBuffer ()
 Access to the Z buffer. More...
vtkFloatArrayGetCapturedZBuffer ()
 Access to the Z buffer. More...
void SetEnableSynchronizableActors (bool)
 Turn on/off synchronizable actors. More...
bool GetEnableSynchronizableActors ()
 Turn on/off synchronizable actors. More...
void SetEnableOSPRay (bool)
 Switches between rasterization and ray tracing. More...
bool GetEnableOSPRay ()
 Switches between rasterization and ray tracing. More...
void SetShadows (bool)
 Controls whether OSPRay sends casts shadow rays or not. More...
bool GetShadows ()
 Controls whether OSPRay sends casts shadow rays or not. More...
void SetAmbientOcclusionSamples (int)
 Sets the number of occlusion query rays that OSPRay sends at each intersection. More...
int GetAmbientOcclusionSamples ()
 Sets the number of occlusion query rays that OSPRay sends at each intersection. More...
void SetRouletteDepth (int)
 Sets the depth of monte carlo samples on the path tracer. More...
int GetRouletteDepth ()
 Sets the depth of monte carlo samples on the path tracer. More...
void SetSamplesPerPixel (int)
 Set the number of primary rays that OSPRay shoots per pixel. More...
int GetSamplesPerPixel ()
 Set the number of primary rays that OSPRay shoots per pixel. More...
void SetMaxFrames (int)
 Set the number of render passes OSPRay takes to accumulate subsampled color results. More...
int GetMaxFrames ()
 Set the number of render passes OSPRay takes to accumulate subsampled color results. More...
void SetDenoise (bool)
 Controls whether to use image denoising to improve appearance. More...
bool GetDenoise ()
 Controls whether to use image denoising to improve appearance. More...
void SetLightScale (double)
 Dimish or Amplify all lights in the scene. More...
double GetLightScale ()
 Dimish or Amplify all lights in the scene. More...
void SetBackgroundNorth (double x, double y, double z)
 Control of background orientation for OSPRay. More...
void SetBackgroundEast (double x, double y, double z)
 Control of background orientation for OSPRay. More...
void SetTimeCacheSize (int)
 Set the size of OSPRay's temporal cache. More...
int GetTimeCacheSize ()
 Set the size of OSPRay's temporal cache. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkPVView
void PrintSelf (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent) override
virtual void SetPPI (int)
 Description: Set the screen PPI. More...
virtual int GetPPI ()
virtual bool GetViewTimeValid ()
 Get ViewTimeValid. More...
void Update () override
 Overridden to not call Update() directly on the input representations, instead use ProcessViewRequest() for all vtkPVDataRepresentations. More...
bool InTileDisplayMode ()
 Returns true if the application is currently in tile display mode. More...
bool InCaveDisplayMode ()
 Returns true if the application is currently in cave/immersive display mode. More...
bool GetLocalProcessSupportsInteraction ()
 Returns true if the local process can support interaction. More...
vtkRenderWindowGetRenderWindow ()
 If this view needs a render window (not all views may use one), this method can be used to get the render window associated with this view on the current process. More...
vtkMTimeType GetUpdateTimeStamp ()
 Provides access to the time when Update() was last called. More...
virtual bool IsCached (vtkPVDataRepresentation *)
 Called in vtkPVDataRepresentation::ProcessViewRequest to check if the representation already has cached data. More...
virtual void ClearCache (vtkPVDataRepresentation *)
 Called by vtkPVDataRepresentation whenever vtkPVDataRepresentation::MarkModified is called. More...
virtual intGetPosition ()
 Set the position on this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual void GetPosition (int &, int &)
 Set the position on this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual void GetPosition (int [2])
 Set the position on this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual intGetSize ()
 Set the size of this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual void GetSize (int &, int &)
 Set the size of this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual void GetSize (int [2])
 Set the size of this view in the multiview configuration. More...
virtual double GetViewTime ()
 Get/Set the time this view is showing. More...
virtual void SetCacheKey (double)
 Get/Set the cache key. More...
virtual double GetCacheKey ()
 Get/Set the cache key. More...
virtual void SetUseCache (bool)
 Get/Set whether caching is enabled. More...
virtual bool GetUseCache ()
 Get/Set whether caching is enabled. More...
virtual void PrepareForScreenshot ()
 These methods are used to setup the view for capturing screen shots. More...
virtual void CleanupAfterScreenshot ()
 These methods are used to setup the view for capturing screen shots. More...
void SetTileScale (int x, int y)
 When saving screenshots with tiling, these methods get called. More...
void SetTileViewport (double x0, double y0, double x1, double y1)
 When saving screenshots with tiling, these methods get called. More...
virtual void SetLogName (const std::string &name)
 This is solely intended to simplify debugging and use for any other purpose is vehemently discouraged. More...
const std::stringGetLogName () const
 This is solely intended to simplify debugging and use for any other purpose is vehemently discouraged. More...
void SetDeliveryManager (vtkPVDataDeliveryManager *)
 Provides access to data delivery & cache manager for this view. More...
virtual vtkPVDataDeliveryManagerGetDeliveryManager ()
 Provides access to data delivery & cache manager for this view. More...
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkView
vtkViewNewInstance () const
void AddRepresentation (vtkDataRepresentation *rep)
void SetRepresentation (vtkDataRepresentation *rep)
vtkDataRepresentationAddRepresentationFromInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *conn)
vtkDataRepresentationSetRepresentationFromInputConnection (vtkAlgorithmOutput *conn)
vtkDataRepresentationAddRepresentationFromInput (vtkDataObject *input)
vtkDataRepresentationSetRepresentationFromInput (vtkDataObject *input)
void RemoveRepresentation (vtkDataRepresentation *rep)
void RemoveRepresentation (vtkAlgorithmOutput *rep)
void RemoveAllRepresentations ()
int GetNumberOfRepresentations ()
vtkDataRepresentationGetRepresentation (int index=0)
bool IsRepresentationPresent (vtkDataRepresentation *rep)
virtual void ApplyViewTheme (vtkViewTheme *vtkNotUsed(theme))
vtkCommandGetObserver ()
void RegisterProgress (vtkObject *algorithm, const char *message=NULL)
void UnRegisterProgress (vtkObject *algorithm)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkBaseTypeMacro (vtkObject, vtkObjectBase)
virtual void DebugOn ()
virtual void DebugOff ()
bool GetDebug ()
void SetDebug (bool debugFlag)
virtual void Modified ()
virtual vtkMTimeType GetMTime ()
void RemoveObserver (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event)
void RemoveAllObservers ()
int HasObserver (unsigned long event)
int HasObserver (const char *event)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *, float priority=0.0f)
vtkCommandGetCommand (unsigned long tag)
void RemoveObserver (vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
void RemoveObservers (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (unsigned long event, vtkCommand *)
int HasObserver (const char *event, vtkCommand *)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(), float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, void(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
unsigned long AddObserver (unsigned long event, U observer, bool(T::*callback)(vtkObject *, unsigned long, void *), float priority=0.0f)
int InvokeEvent (unsigned long event, void *callData)
int InvokeEvent (const char *event, void *callData)
- Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
const char * GetClassName () const
virtual void Delete ()
virtual void FastDelete ()
void Print (ostream &os)
virtual void Register (vtkObjectBase *o)
virtual void UnRegister (vtkObjectBase *o)
void SetReferenceCount (int)
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
int GetReferenceCount ()
void PrintRevisions (ostream &)
virtual void PrintHeader (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
virtual void PrintTrailer (ostream &os, vtkIndent indent)
int GetReferenceCount ()
void PrintRevisions (ostream &)

Static Public Member Functions

static vtkPVRenderViewNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkPVRenderViewSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyUSE_LOD ()
 USE_LOD indicates if LOD is being used for the current render/update. More...
static vtkInformationDoubleKeyLOD_RESOLUTION ()
 Indicates the LOD resolution in REQUEST_UPDATE_LOD() pass. More...
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyUSE_OUTLINE_FOR_LOD ()
 Indicates the LOD must use outline if possible in REQUEST_UPDATE_LOD() pass. More...
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyRENDER_EMPTY_IMAGES ()
 Representation can publish this key in their REQUEST_INFORMATION() pass to indicate that the representation needs to disable IceT's empty image optimization. More...
static vtkInformationIntegerKeyNEED_ORDERED_COMPOSITING ()
 Representation can publish this key in their REQUEST_INFORMATION() pass to indicate that the representation needs ordered compositing. More...
static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKeyVIEW_PLANES ()
 Key used to pass meta-data about the view frustum in REQUEST_STREAMING_UPDATE() pass. More...
static vtkInformationRequestKeyREQUEST_STREAMING_UPDATE ()
 Streaming pass request. More...
static vtkInformationRequestKeyREQUEST_PROCESS_STREAMED_PIECE ()
 Pass to relay the streamed "piece" to the representations. More...
static void SetDeliverToAllProcesses (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, bool clone)
 Requests the view to deliver the pieces produced by the repr to all processes after a gather to the root node to merge the datasets generated by each process. More...
static void SetDeliverToClientAndRenderingProcesses (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, bool deliver_to_client, bool gather_before_delivery, int port=0)
 Requests the view to deliver the data to the client always. More...
static vtkAlgorithmOutputGetPieceProducer (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0)
 Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static vtkAlgorithmOutputGetPieceProducerLOD (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0)
 Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void SetRedistributionMode (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int mode, int port=0)
 Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void SetRedistributionModeToSplitBoundaryCells (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0)
 Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void SetRedistributionModeToDuplicateBoundaryCells (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0)
 Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void SetRedistributionModeToUniquelyAssignBoundaryCells (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0)
 Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void SetGeometryBounds (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, const double bounds[6], vtkMatrix4x4 *transform=nullptr, int port=0)
 Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void SetStreamable (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, bool streamable)
 Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void SetNextStreamedPiece (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkDataObject *piece)
 Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static vtkDataObjectGetCurrentStreamedPiece (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr)
 Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data. More...
static void SetRequiresDistributedRendering (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, bool value, bool for_lod=false)
 Some representation only work when remote rendering or local rendering. More...
static void SetRequiresDistributedRenderingLOD (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, bool value)
 Some representation only work when remote rendering or local rendering. More...
static vtkPVCameraCollectionGetDiscreteCameras (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr)
 DiscreteCameras are a collection of cameras when specified, forces the view to only interact to a camera in the collection. More...
static void SetDiscreteCameras (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkPVCameraCollection *style)
 DiscreteCameras are a collection of cameras when specified, forces the view to only interact to a camera in the collection. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkPVView
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkPVViewSafeDownCast (vtkObject *o)
static void SetEnableStreaming (bool)
static bool GetEnableStreaming ()
static vtkInformationObjectBaseKeyVIEW ()
 Key used to pass the vtkPVView pointer to the representation during any of the view passes such as REQUEST_UPDATE(), REQUEST_UPDATE_LOD(), REQUEST_RENDER(), etc. More...
static vtkInformationRequestKeyREQUEST_UPDATE ()
 This is a Update-Data pass. More...
static vtkInformationRequestKeyREQUEST_UPDATE_LOD ()
 This is a Update-LOD-Data pass. More...
static vtkInformationRequestKeyREQUEST_RENDER ()
 This is a render pass. More...
static void SetPiece (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkDataObject *data, unsigned long trueSize=0, int port=0)
static vtkDataObjectGetPiece (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0)
static vtkDataObjectGetDeliveredPiece (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0)
static void SetPieceLOD (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, vtkDataObject *data, unsigned long trueSize=0, int port=0)
static vtkDataObjectGetPieceLOD (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0)
static vtkDataObjectGetDeliveredPieceLOD (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int port=0)
static void SetUseGenericOpenGLRenderWindow (bool val)
 Use this to indicate that the process should use vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow rather than vtkRenderWindow when creating an new render window. More...
static bool GetUseGenericOpenGLRenderWindow ()
 Use this to indicate that the process should use vtkGenericOpenGLRenderWindow rather than vtkRenderWindow when creating an new render window. More...
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkView
static vtkViewNew ()
static int IsTypeOf (const char *type)
static vtkViewSafeDownCast (vtkObjectBase *o)
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
static vtkObjectNew ()
static void BreakOnError ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val)
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
static void SetGlobalWarningDisplay (int val)
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOn ()
static void GlobalWarningDisplayOff ()
static int GetGlobalWarningDisplay ()
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
static vtkTypeBool IsTypeOf (const char *name)
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()
static vtkObjectBaseNew ()

Protected Member Functions

 vtkPVRenderView ()
 ~vtkPVRenderView () override
virtual void Render (bool interactive, bool skip_rendering)
 Actual render method. More...
virtual void AboutToRenderOnLocalProcess (bool interactive)
 Called just before the local process renders. More...
bool ShouldUseDistributedRendering (double geometry_size, bool using_lod)
 Returns true if distributed rendering should be used based on the geometry size. More...
bool ShouldUseLODRendering (double geometry)
 Returns true if LOD rendering should be used based on the geometry size. More...
bool IsProcessRenderingGeometriesForCompositing (bool using_distributed_rendering)
 Returns true if the local process is invovled in rendering composited geometry i.e. More...
void SetLastSelection (vtkSelection *)
 Set the last selection object. More...
virtual void UpdateCenterAxes ()
 UpdateCenterAxes(). More...
bool GetLocalProcessDoesRendering (bool using_distributed_rendering)
 Returns true if the local process is doing to do actual render or displaying an image in a viewport. More...
bool TestCollaborationCounter ()
 In multi-clients mode, ensures that all processes are in the same "state" as far as the view is concerned. More...
void SynchronizeForCollaboration ()
 Synchronizes remote-rendering related parameters for collaborative rendering in multi-clients mode. More...
virtual void BuildAnnotationText (ostream &str)
 Method to build annotation text to annotate the view with runtime information. More...
virtual bool PrepareSelect (int fieldAssociation, const char *array=nullptr)
 Prepare for selection. More...
virtual void PostSelect (vtkSelection *sel, const char *array=nullptr)
 Post process after selection. More...
virtual void UpdateBackground (vtkRenderer *renderer=nullptr)
 Updates background color. More...
void ConfigureTexture (vtkTexture *texture)
 Configure texture based on scalar type. More...
virtual void SetupAndSetRenderer (vtkRenderer *ren)
 Set the 3D renderer to use within the render view. More...
virtual unsigned int GetSynchronizationCounter ()
 SynchronizationCounter is used in multi-clients mode to ensure that the views on two different clients are in the same state as the server side. More...
virtual bool GetMakingSelection ()
 Returns true is currently generating a selection. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkPVView
 vtkPVView (bool create_render_window=true)
 ~vtkPVView () override
vtkRenderWindowNewRenderWindow ()
 Subclasses should use this method to create new render windows instead of directly creating a new one. More...
void SetRenderWindow (vtkRenderWindow *)
 Subclasses can use this method to set the render window created for this view. More...
void AllReduce (const vtkBoundingBox &source, vtkBoundingBox &dest)
 Reduce bounding box between all participating processes. More...
void AllReduce (vtkTypeUInt64 source, vtkTypeUInt64 &dest, int operation, bool skip_data_server=false)
 Reduce between all participating processes using the operation (vtkCommunicator::StandardOperations) specified. More...
vtkPVSessionGetSession ()
virtual bool GetInCaptureScreenshot ()
 Flag set to true between calls to PrepareForScreenshot and CleanupAfterScreenshot. More...
void SynchronizeRepresentationTemporalPipelineStates ()
 Called in Update() to sync HasTemporalPipeline flags between representations on all processes. More...
void AddRepresentationInternal (vtkDataRepresentation *rep) override
 Overridden to assign IDs to each representation. More...
void RemoveRepresentationInternal (vtkDataRepresentation *rep) override
 Overridden to assign IDs to each representation. More...
int CallProcessViewRequest (vtkInformationRequestKey *passType, vtkInformation *request, vtkInformationVector *reply)
 Subclasses can use this method to trigger a pass on all representations. More...
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkView
virtual vtkObjectBaseNewInstanceInternal () const
 vtkView ()
 ~vtkView ()
virtual vtkDataRepresentationCreateDefaultRepresentation (vtkAlgorithmOutput *conn)
virtual void ProcessEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eventId, void *callData)
virtual void AddRepresentationInternal (vtkDataRepresentation *vtkNotUsed(rep))
virtual void RemoveRepresentationInternal (vtkDataRepresentation *vtkNotUsed(rep))
virtual void ProcessEvents (vtkObject *caller, unsigned long eventId, void *callData)
virtual void AddRepresentationInternal (vtkDataRepresentation *vtkNotUsed(rep))
virtual void RemoveRepresentationInternal (vtkDataRepresentation *vtkNotUsed(rep))
virtual void SetReuseSingleRepresentation (bool)
virtual bool GetReuseSingleRepresentation ()
virtual void ReuseSingleRepresentationOn ()
virtual void ReuseSingleRepresentationOff ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObject
 vtkObject ()
virtual ~vtkObject ()
void RegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) VTK_OVERRIDE
void UnRegisterInternal (vtkObjectBase *, vtkTypeBool check) VTK_OVERRIDE
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL)
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
void InternalGrabFocus (vtkCommand *mouseEvents, vtkCommand *keypressEvents=NULL)
void InternalReleaseFocus ()
- Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkObjectBase
 vtkObjectBase ()
virtual ~vtkObjectBase ()
virtual void CollectRevisions (ostream &)
virtual void ReportReferences (vtkGarbageCollector *)
 vtkObjectBase (const vtkObjectBase &)
void operator= (const vtkObjectBase &)

Protected Attributes

vtkSmartPointer< vtkRenderWindowInteractorInteractor
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPVHardwareSelectorSelector
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPVGridAxes3DActorGridAxes3DActor
vtkSmartPointer< vtkLegendScaleActorLegendGridActor
vtkSmartPointer< vtkPolarAxesActor2D > PolarAxesActor
vtkNew< vtkSkybox > Skybox
vtkNew< vtkCameraOrientationWidget > CameraOrientationWidget
int StillRenderImageReductionFactor
int InteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor
int InteractionMode
bool ShowAnnotation
bool UpdateAnnotation
bool SuppressRendering
bool ReverseMouseWheelZoomDirection = false
vtkWeakPointer< vtkPVCameraCollectionDiscreteCameras
unsigned int SynchronizationCounter
double RemoteRenderingThreshold
double LODRenderingThreshold
vtkBoundingBox GeometryBounds
bool UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots
bool NeedsOrderedCompositing
bool RenderEmptyImages
bool UseFXAA
vtkNew< vtkFXAAOptions > FXAAOptions
bool UseToneMapping
bool UseSSAO
bool UseSSAODefaultPresets
double Radius
int KernelSize
double Bias
bool Blur
double LODResolution
bool UseLightKit
bool UsedLODForLastRender
bool UseLODForInteractiveRender
bool UseOutlineForLODRendering
bool UseDistributedRenderingForRender
bool UseDistributedRenderingForLODRender
vtkTypeUInt32 StillRenderProcesses
vtkTypeUInt32 InteractiveRenderProcesses
vtkTimeStamp PriorityQueueBuildTimeStamp
 Keeps track of the time when the priority-queue for streaming was generated. More...
bool LockBounds
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkPVView
double ViewTime
double CacheKey
bool UseCache
int Size [2]
int Position [2]
int PPI
vtkTimeStamp UpdateTimeStamp
 Keeps track of the time when vtkPVRenderView::Update() was called. More...
 These are passed as arguments to vtkDataRepresentation::ProcessViewRequest(). More...
 These are passed as arguments to vtkDataRepresentation::ProcessViewRequest(). More...
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkView
bool ReuseSingleRepresentation
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObject
bool Debug
vtkTimeStamp MTime
vtkSubjectHelper * SubjectHelper
- Protected Attributes inherited from vtkObjectBase
vtkAtomicInt32 ReferenceCount
vtkWeakPointerBase ** WeakPointers
double LastRepresentationVisibleBounds [6]
 Compute and reduce the visible bounds of the provided representation. More...
doubleComputeVisibleBounds (vtkPVDataRepresentation *pvrepr) VTK_SIZEHINT(6)
 Compute and reduce the visible bounds of the provided representation. More...
 OrderedCompositingConfiguration lets representations indicate to the view how the representation participates in data-redistribution necessary when ordered-compositing is being used. More...
static void SetOrderedCompositingConfiguration (vtkInformation *info, vtkPVDataRepresentation *repr, int config, const double *bounds=nullptr, int port=0)
 OrderedCompositingConfiguration lets representations indicate to the view how the representation participates in data-redistribution necessary when ordered-compositing is being used. More...
static void SetForceDataDistributionMode (vtkInformation *info, int flag)
 This is an temporary/experimental option and may be removed without notice. More...
bool IsForceDataDistributionModeSet () const
 This is an temporary/experimental option and may be removed without notice. More...
int GetForceDataDistributionMode () const
 This is an temporary/experimental option and may be removed without notice. More...

Additional Inherited Members

- Static Protected Member Functions inherited from vtkPVView
static vtkPVDataDeliveryManagerGetDeliveryManager (vtkInformation *info)

Detailed Description

Render View for ParaView.

vtkRenderView equivalent that is specialized for ParaView. vtkRenderView handles polygonal rendering for ParaView in all the different modes of operation. vtkPVRenderView instance must be created on all involved processes. vtkPVRenderView uses the information about what process it has been created on to decide what part of the "rendering" happens on the process.

Definition at line 64 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

Member Typedef Documentation

◆ Superclass

Definition at line 69 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

Member Enumeration Documentation

◆ InteractionModes


Definition at line 72 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

Defines various renderer types.


Definition at line 119 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ anonymous enum

anonymous enum

OrderedCompositingConfiguration lets representations indicate to the view how the representation participates in data-redistribution necessary when ordered-compositing is being used.

These flags are meant to be combined together using bit-wise-OR.

If not specified, default is 0 i.e. the representation data will be left untouched. Except for trivial representations or representations that have their full rendering geometry available on all rendering ranks, this is not recommended.

DATA_IS_REDISTRIBUTABLE indicates that the view may redistribute the rendering data from this representation as needed. This is typical for representation rendering poly-data or unstructured grids.

USE_DATA_FOR_LOAD_BALANCING indicates that when building a sortable distribution for the data, it should use this representation data. If not set, the representation will not contribute to the algorithm that builds the kd-tree used to split data across rendering ranks.

USE_BOUNDS_FOR_REDISTRIBUTION may be used when the data is too heavy to move (i.e DATA_IS_REDISTRIBUTABLE is not true) and is already split across ranks in a sortable fashion. In that case, this indicates the view must use the spatial partitioning of this representation's data and move other data accordingly. This flag cannot be combined with DATA_IS_REDISTRIBUTABLE or USE_BOUNDS_FOR_REDISTRIBUTION.


Definition at line 499 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ BackgroundMode


Definition at line 708 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ GenericFilmicPresets

Defines tone mapping generic filmic presets.


Definition at line 900 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

◆ vtkPVRenderView()

vtkPVRenderView::vtkPVRenderView ( )

◆ ~vtkPVRenderView()

vtkPVRenderView::~vtkPVRenderView ( )

Member Function Documentation

◆ New()

static vtkPVRenderView* vtkPVRenderView::New ( )

◆ GetClassName()

virtual const char* vtkPVRenderView::GetClassName ( )

◆ IsTypeOf()

static int vtkPVRenderView::IsTypeOf ( const char *  type)

◆ IsA()

virtual int vtkPVRenderView::IsA ( const char *  type)

◆ SafeDownCast()

static vtkPVRenderView* vtkPVRenderView::SafeDownCast ( vtkObject o)

◆ PrintSelf()

void vtkPVRenderView::PrintSelf ( ostream &  os,
vtkIndent  indent 

Reimplemented from vtkView.

Reimplemented in vtkPVRenderViewWithEDL.

◆ SetInteractionMode()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetInteractionMode ( int  mode)

Get/Set the interaction mode.

Default is INTERACTION_MODE_3D. If INTERACTION_MODE_SELECTION is selected, then whenever the user drags and creates a selection region, this class will fire a vtkCommand::SelectionChangedEvent event with the selection region as the argument.

this must be called on all processes, however it will have any effect only the driver processes i.e. the process with the interactor.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.

◆ GetInteractionMode()

virtual int vtkPVRenderView::GetInteractionMode ( )

Get/Set the interaction mode.

Default is INTERACTION_MODE_3D. If INTERACTION_MODE_SELECTION is selected, then whenever the user drags and creates a selection region, this class will fire a vtkCommand::SelectionChangedEvent event with the selection region as the argument.

this must be called on all processes, however it will have any effect only the driver processes i.e. the process with the interactor.

◆ SetSize()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetSize ( int  ,

Overridden to call InvalidateCachedSelection() whenever the render window parameters change.

Reimplemented from vtkPVView.

◆ SetPosition()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetPosition ( int  ,

Overridden to call InvalidateCachedSelection() whenever the render window parameters change.

Reimplemented from vtkPVView.

◆ GetNonCompositedRenderer()

virtual vtkRenderer* vtkPVRenderView::GetNonCompositedRenderer ( )

Gets the non-composited renderer for this view.

This is typically used for labels, 2D annotations etc.


◆ GetRenderer()

virtual vtkRenderer* vtkPVRenderView::GetRenderer ( int  rendererType = DEFAULT_RENDERER)

Returns the renderer given an int identifying its type.

  • DEFAULT_RENDERER: returns the 3D renderer.
  • NON_COMPOSITED_RENDERER: returns the NonCompositedRenderer.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.

◆ GetActiveCamera()

vtkCamera* vtkPVRenderView::GetActiveCamera ( )

Get/Set the active camera.

The active camera is set on both the composited and non-composited renderer.

◆ SetActiveCamera()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetActiveCamera ( vtkCamera )

Get/Set the active camera.

The active camera is set on both the composited and non-composited renderer.

◆ GetInteractor()

vtkRenderWindowInteractor* vtkPVRenderView::GetInteractor ( )

Returns the interactor.

◆ SetupInteractor()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetupInteractor ( vtkRenderWindowInteractor )

Set the interactor.

Client applications must set the interactor to enable interactivity. Note this method will also change the interactor styles set on the interactor.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.

◆ GetInteractorStyle()

virtual vtkPVInteractorStyle* vtkPVRenderView::GetInteractorStyle ( )

Returns the interactor style.

◆ ResetCamera() [1/2]

void vtkPVRenderView::ResetCamera ( )

Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds.

OffsetRatio can be used to add a zoom offset.


◆ ResetCamera() [2/2]

void vtkPVRenderView::ResetCamera ( double  bounds[6])

Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds.

OffsetRatio can be used to add a zoom offset.


◆ ResetCameraScreenSpace() [1/2]

void vtkPVRenderView::ResetCameraScreenSpace ( double  offsetRatio = 0.9)

Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds.

OffsetRatio can be used to add a zoom offset.


◆ ResetCameraScreenSpace() [2/2]

void vtkPVRenderView::ResetCameraScreenSpace ( double bounds,
double  offsetRatio = 0.9 

Resets the active camera using collective prop-bounds.

OffsetRatio can be used to add a zoom offset.


◆ ComputeVisibleBounds()

double* vtkPVRenderView::ComputeVisibleBounds ( vtkPVDataRepresentation pvrepr)

Compute and reduce the visible bounds of the provided representation.

Uses LastRepresentationVisibleBounds to store the result until the next call.


◆ StillRender()

void vtkPVRenderView::StillRender ( )

Triggers a high-resolution render.

Can be called on processes involved in rendering i.e those returned by this->GetStillRenderProcesses().

Implements vtkPVView.

◆ InteractiveRender()

void vtkPVRenderView::InteractiveRender ( )

Triggers a interactive render.

Based on the settings on the view, this may result in a low-resolution rendering or a simplified geometry rendering.

Can be called on processes involved in rendering i.e those returned by this->GetInteractiveRenderProcesses().

Implements vtkPVView.

◆ SetSuppressRendering()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetSuppressRendering ( bool  )

SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender.

This is useful in cases where you want the representations mappers to be setup for rendering and have their data ready but not actually do the render. For example if you want to export the scene but not render it you must turn on SuppressRendering and then call StillRender

◆ GetSuppressRendering()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetSuppressRendering ( )

SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender.

This is useful in cases where you want the representations mappers to be setup for rendering and have their data ready but not actually do the render. For example if you want to export the scene but not render it you must turn on SuppressRendering and then call StillRender

◆ SuppressRenderingOn()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SuppressRenderingOn ( )

SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender.

This is useful in cases where you want the representations mappers to be setup for rendering and have their data ready but not actually do the render. For example if you want to export the scene but not render it you must turn on SuppressRendering and then call StillRender

◆ SuppressRenderingOff()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SuppressRenderingOff ( )

SuppressRendering can be used to suppress the render within a StillRender or InteractiveRender.

This is useful in cases where you want the representations mappers to be setup for rendering and have their data ready but not actually do the render. For example if you want to export the scene but not render it you must turn on SuppressRendering and then call StillRender

◆ SetStillRenderImageReductionFactor()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetStillRenderImageReductionFactor ( int  )

Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for StillRender().

This is typically set to 1, but in some cases with terrible connectivity or really large displays, one may want to use a sub-sampled image even for StillRender(). This is set it number of pixels to be sub-sampled by. Note that image reduction factors have no effect when in built-in mode.


◆ GetStillRenderImageReductionFactor()

virtual int vtkPVRenderView::GetStillRenderImageReductionFactor ( )

Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for StillRender().

This is typically set to 1, but in some cases with terrible connectivity or really large displays, one may want to use a sub-sampled image even for StillRender(). This is set it number of pixels to be sub-sampled by. Note that image reduction factors have no effect when in built-in mode.


◆ SetInteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetInteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor ( int  )

Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for InteractiveRender().

This is set it number of pixels to be sub-sampled by. Note that image reduction factors have no effect when in built-in mode.


◆ GetInteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor()

virtual int vtkPVRenderView::GetInteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor ( )

Get/Set the reduction-factor to use when for InteractiveRender().

This is set it number of pixels to be sub-sampled by. Note that image reduction factors have no effect when in built-in mode.


◆ SetRemoteRenderingThreshold()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetRemoteRenderingThreshold ( double  )

Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which remote-rendering should be used, if possible.


◆ GetRemoteRenderingThreshold()

virtual double vtkPVRenderView::GetRemoteRenderingThreshold ( )

Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which remote-rendering should be used, if possible.


◆ SetLODRenderingThreshold()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetLODRenderingThreshold ( double  )

Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which LOD rendering should be used, if possible.


◆ GetLODRenderingThreshold()

virtual double vtkPVRenderView::GetLODRenderingThreshold ( )

Get/Set the data-size in megabytes above which LOD rendering should be used, if possible.


◆ SetLODResolution()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetLODResolution ( double  )

Get/Set the LOD resolution.

This affects the size of the grid used for quadric clustering, for example. 1.0 implies maximum resolution while 0 implies minimum resolution.


◆ GetLODResolution()

virtual double vtkPVRenderView::GetLODResolution ( )

Get/Set the LOD resolution.

This affects the size of the grid used for quadric clustering, for example. 1.0 implies maximum resolution while 0 implies minimum resolution.


◆ SetUseOutlineForLODRendering()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseOutlineForLODRendering ( bool  )

When set to true, instead of using simplified geometry for LOD rendering, uses outline, if possible.

Note that not all representations support this mode and hence one may still see non-outline data being rendering when this flag is ON and LOD is being used.

◆ GetUseOutlineForLODRendering()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseOutlineForLODRendering ( )

When set to true, instead of using simplified geometry for LOD rendering, uses outline, if possible.

Note that not all representations support this mode and hence one may still see non-outline data being rendering when this flag is ON and LOD is being used.

◆ ConfigureCompressor()

void vtkPVRenderView::ConfigureCompressor ( const char *  configuration)

Passes the compressor configuration to the client-server synchronizer, if any.

This affects the image compression used to relay images back to the client. See vtkPVClientServerSynchronizedRenderers::ConfigureCompressor() for details.


◆ ResetCameraClippingRange()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::ResetCameraClippingRange ( )

Resets the clipping range.

One does not need to call this directly ever. It is called periodically by the vtkRenderer to reset the camera range.

◆ SetUseLightKit()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseLightKit ( bool  enable)

Enable/Disable light kit.


◆ GetUseLightKit()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseLightKit ( )

Enable/Disable light kit.


◆ UseLightKitOn()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::UseLightKitOn ( )

Enable/Disable light kit.


◆ UseLightKitOff()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::UseLightKitOff ( )

Enable/Disable light kit.


◆ StreamingUpdate()

void vtkPVRenderView::StreamingUpdate ( const double  view_planes[24])

◆ DeliverStreamedPieces()

void vtkPVRenderView::DeliverStreamedPieces ( unsigned int  size,
unsigned int representation_ids 


static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkPVRenderView::USE_LOD ( )

USE_LOD indicates if LOD is being used for the current render/update.


static vtkInformationDoubleKey* vtkPVRenderView::LOD_RESOLUTION ( )

Indicates the LOD resolution in REQUEST_UPDATE_LOD() pass.


static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkPVRenderView::USE_OUTLINE_FOR_LOD ( )

Indicates the LOD must use outline if possible in REQUEST_UPDATE_LOD() pass.


static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkPVRenderView::RENDER_EMPTY_IMAGES ( )

Representation can publish this key in their REQUEST_INFORMATION() pass to indicate that the representation needs to disable IceT's empty image optimization.

This is typically only needed if a painter will make use of MPI global collective communications.


static vtkInformationIntegerKey* vtkPVRenderView::NEED_ORDERED_COMPOSITING ( )

Representation can publish this key in their REQUEST_INFORMATION() pass to indicate that the representation needs ordered compositing.


static vtkInformationDoubleVectorKey* vtkPVRenderView::VIEW_PLANES ( )

Key used to pass meta-data about the view frustum in REQUEST_STREAMING_UPDATE() pass.

The value is a double vector with exactly 24 values.


static vtkInformationRequestKey* vtkPVRenderView::REQUEST_STREAMING_UPDATE ( )

Streaming pass request.


static vtkInformationRequestKey* vtkPVRenderView::REQUEST_PROCESS_STREAMED_PIECE ( )

Pass to relay the streamed "piece" to the representations.

◆ SelectCells() [1/2]

void vtkPVRenderView::SelectCells ( int  region[4],
const char *  array = nullptr 

Make a selection.

This will result in setting up of this->LastSelection which can be accessed using GetLastSelection().

This method is called on call rendering processes and client (or driver). Thus, if doing client only rendering, this shouldn't be called on server nodes.

◆ SelectCells() [2/2]

void vtkPVRenderView::SelectCells ( int  region0,
int  region1,
int  region2,
int  region3,
const char *  array = nullptr 

Make a selection.

This will result in setting up of this->LastSelection which can be accessed using GetLastSelection().

This method is called on call rendering processes and client (or driver). Thus, if doing client only rendering, this shouldn't be called on server nodes.

Definition at line 366 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ SelectPoints() [1/2]

void vtkPVRenderView::SelectPoints ( int  region[4],
const char *  array = nullptr 

Make a selection.

This will result in setting up of this->LastSelection which can be accessed using GetLastSelection().

This method is called on call rendering processes and client (or driver). Thus, if doing client only rendering, this shouldn't be called on server nodes.

◆ SelectPoints() [2/2]

void vtkPVRenderView::SelectPoints ( int  region0,
int  region1,
int  region2,
int  region3,
const char *  array = nullptr 

Make a selection.

This will result in setting up of this->LastSelection which can be accessed using GetLastSelection().

This method is called on call rendering processes and client (or driver). Thus, if doing client only rendering, this shouldn't be called on server nodes.

Definition at line 372 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ Select()

void vtkPVRenderView::Select ( int  field_association,
int  region[4],
const char *  array = nullptr 

Make a selection.

This will result in setting up of this->LastSelection which can be accessed using GetLastSelection().

This method is called on call rendering processes and client (or driver). Thus, if doing client only rendering, this shouldn't be called on server nodes.

◆ SelectPolygonPoints()

void vtkPVRenderView::SelectPolygonPoints ( int polygon2DArray,
vtkIdType  arrayLen 

Make a selection with a polygon.

The polygon2DArray should contain the polygon points in display units of (x, y) tuples, and arrayLen is the total length of polygon2DArray. This will result in setting up of this->LastSelection which can be accessed using GetLastSelection().

This method is called on call rendering processes and client (or driver). Thus, if doing client only rendering, this shouldn't be called on server nodes.

◆ SelectPolygonCells()

void vtkPVRenderView::SelectPolygonCells ( int polygon2DArray,
vtkIdType  arrayLen 

Make a selection with a polygon.

The polygon2DArray should contain the polygon points in display units of (x, y) tuples, and arrayLen is the total length of polygon2DArray. This will result in setting up of this->LastSelection which can be accessed using GetLastSelection().

This method is called on call rendering processes and client (or driver). Thus, if doing client only rendering, this shouldn't be called on server nodes.

◆ SelectPolygon()

void vtkPVRenderView::SelectPolygon ( int  field_association,
int polygon2DArray,
vtkIdType  arrayLen 

Make a selection with a polygon.

The polygon2DArray should contain the polygon points in display units of (x, y) tuples, and arrayLen is the total length of polygon2DArray. This will result in setting up of this->LastSelection which can be accessed using GetLastSelection().

This method is called on call rendering processes and client (or driver). Thus, if doing client only rendering, this shouldn't be called on server nodes.

◆ GetLastSelection()

virtual vtkSelection* vtkPVRenderView::GetLastSelection ( )

Provides access to the last selection.

This is valid only on the client or driver node displaying the composited result.

◆ SetUseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots ( bool  )

Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots.

◆ UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshotsOn()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshotsOn ( )

Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots.

◆ UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshotsOff()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshotsOff ( )

Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots.

◆ GetUseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots ( )

Set or get whether capture should be done as StillRender or InteractiveRender when capturing screenshots.

◆ GetRemoteRenderingAvailable()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetRemoteRenderingAvailable ( )

Returns if remote-rendering is possible on the current group of processes.

◆ RemoteRenderingAvailableOff()

void vtkPVRenderView::RemoteRenderingAvailableOff ( )

Returns if remote-rendering is possible on the current group of processes.

Definition at line 419 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ NVPipeAvailableOn()

void vtkPVRenderView::NVPipeAvailableOn ( )

Determine if NVPipe is an available compressor option.

◆ NVPipeAvailableOff()

void vtkPVRenderView::NVPipeAvailableOff ( )

Determine if NVPipe is an available compressor option.

◆ GetUsedLODForLastRender()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUsedLODForLastRender ( )

Returns true if the most recent render used LOD.

◆ InvalidateCachedSelection()

void vtkPVRenderView::InvalidateCachedSelection ( )

Invalidates cached selection.

Called explicitly when view proxy thinks the cache may have become obsolete.


◆ GetPieceProducer()

static vtkAlgorithmOutput* vtkPVRenderView::GetPieceProducer ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
int  port = 0 

Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data.

If trueSize is non-zero, then that's the size used in making decisions about LOD/remote rendering etc and not the actual size of the dataset.

◆ GetPieceProducerLOD()

static vtkAlgorithmOutput* vtkPVRenderView::GetPieceProducerLOD ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
int  port = 0 

Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data.

If trueSize is non-zero, then that's the size used in making decisions about LOD/remote rendering etc and not the actual size of the dataset.

◆ SetRedistributionMode()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetRedistributionMode ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
int  mode,
int  port = 0 

Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data.

If trueSize is non-zero, then that's the size used in making decisions about LOD/remote rendering etc and not the actual size of the dataset.

◆ SetRedistributionModeToSplitBoundaryCells()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetRedistributionModeToSplitBoundaryCells ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
int  port = 0 

Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data.

If trueSize is non-zero, then that's the size used in making decisions about LOD/remote rendering etc and not the actual size of the dataset.

◆ SetRedistributionModeToDuplicateBoundaryCells()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetRedistributionModeToDuplicateBoundaryCells ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
int  port = 0 

Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data.

If trueSize is non-zero, then that's the size used in making decisions about LOD/remote rendering etc and not the actual size of the dataset.

◆ SetRedistributionModeToUniquelyAssignBoundaryCells()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetRedistributionModeToUniquelyAssignBoundaryCells ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
int  port = 0 

Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data.

If trueSize is non-zero, then that's the size used in making decisions about LOD/remote rendering etc and not the actual size of the dataset.

◆ SetGeometryBounds()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetGeometryBounds ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
const double  bounds[6],
vtkMatrix4x4 transform = nullptr,
int  port = 0 

Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data.

If trueSize is non-zero, then that's the size used in making decisions about LOD/remote rendering etc and not the actual size of the dataset.

◆ SetStreamable()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetStreamable ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
bool  streamable 

Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data.

If trueSize is non-zero, then that's the size used in making decisions about LOD/remote rendering etc and not the actual size of the dataset.

◆ SetNextStreamedPiece()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetNextStreamedPiece ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
vtkDataObject piece 

Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data.

If trueSize is non-zero, then that's the size used in making decisions about LOD/remote rendering etc and not the actual size of the dataset.

◆ GetCurrentStreamedPiece()

static vtkDataObject* vtkPVRenderView::GetCurrentStreamedPiece ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr 

Convenience methods used by representations to pass represented data.

If trueSize is non-zero, then that's the size used in making decisions about LOD/remote rendering etc and not the actual size of the dataset.

◆ SetOrderedCompositingConfiguration()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrderedCompositingConfiguration ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
int  config,
const double bounds = nullptr,
int  port = 0 

OrderedCompositingConfiguration lets representations indicate to the view how the representation participates in data-redistribution necessary when ordered-compositing is being used.

These flags are meant to be combined together using bit-wise-OR.

If not specified, default is 0 i.e. the representation data will be left untouched. Except for trivial representations or representations that have their full rendering geometry available on all rendering ranks, this is not recommended.

DATA_IS_REDISTRIBUTABLE indicates that the view may redistribute the rendering data from this representation as needed. This is typical for representation rendering poly-data or unstructured grids.

USE_DATA_FOR_LOAD_BALANCING indicates that when building a sortable distribution for the data, it should use this representation data. If not set, the representation will not contribute to the algorithm that builds the kd-tree used to split data across rendering ranks.

USE_BOUNDS_FOR_REDISTRIBUTION may be used when the data is too heavy to move (i.e DATA_IS_REDISTRIBUTABLE is not true) and is already split across ranks in a sortable fashion. In that case, this indicates the view must use the spatial partitioning of this representation's data and move other data accordingly. This flag cannot be combined with DATA_IS_REDISTRIBUTABLE or USE_BOUNDS_FOR_REDISTRIBUTION.

◆ SetMaxClipBounds()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetMaxClipBounds ( double  bds[6])

Used by Cinema to enforce a consistent depth scaling.

Called with the global (visible and invisible) bounds at start of export.

◆ SetLockBounds()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetLockBounds ( bool  nv)

Used by Cinema to enforce a consistent viewpoint and depth scaling.

Prevents ParaView from changing depth scaling over course of an export.

◆ GetLockBounds()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetLockBounds ( )

Used by Cinema to enforce a consistent viewpoint and depth scaling.

Prevents ParaView from changing depth scaling over course of an export.

◆ SetDeliverToAllProcesses()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetDeliverToAllProcesses ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
bool  clone 

Requests the view to deliver the pieces produced by the repr to all processes after a gather to the root node to merge the datasets generated by each process.

◆ SetDeliverToClientAndRenderingProcesses()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetDeliverToClientAndRenderingProcesses ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
bool  deliver_to_client,
bool  gather_before_delivery,
int  port = 0 

Requests the view to deliver the data to the client always.

This is essential for representation that render in the non-composited views e.g. the text-source representation. If SetDeliverToAllProcesses() is true, this is redundant. gather_before_delivery can be used to indicate if the data on the server-nodes must be gathered to the root node before shipping to the client. If gather_before_delivery is false, only the data from the root node will be sent to the client without any parallel communication.

◆ SetRequiresDistributedRendering()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetRequiresDistributedRendering ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
bool  value,
bool  for_lod = false 

Some representation only work when remote rendering or local rendering.

Use this method in REQUEST_UPDATE() pass to tell the view if the representation requires a particular mode. Note, only use this to "require" a remote or local render. value == true indicates that the representation requires distributed rendering, value == false indicates the representation can only render property on the client or root node.

◆ SetRequiresDistributedRenderingLOD()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetRequiresDistributedRenderingLOD ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
bool  value 

Some representation only work when remote rendering or local rendering.

Use this method in REQUEST_UPDATE() pass to tell the view if the representation requires a particular mode. Note, only use this to "require" a remote or local render. value == true indicates that the representation requires distributed rendering, value == false indicates the representation can only render property on the client or root node.

Definition at line 556 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ SetForceDataDistributionMode()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetForceDataDistributionMode ( vtkInformation info,
int  flag 

This is an temporary/experimental option and may be removed without notice.

This is intended to be used within some experimental representations that require that all data being moved around uses a specific mode rather than the one automatically determined based on the process type. Set flag to -1 to clear. The flag is cleared in every vtkPVRenderView::Update() call, hence a representation must set it in vtkPVView::REQUEST_UPDATE() pass if needed each time. Also note, if the value it set to non-negative and is not equal to vtkMPIMoveData::PASS_THROUGH, ordered compositing will also be disabled.

◆ IsForceDataDistributionModeSet()

bool vtkPVRenderView::IsForceDataDistributionModeSet ( ) const

This is an temporary/experimental option and may be removed without notice.

This is intended to be used within some experimental representations that require that all data being moved around uses a specific mode rather than the one automatically determined based on the process type. Set flag to -1 to clear. The flag is cleared in every vtkPVRenderView::Update() call, hence a representation must set it in vtkPVView::REQUEST_UPDATE() pass if needed each time. Also note, if the value it set to non-negative and is not equal to vtkMPIMoveData::PASS_THROUGH, ordered compositing will also be disabled.

Definition at line 577 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ GetForceDataDistributionMode()

int vtkPVRenderView::GetForceDataDistributionMode ( ) const

This is an temporary/experimental option and may be removed without notice.

This is intended to be used within some experimental representations that require that all data being moved around uses a specific mode rather than the one automatically determined based on the process type. Set flag to -1 to clear. The flag is cleared in every vtkPVRenderView::Update() call, hence a representation must set it in vtkPVView::REQUEST_UPDATE() pass if needed each time. Also note, if the value it set to non-negative and is not equal to vtkMPIMoveData::PASS_THROUGH, ordered compositing will also be disabled.

Definition at line 578 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ RegisterPropForHardwareSelection()

int vtkPVRenderView::RegisterPropForHardwareSelection ( vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
vtkProp prop 

Representations that support hardware (render-buffer based) selection, should register the prop that they use for selection rendering.

They can do that in the vtkPVDataRepresentation::AddToView() implementation.

◆ UnRegisterPropForHardwareSelection()

void vtkPVRenderView::UnRegisterPropForHardwareSelection ( vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
vtkProp prop 

Representations that support hardware (render-buffer based) selection, should register the prop that they use for selection rendering.

They can do that in the vtkPVDataRepresentation::AddToView() implementation.

◆ SetShowAnnotation()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetShowAnnotation ( bool  val)

Enable/disable showing of annotation for developers.

◆ SetUpdateAnnotation()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUpdateAnnotation ( bool  )

Enable/disable showing of annotation for developers.

◆ SetAnnotationColor()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetAnnotationColor ( double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

Set color of annotation text for developers.

◆ SetGridAxes3DActor()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetGridAxes3DActor ( vtkPVGridAxes3DActor )

Set the vtkPVGridAxes3DActor to use for the view.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.

◆ SetLegendGridActor()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetLegendGridActor ( vtkLegendScaleActor )

Set the vtkLegendScaleActor to use for the view.

◆ SetPolarGridActor()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetPolarGridActor ( vtkPolarAxesActor2D *  )

Set the vtkPolarAxesActor to use for the view.

◆ SetOrientationAxesInteractivity()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesInteractivity ( bool  )

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesVisibility()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesVisibility ( bool  )

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesLabelColor()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesLabelColor ( double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesOutlineColor()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesOutlineColor ( double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesXColor()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesXColor ( double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesYColor()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesYColor ( double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesZColor()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesZColor ( double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesXVisibility()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesXVisibility ( bool  vis)

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesYVisibility()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesYVisibility ( bool  vis)

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesZVisibility()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesZVisibility ( bool  vis)

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesXLabelText()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesXLabelText ( const char *  text)

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesYLabelText()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesYLabelText ( const char *  text)

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetOrientationAxesZLabelText()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOrientationAxesZLabelText ( const char *  text)

Forwarded to orientation axes widget.

◆ SetCameraOrientationWidgetVisibility()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetCameraOrientationWidgetVisibility ( bool  visible)

Forwarded to camera orientation widget.

◆ SetCameraOrientationWidgetSize()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetCameraOrientationWidgetSize ( int  size)

Forwarded to camera orientation widget.

◆ SetCameraOrientationWidgetPadding()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetCameraOrientationWidgetPadding ( int  padding[2])

Forwarded to camera orientation widget.

◆ SetCameraOrientationWidgetAnchor()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetCameraOrientationWidgetAnchor ( int  anchor)

Forwarded to camera orientation widget.

◆ SetCenterAxesVisibility()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetCenterAxesVisibility ( bool  )

Forwarded to center axes.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.

◆ SetCenterOfRotation()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetCenterOfRotation ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Forward to vtkPVInteractorStyle instances.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.

◆ SetRotationFactor()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetRotationFactor ( double  factor)

Forward to vtkPVInteractorStyle instances.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.

◆ SetKeyLightWarmth()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetKeyLightWarmth ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetKeyLightIntensity()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetKeyLightIntensity ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetKeyLightElevation()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetKeyLightElevation ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetKeyLightAzimuth()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetKeyLightAzimuth ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetFillLightWarmth()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetFillLightWarmth ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetKeyToFillRatio()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetKeyToFillRatio ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetFillLightElevation()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetFillLightElevation ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetFillLightAzimuth()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetFillLightAzimuth ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetBackLightWarmth()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackLightWarmth ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetKeyToBackRatio()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetKeyToBackRatio ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetBackLightElevation()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackLightElevation ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetBackLightAzimuth()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackLightAzimuth ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetHeadLightWarmth()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetHeadLightWarmth ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetKeyToHeadRatio()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetKeyToHeadRatio ( double  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetMaintainLuminance()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetMaintainLuminance ( int  val)

Forward to vtkLightKit.

◆ SetUseHiddenLineRemoval()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseHiddenLineRemoval ( bool  )

Forward to 3D renderer.

◆ SetUseDepthPeeling()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseDepthPeeling ( int  val)

Forward to 3D renderer.

◆ SetUseDepthPeelingForVolumes()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseDepthPeelingForVolumes ( bool  val)

Forward to 3D renderer.

◆ SetMaximumNumberOfPeels()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetMaximumNumberOfPeels ( int  val)

Forward to 3D renderer.

◆ SetBackgroundTexture()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackgroundTexture ( vtkTexture val)

Forward to 3D renderer.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.

◆ SetUseRenderViewSettingsForBackground()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseRenderViewSettingsForBackground ( bool  )

When set, background color and mode will be obtained from vtkPVRenderViewSettings.

◆ GetUseRenderViewSettingsForBackground()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseRenderViewSettingsForBackground ( )

When set, background color and mode will be obtained from vtkPVRenderViewSettings.

◆ SetBackgroundColorMode()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackgroundColorMode ( int  )

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ SetBackground() [1/2]

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackground ( double  ,
double  ,

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ SetBackground() [2/2]

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackground ( double  [3])

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ GetBackground() [1/3]

virtual double* vtkPVRenderView::GetBackground ( )

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ GetBackground() [2/3]

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::GetBackground ( double ,
double ,

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ GetBackground() [3/3]

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::GetBackground ( double  [3])

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ SetBackground2() [1/2]

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackground2 ( double  ,
double  ,

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ SetBackground2() [2/2]

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackground2 ( double  [3])

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ GetBackground2() [1/3]

virtual double* vtkPVRenderView::GetBackground2 ( )

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ GetBackground2() [2/3]

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::GetBackground2 ( double ,
double ,

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ GetBackground2() [3/3]

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::GetBackground2 ( double  [3])

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ SetUseEnvironmentLighting()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseEnvironmentLighting ( bool  )

API for background color selection.

See also

◆ SetEnvironmentalBG()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetEnvironmentalBG ( double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

Entry point for environmental backgrounds.

◆ SetEnvironmentalBG2()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetEnvironmentalBG2 ( double  r,
double  g,
double  b 

Entry point for environmental backgrounds.

◆ SetEnvironmentalBGTexture()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetEnvironmentalBGTexture ( vtkTexture val)

Entry point for environmental backgrounds.

◆ SetGradientEnvironmentalBG()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetGradientEnvironmentalBG ( int  val)

Entry point for environmental backgrounds.

◆ SetTexturedEnvironmentalBG()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetTexturedEnvironmentalBG ( int  val)

Entry point for environmental backgrounds.

◆ SetBackgroundMode()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackgroundMode ( int  val)

Entry point for environmental backgrounds.

◆ AddLight()

void vtkPVRenderView::AddLight ( vtkLight )

Entry point for dynamic lights.

◆ RemoveLight()

void vtkPVRenderView::RemoveLight ( vtkLight )

Entry point for dynamic lights.

◆ SetStereoCapableWindow()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetStereoCapableWindow ( int  val)

Forward to vtkRenderWindow.

◆ SetStereoRender()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetStereoRender ( int  val)

Forward to vtkRenderWindow.

◆ SetStereoType()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetStereoType ( int  )

Forward to vtkRenderWindow.

◆ SetServerStereoType()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetServerStereoType ( int  )

Forward to vtkRenderWindow.

◆ SetMultiSamples()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetMultiSamples ( int  val)

Forward to vtkRenderWindow.

◆ SetAlphaBitPlanes()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetAlphaBitPlanes ( int  val)

Forward to vtkRenderWindow.

◆ SetStencilCapable()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetStencilCapable ( int  val)

Forward to vtkRenderWindow.

◆ SetPhysicalToWorldMatrix()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetPhysicalToWorldMatrix ( const double  [16])

Forward to vtkRenderWindow.

◆ SetParallelProjection()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetParallelProjection ( int  mode)

Forward to vtkCamera.

◆ SetCamera2DManipulators()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetCamera2DManipulators ( const int  manipulators[9])

Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes.

◆ SetCamera3DManipulators()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetCamera3DManipulators ( const int  manipulators[9])

Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes.

◆ SetCameraManipulators()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetCameraManipulators ( vtkPVInteractorStyle style,
const int  manipulators[9] 

Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes.

◆ SetReverseMouseWheelZoomDirection()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetReverseMouseWheelZoomDirection ( bool  reverse)

Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes.

◆ SetMouseWheelZoomsToCursor()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetMouseWheelZoomsToCursor ( bool  value)

Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes.

◆ SetCamera2DMouseWheelMotionFactor()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetCamera2DMouseWheelMotionFactor ( double  factor)

Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes.

◆ SetCamera3DMouseWheelMotionFactor()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetCamera3DMouseWheelMotionFactor ( double  factor)

Forwarded to vtkPVInteractorStyle if present on local processes.

◆ SynchronizeGeometryBounds()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SynchronizeGeometryBounds ( )

Synchronizes bounds information on all nodes and reset camera clipping planes.


◆ Update()

void vtkPVRenderView::Update ( )

Overridden to synchronize information among processes whenever data changes.

The vtkSMViewProxy ensures that this method is called only when something has changed on the view-proxy or one of its representations or their inputs. Hence it's okay to do some extra inter-process communication here.

Reimplemented from vtkView.

◆ UpdateLOD()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::UpdateLOD ( )

Asks representations to update their LOD geometries.

◆ GetUseLODForInteractiveRender()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseLODForInteractiveRender ( )

Returns whether the view will use LOD rendering for the next InteractiveRender() call based on the geometry sizes determined by the most recent call to Update().

◆ GetUseDistributedRenderingForRender()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseDistributedRenderingForRender ( )

Returns whether the view will use distributed rendering for the next full-resolution render.

This uses the full resolution geometry sizes as determined by the most recent call to Update.

◆ GetUseDistributedRenderingForLODRender()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseDistributedRenderingForLODRender ( )

Returns whether the view will use distributed rendering for the next low-resolution render.

This uses the low-resolution (or LOD) geometry sizes as determined by the most recent call to UpdateLOD.

◆ GetStillRenderProcesses()

virtual vtkTypeUInt32 vtkPVRenderView::GetStillRenderProcesses ( )

Returns the processes (vtkPVSession::ServerFlags) that are to be involved in the next StillRender() call based on the decisions made during the most recent Update().

◆ GetInteractiveRenderProcesses()

virtual vtkTypeUInt32 vtkPVRenderView::GetInteractiveRenderProcesses ( )

Returns the processes (vtkPVSession::ServerFlags) that are to be involved in the next InteractiveRender() call based on the decisions made during the most recent Update() and UpdateLOD().

◆ GetDataDistributionMode()

int vtkPVRenderView::GetDataDistributionMode ( bool  low_res)

Returns the data distribution mode to use.

◆ Deliver()

void vtkPVRenderView::Deliver ( int  use_lod,
unsigned int  size,
unsigned int representation_ids 

Called on all processes to request data-delivery for the list of representations.

Note this method has to be called on all processes or it may lead to deadlock.

Reimplemented from vtkPVView.

◆ GetUseOrderedCompositing()

bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseOrderedCompositing ( )

Returns true when ordered compositing is needed on the current group of processes.

Note that unlike most other functions, this may return different values on different processes e.g.

  • always false on client and dataserver
  • true on pvserver or renderserver if opacity < 1 or volume present, else false

◆ GetRenderEmptyImages()

bool vtkPVRenderView::GetRenderEmptyImages ( )

Returns true when the compositor should not use the empty images optimization.

◆ SetUseFXAA()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseFXAA ( bool  )

Enable/disable FXAA antialiasing.

◆ GetUseFXAA()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseFXAA ( )

Enable/disable FXAA antialiasing.

◆ SetFXAARelativeContrastThreshold()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetFXAARelativeContrastThreshold ( double  val)

FXAA tunable parameters.

See vtkFXAAOptions for details.

◆ SetFXAAHardContrastThreshold()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetFXAAHardContrastThreshold ( double  val)

FXAA tunable parameters.

See vtkFXAAOptions for details.

◆ SetFXAASubpixelBlendLimit()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetFXAASubpixelBlendLimit ( double  val)

FXAA tunable parameters.

See vtkFXAAOptions for details.

◆ SetFXAASubpixelContrastThreshold()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetFXAASubpixelContrastThreshold ( double  val)

FXAA tunable parameters.

See vtkFXAAOptions for details.

◆ SetFXAAUseHighQualityEndpoints()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetFXAAUseHighQualityEndpoints ( bool  val)

FXAA tunable parameters.

See vtkFXAAOptions for details.

◆ SetFXAAEndpointSearchIterations()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetFXAAEndpointSearchIterations ( int  val)

FXAA tunable parameters.

See vtkFXAAOptions for details.

◆ SetUseToneMapping()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseToneMapping ( bool  v)

Tone Mapping options.

◆ GetUseToneMapping()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseToneMapping ( )

Tone Mapping options.

◆ SetToneMappingType()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetToneMappingType ( int  )

Tone Mapping options.

◆ SetExposure()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetExposure ( double  )

Tone Mapping options.

◆ SetContrast()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetContrast ( double  )

Tone Mapping options.

◆ SetShoulder()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetShoulder ( double  )

Tone Mapping options.

◆ SetMidIn()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetMidIn ( double  )

Tone Mapping options.

◆ SetMidOut()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetMidOut ( double  )

Tone Mapping options.

◆ SetHdrMax()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetHdrMax ( double  )

Tone Mapping options.

◆ SetUseACES()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseACES ( bool  )

Tone Mapping options.

◆ SetGenericFilmicPresets()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetGenericFilmicPresets ( int  t)

Tone Mapping options.

◆ SetUseSSAO()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseSSAO ( bool  )

SSAO options.

◆ GetUseSSAO()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetUseSSAO ( )

SSAO options.

◆ SetUseSSAODefaultPresets()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetUseSSAODefaultPresets ( bool  )

SSAO options.

◆ SetRadius()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetRadius ( double  )

SSAO options.

◆ SetKernelSize()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetKernelSize ( int  )

SSAO options.

◆ SetBias()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetBias ( double  )

SSAO options.

◆ SetBlur()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetBlur ( bool  )

SSAO options.

◆ CopyViewUpdateOptions()

void vtkPVRenderView::CopyViewUpdateOptions ( vtkPVRenderView otherView)

Copy internal fields that are used for rendering decision such as remote/local rendering, composite and so on.

This method was introduced for the quad view so internal views could use the decision that were made in the main view.

◆ AddPropToRenderer()

void vtkPVRenderView::AddPropToRenderer ( vtkProp prop)

Add props directly to the view.

◆ RemovePropFromRenderer()

void vtkPVRenderView::RemovePropFromRenderer ( vtkProp prop)

Add props directly to the view.

◆ BeginValuePassForRendering()

bool vtkPVRenderView::BeginValuePassForRendering ( int  fieldAssociation,
const char *  arrayName,
int  component 

Experimental API to grab re-colorable images.

Between BeginValuePassForRendering and EndValuePassForRendering calls, all renders will end up using vtkValuePass for rendering instead of the standard rendering passes that generate results on screen.

GrabValuePassResult must be called between BeginValuePassForRendering and EndValuePassForRendering. Returns the vtkFloatArray grabbed by vtkValuePass.

This API is not intended for remote-rendering use-cases. Thus only supported in client-only and pvbatch (or in situ) cases. That's the reason why we are exposing this directly on the vtkPVRenderView rather accessing it via a proxy.

◆ EndValuePassForRendering()

void vtkPVRenderView::EndValuePassForRendering ( )

Experimental API to grab re-colorable images.

Between BeginValuePassForRendering and EndValuePassForRendering calls, all renders will end up using vtkValuePass for rendering instead of the standard rendering passes that generate results on screen.

GrabValuePassResult must be called between BeginValuePassForRendering and EndValuePassForRendering. Returns the vtkFloatArray grabbed by vtkValuePass.

This API is not intended for remote-rendering use-cases. Thus only supported in client-only and pvbatch (or in situ) cases. That's the reason why we are exposing this directly on the vtkPVRenderView rather accessing it via a proxy.

◆ GrabValuePassResult()

vtkSmartPointer<vtkFloatArray> vtkPVRenderView::GrabValuePassResult ( )

Experimental API to grab re-colorable images.

Between BeginValuePassForRendering and EndValuePassForRendering calls, all renders will end up using vtkValuePass for rendering instead of the standard rendering passes that generate results on screen.

GrabValuePassResult must be called between BeginValuePassForRendering and EndValuePassForRendering. Returns the vtkFloatArray grabbed by vtkValuePass.

This API is not intended for remote-rendering use-cases. Thus only supported in client-only and pvbatch (or in situ) cases. That's the reason why we are exposing this directly on the vtkPVRenderView rather accessing it via a proxy.

◆ CaptureZBuffer()

void vtkPVRenderView::CaptureZBuffer ( )

Access to the Z buffer.

◆ GetCapturedZBuffer()

vtkFloatArray* vtkPVRenderView::GetCapturedZBuffer ( )

Access to the Z buffer.

◆ SetEnableSynchronizableActors()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetEnableSynchronizableActors ( bool  )

Turn on/off synchronizable actors.

This is needed for immersive collaboration, (such as CAVEs) so that various types of vtkActor can be synchronized to all displays. It is off/disabled by default.

◆ GetEnableSynchronizableActors()

bool vtkPVRenderView::GetEnableSynchronizableActors ( )

Turn on/off synchronizable actors.

This is needed for immersive collaboration, (such as CAVEs) so that various types of vtkActor can be synchronized to all displays. It is off/disabled by default.

◆ SetEnableOSPRay()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetEnableOSPRay ( bool  )

Switches between rasterization and ray tracing.

◆ GetEnableOSPRay()

bool vtkPVRenderView::GetEnableOSPRay ( )

Switches between rasterization and ray tracing.

◆ SetShadows()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetShadows ( bool  )

Controls whether OSPRay sends casts shadow rays or not.

◆ GetShadows()

bool vtkPVRenderView::GetShadows ( )

Controls whether OSPRay sends casts shadow rays or not.

◆ SetAmbientOcclusionSamples()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetAmbientOcclusionSamples ( int  )

Sets the number of occlusion query rays that OSPRay sends at each intersection.

◆ GetAmbientOcclusionSamples()

int vtkPVRenderView::GetAmbientOcclusionSamples ( )

Sets the number of occlusion query rays that OSPRay sends at each intersection.

◆ SetRouletteDepth()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetRouletteDepth ( int  )

Sets the depth of monte carlo samples on the path tracer.

◆ GetRouletteDepth()

int vtkPVRenderView::GetRouletteDepth ( )

Sets the depth of monte carlo samples on the path tracer.

◆ SetSamplesPerPixel()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetSamplesPerPixel ( int  )

Set the number of primary rays that OSPRay shoots per pixel.

◆ GetSamplesPerPixel()

int vtkPVRenderView::GetSamplesPerPixel ( )

Set the number of primary rays that OSPRay shoots per pixel.

◆ SetMaxFrames()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetMaxFrames ( int  )

Set the number of render passes OSPRay takes to accumulate subsampled color results.

◆ GetMaxFrames()

int vtkPVRenderView::GetMaxFrames ( )

Set the number of render passes OSPRay takes to accumulate subsampled color results.

◆ GetOSPRayContinueStreaming()

bool vtkPVRenderView::GetOSPRayContinueStreaming ( )

Has OSPRay reached the max frames?

◆ SetDenoise()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetDenoise ( bool  )

Controls whether to use image denoising to improve appearance.

◆ GetDenoise()

bool vtkPVRenderView::GetDenoise ( )

Controls whether to use image denoising to improve appearance.

◆ SetLightScale()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetLightScale ( double  )

Dimish or Amplify all lights in the scene.

◆ GetLightScale()

double vtkPVRenderView::GetLightScale ( )

Dimish or Amplify all lights in the scene.

◆ SetOSPRayRendererType()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetOSPRayRendererType ( std::string  )

Set the OSPRay renderer to use.

May be either scivis (default) or pathtracer.

◆ SetBackgroundNorth()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackgroundNorth ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Control of background orientation for OSPRay.

◆ SetBackgroundEast()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetBackgroundEast ( double  x,
double  y,
double  z 

Control of background orientation for OSPRay.

◆ SetMaterialLibrary()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetMaterialLibrary ( vtkPVMaterialLibrary )

For OSPRay, set the library of materials.

◆ SetViewTime()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetViewTime ( double  value)

Get/Set the time this view is showing.


Reimplemented from vtkPVView.

◆ SetTimeCacheSize()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetTimeCacheSize ( int  )

Set the size of OSPRay's temporal cache.

◆ GetTimeCacheSize()

int vtkPVRenderView::GetTimeCacheSize ( )

Set the size of OSPRay's temporal cache.

◆ GetDiscreteCameras()

static vtkPVCameraCollection* vtkPVRenderView::GetDiscreteCameras ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr 

DiscreteCameras are a collection of cameras when specified, forces the view to only interact to a camera in the collection.

In vtkPVView::REQUEST_UPDATE() pass, representations may request the view to use discrete cameras by providing a vtkPVCameraCollection to the view. Since multiple representations may be visible in the view, it's up to the representations how to handle multiple representations providing different styles.

When set, on each render, vtkPVRenderView will try to update the current camera to match a camera in the collection. During interacting, however, the snapping to a camera in the collection is only done when the snapped to camera is different from the previous. This avoids side effects on camera manipulators that simply update existing camera positions during interaction.

Since this is supposed to set in vtkPVView::REQUEST_UPDATE(), it is unset before the pass is triggered.
This is a new/experimental feature that was added to support viewing of Cinema databases in ParaView. As the support for Cinema in ParaView improve, this is likely to change.

◆ SetDiscreteCameras()

static void vtkPVRenderView::SetDiscreteCameras ( vtkInformation info,
vtkPVDataRepresentation repr,
vtkPVCameraCollection style 

DiscreteCameras are a collection of cameras when specified, forces the view to only interact to a camera in the collection.

In vtkPVView::REQUEST_UPDATE() pass, representations may request the view to use discrete cameras by providing a vtkPVCameraCollection to the view. Since multiple representations may be visible in the view, it's up to the representations how to handle multiple representations providing different styles.

When set, on each render, vtkPVRenderView will try to update the current camera to match a camera in the collection. During interacting, however, the snapping to a camera in the collection is only done when the snapped to camera is different from the previous. This avoids side effects on camera manipulators that simply update existing camera positions during interaction.

Since this is supposed to set in vtkPVView::REQUEST_UPDATE(), it is unset before the pass is triggered.
This is a new/experimental feature that was added to support viewing of Cinema databases in ParaView. As the support for Cinema in ParaView improve, this is likely to change.

◆ GetRenderView()

virtual vtkRenderViewBase* vtkPVRenderView::GetRenderView ( )

◆ ScaleRendererViewports()

void vtkPVRenderView::ScaleRendererViewports ( const double  viewport[4])

Overridden to scale the OrientationWidget appropriately.

Reimplemented from vtkPVView.

◆ SynchronizeMaximumIds()

void vtkPVRenderView::SynchronizeMaximumIds ( vtkIdType maxPointId,
vtkIdType maxCellId 

This is used by vtkPVHardwareSelector to synchronize element ids between all ranks involved in selection.

◆ SetHardwareSelector()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetHardwareSelector ( vtkPVHardwareSelector selector)

◆ Render()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::Render ( bool  interactive,
bool  skip_rendering 

Actual render method.

◆ AboutToRenderOnLocalProcess()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::AboutToRenderOnLocalProcess ( bool  interactive)

Called just before the local process renders.

This is only called on the nodes where the rendering is going to happen.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView, and vtkPVMultiSliceView.

Definition at line 1141 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ ShouldUseDistributedRendering()

bool vtkPVRenderView::ShouldUseDistributedRendering ( double  geometry_size,
bool  using_lod 

Returns true if distributed rendering should be used based on the geometry size.

using_lod will be true if this method is called to determine distributed rendering status for renders using lower LOD i.e when called in UpdateLOD().

◆ ShouldUseLODRendering()

bool vtkPVRenderView::ShouldUseLODRendering ( double  geometry)

Returns true if LOD rendering should be used based on the geometry size.

◆ IsProcessRenderingGeometriesForCompositing()

bool vtkPVRenderView::IsProcessRenderingGeometriesForCompositing ( bool  using_distributed_rendering)

Returns true if the local process is invovled in rendering composited geometry i.e.

geometry rendered in view that is composited together.

◆ SetLastSelection()

void vtkPVRenderView::SetLastSelection ( vtkSelection )

Set the last selection object.

◆ UpdateCenterAxes()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::UpdateCenterAxes ( )


Updates CenterAxes's scale and position.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.

◆ GetLocalProcessDoesRendering()

bool vtkPVRenderView::GetLocalProcessDoesRendering ( bool  using_distributed_rendering)

Returns true if the local process is doing to do actual render or displaying an image in a viewport.

◆ TestCollaborationCounter()

bool vtkPVRenderView::TestCollaborationCounter ( )

In multi-clients mode, ensures that all processes are in the same "state" as far as the view is concerned.

Returns false if that's not the case.

◆ SynchronizeForCollaboration()

void vtkPVRenderView::SynchronizeForCollaboration ( )

Synchronizes remote-rendering related parameters for collaborative rendering in multi-clients mode.

◆ BuildAnnotationText()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::BuildAnnotationText ( ostream &  str)

Method to build annotation text to annotate the view with runtime information.

◆ GetSynchronizationCounter()

virtual unsigned int vtkPVRenderView::GetSynchronizationCounter ( )

SynchronizationCounter is used in multi-clients mode to ensure that the views on two different clients are in the same state as the server side.

◆ GetMakingSelection()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::GetMakingSelection ( )

Returns true is currently generating a selection.

◆ PrepareSelect()

virtual bool vtkPVRenderView::PrepareSelect ( int  fieldAssociation,
const char *  array = nullptr 

Prepare for selection.

Returns false if it is currently generating a selection.

◆ PostSelect()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::PostSelect ( vtkSelection sel,
const char *  array = nullptr 

Post process after selection.

◆ UpdateBackground()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::UpdateBackground ( vtkRenderer renderer = nullptr)

Updates background color.

If no renderer is specified, then the default renderer returned by GetRenderer is used.

Reimplemented in vtkPVOrthographicSliceView.

◆ ConfigureTexture()

void vtkPVRenderView::ConfigureTexture ( vtkTexture texture)

Configure texture based on scalar type.

◆ SetupAndSetRenderer()

virtual void vtkPVRenderView::SetupAndSetRenderer ( vtkRenderer ren)

Set the 3D renderer to use within the render view.

This function modifies the input renderer in order to be usable by the render view.

Member Data Documentation

◆ LastRepresentationVisibleBounds

double vtkPVRenderView::LastRepresentationVisibleBounds[6]

Compute and reduce the visible bounds of the provided representation.

Uses LastRepresentationVisibleBounds to store the result until the next call.


Definition at line 182 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ LightKit

vtkLightKit* vtkPVRenderView::LightKit

Definition at line 1241 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ RenderView

vtkRenderViewBase* vtkPVRenderView::RenderView

Definition at line 1242 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ NonCompositedRenderer

vtkRenderer* vtkPVRenderView::NonCompositedRenderer

Definition at line 1243 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ SynchronizedRenderers

vtkPVSynchronizedRenderer* vtkPVRenderView::SynchronizedRenderers

Definition at line 1244 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ Interactor

vtkSmartPointer<vtkRenderWindowInteractor> vtkPVRenderView::Interactor

Definition at line 1245 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ RubberBandStyle

vtkInteractorStyleRubberBand3D* vtkPVRenderView::RubberBandStyle

Definition at line 1246 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ RubberBandZoom

vtkInteractorStyleRubberBandZoom* vtkPVRenderView::RubberBandZoom

Definition at line 1247 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ PolygonStyle

vtkInteractorStyleDrawPolygon* vtkPVRenderView::PolygonStyle

Definition at line 1248 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ CenterAxes

vtkPVCenterAxesActor* vtkPVRenderView::CenterAxes

Definition at line 1249 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ OrientationWidget

vtkPVAxesWidget* vtkPVRenderView::OrientationWidget

Definition at line 1250 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ Selector

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPVHardwareSelector> vtkPVRenderView::Selector

Definition at line 1251 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ LastSelection

vtkSelection* vtkPVRenderView::LastSelection

Definition at line 1252 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ GridAxes3DActor

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPVGridAxes3DActor> vtkPVRenderView::GridAxes3DActor

Definition at line 1253 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ LegendGridActor

vtkSmartPointer<vtkLegendScaleActor> vtkPVRenderView::LegendGridActor

Definition at line 1254 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ PolarAxesActor

vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolarAxesActor2D> vtkPVRenderView::PolarAxesActor

Definition at line 1255 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ Skybox

vtkNew<vtkSkybox> vtkPVRenderView::Skybox

Definition at line 1256 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ CameraOrientationWidget

vtkNew<vtkCameraOrientationWidget> vtkPVRenderView::CameraOrientationWidget

Definition at line 1257 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ StillRenderImageReductionFactor

int vtkPVRenderView::StillRenderImageReductionFactor

Definition at line 1259 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ InteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor

int vtkPVRenderView::InteractiveRenderImageReductionFactor

Definition at line 1260 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ InteractionMode

int vtkPVRenderView::InteractionMode

Definition at line 1261 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ ShowAnnotation

bool vtkPVRenderView::ShowAnnotation

Definition at line 1262 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ UpdateAnnotation

bool vtkPVRenderView::UpdateAnnotation

Definition at line 1263 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ SuppressRendering

bool vtkPVRenderView::SuppressRendering

Definition at line 1272 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ TwoDInteractorStyle

vtkPVInteractorStyle* vtkPVRenderView::TwoDInteractorStyle

Definition at line 1275 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ ThreeDInteractorStyle

vtkPVInteractorStyle* vtkPVRenderView::ThreeDInteractorStyle

Definition at line 1276 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ ReverseMouseWheelZoomDirection

bool vtkPVRenderView::ReverseMouseWheelZoomDirection = false

Definition at line 1278 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ InteractorStyle

vtkPVInteractorStyle* vtkPVRenderView::InteractorStyle

Definition at line 1281 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ DiscreteCameras

vtkWeakPointer<vtkPVCameraCollection> vtkPVRenderView::DiscreteCameras

Definition at line 1283 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ SynchronizationCounter

unsigned int vtkPVRenderView::SynchronizationCounter

Definition at line 1287 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ RemoteRenderingThreshold

double vtkPVRenderView::RemoteRenderingThreshold

Definition at line 1290 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ LODRenderingThreshold

double vtkPVRenderView::LODRenderingThreshold

Definition at line 1291 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ GeometryBounds

vtkBoundingBox vtkPVRenderView::GeometryBounds

Definition at line 1292 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots

bool vtkPVRenderView::UseInteractiveRenderingForScreenshots

Definition at line 1294 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ NeedsOrderedCompositing

bool vtkPVRenderView::NeedsOrderedCompositing

Definition at line 1295 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ RenderEmptyImages

bool vtkPVRenderView::RenderEmptyImages

Definition at line 1296 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.


bool vtkPVRenderView::UseFXAA

Definition at line 1298 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ FXAAOptions

vtkNew<vtkFXAAOptions> vtkPVRenderView::FXAAOptions

Definition at line 1299 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ UseToneMapping

bool vtkPVRenderView::UseToneMapping

Definition at line 1301 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.


bool vtkPVRenderView::UseSSAO

Definition at line 1303 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ UseSSAODefaultPresets

bool vtkPVRenderView::UseSSAODefaultPresets

Definition at line 1304 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ Radius

double vtkPVRenderView::Radius

Definition at line 1305 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ KernelSize

int vtkPVRenderView::KernelSize

Definition at line 1306 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ Bias

double vtkPVRenderView::Bias

Definition at line 1307 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ Blur

bool vtkPVRenderView::Blur

Definition at line 1308 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ LODResolution

double vtkPVRenderView::LODResolution

Definition at line 1310 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ UseLightKit

bool vtkPVRenderView::UseLightKit

Definition at line 1311 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ UsedLODForLastRender

bool vtkPVRenderView::UsedLODForLastRender

Definition at line 1313 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ UseLODForInteractiveRender

bool vtkPVRenderView::UseLODForInteractiveRender

Definition at line 1314 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ UseOutlineForLODRendering

bool vtkPVRenderView::UseOutlineForLODRendering

Definition at line 1315 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ UseDistributedRenderingForRender

bool vtkPVRenderView::UseDistributedRenderingForRender

Definition at line 1316 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ UseDistributedRenderingForLODRender

bool vtkPVRenderView::UseDistributedRenderingForLODRender

Definition at line 1317 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ StillRenderProcesses

vtkTypeUInt32 vtkPVRenderView::StillRenderProcesses

Definition at line 1319 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ InteractiveRenderProcesses

vtkTypeUInt32 vtkPVRenderView::InteractiveRenderProcesses

Definition at line 1320 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ PriorityQueueBuildTimeStamp

vtkTimeStamp vtkPVRenderView::PriorityQueueBuildTimeStamp

Keeps track of the time when the priority-queue for streaming was generated.

Definition at line 1326 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

◆ LockBounds

bool vtkPVRenderView::LockBounds

Definition at line 1328 of file vtkPVRenderView.h.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: